Welcome to the Employment Development Department

Taxpayer Advocate

The Office of the Taxpayer Rights Advocate is responsible for protecting California taxpayer rights during the taxation process. The Taxpayer Rights Advocate conducts several activities as part of this function.

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Taxpayer Advocate Office
Settlements Office
Tax Branch Internet

Taxpayer Advocate Office

If you are unable to resolve an employment tax problem with the assigned EDD representative and office manager, you may contact the Taxpayer Advocate Office for assistance.

The Taxpayer Advocate Office will review the issues and surrounding facts to make certain that the EDD has properly protected the rights of the taxpayer while also protecting the interests of the State. For more detailed information about your rights as a taxpayer and/or an employer, please review the Employers' Bill of Rights (DE 195)

To contact the Taxpayer Advocate Office, please call or write:

Tax Branch, MIC 93
Taxpayer Advocate Office
P. O. Box 826880
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
(866) 594-4177 / Fax (916) 654-6969

Settlements Office

The Settlements Office was established to allow employers and EDD to settle disputed liabilities, avoiding the risks and costs associated with prolonged litigation. To qualify for this program, a timely petition or claim for refund must have been filed as EDD may only enter into settlement agreements for nonfinal tax liabilities. Detailed information about the Settlements Program is available on the Information Sheet: Settlements Program (DE 231SP). If you have specific questions regarding the Settlements Program, you may contact the Settlements Office at:

Tax Branch, MIC 93
Settlements Office
P.O. Box 826880
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
(916) 653-9130 / Fax (916) 653-7986


The EDD seeks to assist taxpayers in complying with employment tax laws through forms and publication simplification. In addition, we ensure our Web site contains accurate information and that we notify the public of new information in a timely fashion.

We are interested in your comments and suggestions on how we can clarify and/or simplify the employment tax reporting process. Send your comments or suggestions to:

Tax Branch, MIC 93
Publications and Marketing Services Group
P.O. Box 826880
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
Fax (916) 654-6969

If you would like to contact us online, go to Ask EDD, select the category "Payroll Tax," then select the topic "Suggestion" or "Other."

The EDD also offers opportunities for the public to attend employer tax seminars.

Tax Branch Internet

The Tax Branch Internet Coordinator is responsible for EDD's online payroll tax information.

You may contact the Tax Branch Internet Coordinator at (916) 653-9356/Fax (916) 654-6969 about the content of the Employment Tax Web pages and to recommend changes or improvements.