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Curriculum Units

Astroventure is an educational, interactive, multimedia Web environment highlighting NASA careers and astrobiology research in the areas of Astronomy, Geology, Biology and Atmospheric Sciences. Students in grades 5-8 are transported to the future where they role play NASA occupations and use scientific inquiry, as they search for and build a planet with the necessary characteristics for human habitation. Supporting activities include chats and Webcasts with NASA experts, online collaborations, classroom lessons, student publishing area and occupation fact sheets and trading cards.

Female Frontiers curriculum These educational activities were designed for our Female Frontiers series honoring Commander Eileen Collins as NASA's firt female space shuttle commander. They include three focus areas: Shuttle Aeronautics, Women's Work,and Commander Collins and are cross-curricular, including social studies, science, language arts and mathematics. The Teachers Desk section consists of student activity sheets, student readings, student guide sheets and student worksheets that can be used to complement the information and activities found at the Female Frontiers site.

Specific to Women's Roles and Changes in the workplace, the Woman's Work section of Female Frontiers includes three sections dealing with these issues: Continuity and Change in Her Work, Redefining Woman's Work, and Female Aviation Firsts Timeline. Printable student activities are also available to supplement the online curriculum.

The National Coalition of Girls' Schools and The National Science Foundation have a series of resources on girls and technology. Included are an idea book, a video and resource guide which include tips for parents and teachers, technology in the classroom, girls on the net, girls and computer games, girls and work in the 21st century, lesson plans for teachers, and bibliography and resources. Ordering information can be found at their web site or by writing to: The National Coalition of Girls' School, 228 Main Street, Concord, MA 01742 or by calling 978 287-4485, email: ncgs@ncgs.org.

Science, Math, and Relevant Technology (SMART) curriculum developed by Bess Bendet of Girls Incorporated of Alameda County. In in this resource is math and science curriculum that may be used for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classrooms.

Women's Issues and Career Research Unit developed by Jenny Otter is written for Social Science or Women's Studies classes, grades 7-12.

House of Math Word Problems for Children The goal of this web site is to help grade school children improve their math problem-solving skills. The site has hundreds of pages with over 2,000 math word problems for children to enjoy! The pages are sorted by topic and level of difficulty. Try a level. Each ready-to-use worksheet has enough room for students to show their work. You can print and use these worksheets free of charge.


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