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By Date

Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook - September 19, 2008

Economic Measures of Soil Conservation Benefits: Regional Values for Policy Assessment - September 19, 2008

Integrating Invasive Species Prevention And Control Policies - September 19, 2008

Wheat Outlook - September 16, 2008

Feed Outlook - September 16, 2008

Cotton and Wool Outlook - September 15, 2008

Rice Outlook - September 15, 2008

Oil Crops Outlook - September 15, 2008

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates - September 12, 2008

Production Expenses of Specialized Vegetable and Melon Farms - September 9, 2008

Food Safety and Imports: An Analysis of FDA Import Refusal Reports - September 9, 2008

Economic Impacts of Feed-Related Regulatory Responses to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy - September 4, 2008

The Use of Markets To Increase Private Investment in Environmental Stewardship - September 2, 2008

Obesity in the Midst of Unyielding Food Insecurity in Developing Countries - September 2, 2008

Creating Markets for Environmental Stewardship: Potential Benefits and Problems - September 2, 2008

Amber Waves, September 2008 - September 2, 2008

Regulating Agricultural Imports To Keep Out Foreign Pests and Disease - September 2, 2008

Balancing Nutrition, Participation, and Cost in the National School Lunch Program - September 2, 2008

The Role of the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) in Nutritional Assistance to Mothers, Infants, Children, and Seniors - August 29, 2008

The Effects of Avian Influenza News on Consumer Purchasing Behavior: A Case Study of Italian Consumers’ Retail Purchase - August 29, 2008

Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade - August 28, 2008

Vegetables and Melons Outlook - August 27, 2008

Is Dietary Knowledge Enough? Hunger, Stress, and Other Roadblocks to Healthy Eating - August 11, 2008

The Decline in Consumer Use of Food Nutrition Labels, 1995-2006 - August 11, 2008

Measuring Food Security in the Dominican Republic: Adaptation of the U.S. Food Security Survey Module - August 8, 2008

The National School Lunch Program Background, Trends, and Issues - August 1, 2008

RIDGE Project Summaries, 2007: Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics Program - July 31, 2008

Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook - July 30, 2008

DatelinERS Newsletter - July 24, 2008

Global Agricultural Supply and Demand: Factors Contributing to the Recent Increase in Food Commodity Prices - July 23, 2008

The EU Sugar Policy Regime and Implications of Reform - July 16, 2008

Profile of Hired Farmworkers, A 2008 Update - July 11, 2008

The Environment for Agricultural and Agribusiness Investment in India - July 9, 2008

Food Security Assessment, 2007 - July 3, 2008

Longer Run Earnings and Food Stamp Participation - July 3, 2008

Prioritizing Invasive Species Management by Optimizing Production of Ecosystem Service Benefits - July 2, 2008

Pesticide Resistance, Population Dynamics, and Invasive Species Management - July 2, 2008

The Economic Organization of U.S. Broiler Production - June 30, 2008

Food Stamp Program Certification Costs and Errors, 1989-2005: Final Report - June 20, 2008

Policy and Risk Processes of Trade-Related Biological Invasions - June 19, 2008

Oil Crops Yearbook - June 18, 2008

Ecological Predictors and Developmental Outcomes of Persistent Childhood Overweight - June 13, 2008

Who Will China Feed? - June 2, 2008

Amber Waves, June 2008 - June 2, 2008

Food Stamps and Obesity: What We Know and What It Means - June 2, 2008

World Trade Organization and Globalization Help Facilitate Growth in Agricultural Trade - June 2, 2008

Defining the "Rural" in Rural America - June 2, 2008

Feed Yearbook - May 30, 2008

The Food Assistance Landscape: FY 2007 Annual Report - May 30, 2008

Effects of Marketing Loans on U.S. Dry Peas and Lentils: Supply Response and World Trade - May 30, 2008

Economic Impacts of Foreign Animal Disease - May 28, 2008

Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook - May 27, 2008

Eating and Health Module User's Guide - May 21, 2008

Vegetables and Melons Yearbook - May 15, 2008

Wheat Yearbook - May 9, 2008

The U.S. Organic Handling Sector in 2004: Baseline Findings of the Nationwide Survey of Organic Manufacturers, Processors, and Distributors - May 6, 2008

