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About the Department Open for Business Press Room

One-Stop Travelers' Redress

Step 1

Should I use DHS TRIP?

Should I use DHS TRIP?

  • What is redress?
  • How do I know if I'm on a watch list?
  • Are there multiple watch lists?
  • How do I avoid secondary screening?
  • more
Next Step
Step 2

How to use DHS TRIP

How to use DHS TRIP

  • Make an inquiry online.
  • What about my privacy?
  • How do I get help with the online form?
  • more
Next Step
Step 3

After you apply

After your inquiry

  • What happens next?
  • Can I track my inquiry?
  • How do I get help with my case?
  • more

Links for Travelers

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More About Traveler Screening

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This page was last reviewed/modified on April 14, 2008.