Shrub Species of the World's Boreal Forests

World Boreal Trees

Terminology | Pictorial

Vaccinium parvifolium
Red Huckleberry
Ericaceae (Heath Family)

Also known as the Red Whortleberry. An erect deciduous shrub, growing up to a height of 3.5 m.

Red Huckleberry Description

Distinguishing Features - Leaves: alternate, simple, elliptical. Flowers: varying small to large, often showy, bisexual, regular or slightly irregular, with 4- to 7-lobed calyx, usually persisting on fruit; corolla of 4 to 7 lobes or petals, bell- or funnel-shaped, 8 to 10 stamens from a disk, and a single pistil with superior or inferior ovary of usually five cells and many ovules and a single style. Fruit: a red berry.


Southeastern Alaska southward through British Columbia to central California; primarily in coastal regions; on acidic soils.

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