Feed Yearbook summary - April 28, 2008

U.S. Agricultural Trade Boosts Overall Economy - April 18, 2008

Impact of 2002-03 Farm Bill Restorations on Food Stamp Use by Legal Immigrants - April 16, 2008

The Costs of Benefit Delivery in the Food Stamp Program: Lessons From a Cross-Program Analysis - April 4, 2008

Agricultural Contracting Update, 2005 - April 1, 2008

Hired Farmworkers a Major Input for Some U.S. Farm Sectors - April 1, 2008

Amber Waves, April 2008 - April 1, 2008

Twenty Years of Competition Reshape the U.S. Food Marketing System - April 1, 2008

Technology, Larger Farm Size Increased Productivity on U.S. Hog Farms - April 1, 2008

Global Market Opportunities Drive Beef Production Decisions in Argentina and Uruguay - April 1, 2008

Wheat Yearbook summary - March 31, 2008

Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management, Fiscal 2008, Competitive Award Program: Description and Application Process - March 28, 2008

Dietary Assessment of Major Trends in U.S. Food Consumption, 1970-2005 - March 28, 2008

Oil Crops Yearbook summary - March 21, 2008

Food Stamps and Obesity: What Do We Know? - March 21, 2008

Convergence in Global Food Demand and Delivery - March 17, 2008

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2008, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - March 17, 2008

The Japanese Market for Oranges - March 12, 2008

Price Trends Are Similar for Fruits, Vegetables, and Snack Foods - March 12, 2008

Sources of Variation in State-Level Food Stamp Participation Rates - March 10, 2008

Household Food Security and Tradeoffs in the Food Budget of Food Stamp Program Participants: An Engel Function Approach - March 10, 2008

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2007 Activities - March 4, 2008

USDA Agricultural Projections to 2017 - February 12, 2008

Equilibrium Displacement Mathematical Programming Models: Methodology and a Model of the U.S. Agricultural Sector - February 11, 2008

Amber Waves, February 2008 - February 1, 2008

Converging Patterns in Global Food Consumption and Food Delivery Systems - February 1, 2008

Rising Food Prices Intensify Food Insecurity in Developing Countries - February 1, 2008

Education's Role in the Metro-Nonmetro Earnings Divide - February 1, 2008

Corn Prices Near Record High, But What About Food Costs? - February 1, 2008

ERS Bioenergy Research Plans 2008-09 - February 1, 2008

The 2002 Farm Bill: Provisions and Economic Implications - January 23, 2008

Rice Yearbook - January 17, 2008

Effect of State Food Stamp and TANF Policies on Food Stamp Program Participation - January 8, 2008

Are Lower Income Households Willing and Able To Budget for Fruits and Vegetables? - January 7, 2008

Farm-Based Recreation: A Statistical Profile - December 31, 2007

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Hog Farms, 2004 - December 27, 2007

The Changing Economics of U.S. Hog Production - December 27, 2007

Factors Associated With Iron Status Among WIC Infants and Toddlers in Rural West Virginia - December 19, 2007

Agricultural Income and Finance Outlook - December 13, 2007

Informing Food and Nutrition Assistance Policy: 10 Years of Research at ERS - December 6, 2007

Cotton and Wool Yearbook summary - November 28, 2007

Rice Yearbook summary - November 27, 2007

Commodity Payments, Farm Business Survival, and Farm Size Growth - November 27, 2007

The U.S. Grain Consumption Landscape: Who Eats Grain, in What Form, Where, and How Much? - November 26, 2007

Household Food Security in the United States, 2006 - November 14, 2007

Floriculture and Nursery Crops Outlook - November 9, 2007

China’s Cotton Supply and Demand: Issues and Impact on the World Market - November 6, 2007

The Future of Biofuels: A Global Perspective - November 1, 2007

Integrating Conservation and Commodity Program Payments: A Look at the Tradeoffs - November 1, 2007

