In order to retrieve a CFR by citation, you must select a revision year
and fill in the TITLE, PART and FILE TYPE (Text, PDF, or Summary). You
must fill in EITHER a Section Number or a Subpart letter.
First, select the revision year by using the pull-down menu. CFR records
on GPO Access include 1996 to the present; the default is the most
recent year available, which depends on the revision date for the title
you wish to retrieve. Next, type the title, part, and section (or subpart)
in the boxes provided. Finally, select the type of file you wish to retrieve
by using the pull-down menu. Documents are available as ASCII text and
PDF files. Summary files are ASCII text files that include only the first
100 lines of a document.
When retrieving by CFR citation, the title, part, and section (or
subpart) must be known. For example: "20CFR404.140" refers to:
Revision Year: Based on preference
Title: 20
Part 404
Section 140
File Type: Based on preference
A service of the U.S. Government Printing
Last updated:
September 9, 2008
Page Name: