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Drug Information

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Silence Isn't Golden; It's Permission
It's probably not just “going to come up,” but a conversation about the risks of drug use has to occur between you and your teen. The good news is that with a little practice and a little preparation, you will find that it's a conversation that gets easier over time and may save a life.

Facts about Marijuana
Teens & Technology
Girls and Drugs
Parenting of Teens Today
Inhalants in the Home
Pot and the Teen Brain
Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse

Safeguard your prescriptions; safeguard your teens. Where are teens getting Rx drugs? The search starts at home.

What can you do? Tips for preventing Rx drug abuse.
More Information On...
1. Marijuana
2. Dextromethorphan (DXM)
3. Ritalin®
4. Methamphetamine
5. Inhalants
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Online Exposure
Are you disconnected? Learn more about what your teens are doing online..

Dr. Drew Pinksy

Marijuana and Depression
Dr. Drew Pinsky offers advice and guidance for recognizing the signs of teen drug use and depression.


Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse
Find out what to watch for and how to talk to your teen about using over-the-counter drugs responsibly. Learn the signs and symptoms >>

Teens and Technology
Learn the latest on social networking, text messaging, and online lingo. Take a crash course in your teen’s tech world >>

Meth in America
Methamphetamine has become the most dangerous drug problem in small towns because it's cheap and easy to make. Learn more about meth >>

Subscribe to the Parenting "Tips" Newsletter
Want valuable insight on teens today? Advice on how to talk to your teen about difficult topics, like drugs, alcohol and other risky behaviors? Receive's bi-weekly newsletter for more information. Get resources >>

FREE Resource
Download or order Navigating the Teen Years: A Parent’s Handbook for Raising Healthy Teens.


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