Do Food Labels Make a Difference? Sometimes - November 1, 2007

Cropland Concentrating Faster Where Payments Are Higher - November 1, 2007

Amber Waves, November 2007 - November 1, 2007

Fruit and Tree Nuts Yearbook - October 30, 2007

Integrating Commodity and Conservation Programs: Design Options and Outcomes - October 30, 2007

How Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) Has Affected World Poultry-Meat Trade - October 10, 2007

Floriculture and Nursery Crops Yearbook - October 5, 2007

Rural America At A Glance, 2007 Edition - October 1, 2007

Tobacco Outlook - September 28, 2007

Floriculture and Nursery Crops Yearbook summary - September 28, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More To Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective - September 27, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective—Overview: Can Food Stamps Do More To Improve Food Choices? - September 27, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective—Higher Cost of Food in Some Areas May Affect Food Stamp Households’ Ability To Make Healthy Food Choices - September 27, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective—Food Spending Patterns of Low-Income Households: Will Increasing Purchasing Power Result in Healthier Food Choices? - September 27, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective—How Do Low-Income Households Respond to Food Prices? - September 27, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective—Nutrition Information: Can It Improve the Diets of Low-Income Households? - September 27, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective—Making Healthy Food Choices Easier: Ideas From Behavioral Economics - September 27, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective—How Can We Tell If We Are Making a Difference? ERS Efforts To Improve Evaluation of Nutrition Outcomes - September 27, 2007

Can Food Stamps Do More to Improve Food Choices? An Economic Perspective—Stretching the Food Stamp Dollar: Regional Price Differences Affect Affordability of Food - September 27, 2007

Beef Production, Markets, and Trade in Argentina and Uruguay: An Overview - September 24, 2007

The Effects of Food Stamps on Obesity - September 21, 2007

Food and Nutrition Assistance Programs and Obesity: 1976-2002 - September 21, 2007

Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook summary - September 20, 2007

Tobacco Outlook summary - September 19, 2007

An Assessment of the Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on WIC Program Coordination With Primary Care Services - September 19, 2007

An Online Cost Calculator for Estimating the Economic Cost of Illness Due to Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli (STEC) O157 Infections - September 13, 2007

Increased U.S. Imports of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables - September 10, 2007

Profits, Costs, and the Changing Structure of Dairy Farming - September 4, 2007

Effects of Reducing the Income Cap on Eligibility for Farm Program Payments - September 4, 2007

Productivity Growth in U.S. Agriculture - September 4, 2007

Low Costs Drive Production to Large Dairy Farms - September 4, 2007

Economic Returns to Public Agricultural Research - September 4, 2007

Global Growth, Macroeconomic Change, and U.S. Agricultural Trade - September 4, 2007

U.S. Consumers Had Short-term Response to First BSE Announcements - September 4, 2007

U.S. Trade Growth: A New Beginning or a Repeat of the Past? - September 4, 2007

U.S. Ethanol Expansion Driving Changes Throughout the Agricultural Sector - September 4, 2007

Amber Waves, September 2007 - September 4, 2007

China Currency Appreciation Could Boost U.S. Agricultural Exports - August 22, 2007

A Study of Locality, Agency, and Individual Characteristics Affecting Food Stamp Program Participation in Virginia - August 13, 2007

Impact of Rising Natural Gas Prices on U.S. Ammonia Supply - August 6, 2007

RIDGE Project Summaries, 2006: Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics Program - August 2, 2007

ERS Bioenergy Information and Research, August 2007 - August 1, 2007

Sugar Backgrounder - July 17, 2007

Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management Fiscal 2003-2006 Activities - July 16, 2007

U.S. Agricultural Trade Update—State Exports - June 29, 2007

Food Security Assessment, 2006 - June 28, 2007

Middle School Student Lunch Consumption: Impact of National School Lunch Program Meal and Competitive Foods - June 6, 2007

Could Behavioral Economics Help Improve Diet Quality for Nutrition Assistance Program Participants? - June 1, 2007

America's Diverse Family Farms, 2007 Edition - June 1, 2007

Structure and Finances of U.S. Farms: Family Farm Report, 2007 Edition - June 1, 2007

Struggling To Feed the Family: What Does It Mean To Be Food Insecure? - June 1, 2007

The Importance of Farm Program Payments to Farm Households - June 1, 2007

Outbreak Linked to Spinach Forces Reassessment of Food Safety Practices - June 1, 2007

Insidious Consumption: Surprising Factors That Influence What We Eat and How Much - June 1, 2007

Amber Waves, June 2007 - June 1, 2007

The U.S. Food Marketing System: Recent Developments, 1997-2006 - May 31, 2007

Characteristics of Low-Income Households With Very Low Food Security: An Analysis of the USDA GPRA Food Security Indicator - May 31, 2007

Retail and Consumer Aspects of the Organic Milk Market - May 22, 2007

Ethanol Expansion in the United States: How Will the Agricultural Sector Adjust? - May 18, 2007

U. S. Tobacco Import Update 2005/06 - May 11, 2007

Who Has Time To Cook? How Family Resources Influence Food Preparation - May 4, 2007

Indian Wheat and Rice Sector Policies and the Implications of Reform - May 3, 2007

Improving Food Choices—Can Food Stamps Do More? - May 1, 2007

Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market - May 1, 2007

Managing Risk With Revenue Insurance - May 1, 2007

Relaxing Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions - May 1, 2007

Policy Options for a Changing Rural America - May 1, 2007

Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net? - May 1, 2007

Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit? - May 1, 2007

Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy - May 1, 2007

Amber Waves Special Issue, May 2007 - May 1, 2007

ERS Bioenergy Research Plans - May 1, 2007

ERS Bioenergy Research Plans 2007-8 - May 1, 2007

The Creative Class: A Key to Rural Growth - April 2, 2007

Experience Counts: Farm Business Survival in the U.S. - April 2, 2007

Improving Food Choices--Can Food Stamps Do More? - April 2, 2007

Population Dynamics Are Changing the Profile of Rural Areas - April 2, 2007

Amber Waves, April 2007 - April 2, 2007

Feed Grains Backgrounder - March 30, 2007

Regional Environment and Agriculture Programming Model (REAP) - March 30, 2007

Cotton Backgrounder - March 30, 2007

NAFTA at 13: Implementation Nears Completion - March 29, 2007

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2007, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - March 16, 2007

Cost Pass-Through in the U.S. Coffee Industry - March 13, 2007

Food Spending in American Households, 2003-04 - March 13, 2007

Factors Affecting Carrot Consumption in the United States - March 6, 2007

ERS Bioenergy Information and Research, March 2007 - March 1, 2007

ERS Bioenergy Information and Research - March 1, 2007

The Changing Face of the U.S. Grain System - February 28, 2007

Michigan: A State at the Intersection of the Debate Over Full Planting Flexibility - February 26, 2007

Valuing Counter-Cyclical Payments: Implications for Producer Risk Management and Program Administration - February 22, 2007

U.S. Agricultural Trade Update - February 15, 2007

USDA Agricultural Projections to 2016 - February 14, 2007

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program Final Report: Fiscal 2006 Activities - February 13, 2007

The Food Assistance Landscape: FY 2006 Annual Report - February 13, 2007

The 2005 Gulf Coast Hurricanes' Effect on Food Stamp Program Caseloads and Benefits Issued - February 7, 2007

Review of Dietary Reference Intakes for Selected Nutrients: Challenges and Implications for Federal Food and Nutrition Policy - February 1, 2007

Relaxing Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions - February 1, 2007

Farmers Balance Off-Farm Work and Technology Adoption - February 1, 2007

Weaker Dollar Strengthens U.S. Agriculture - February 1, 2007

Off-Farm Income, Technology Adoption, and Farm Economic Performance - February 1, 2007

Amber Waves, February 2007 - February 1, 2007

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2006 Activities - January 30, 2007

Tobacco Yearbook - January 16, 2007

Using Point-of-Purchase Data To Evaluate Local WIC Nutrition Education Interventions: Feasibility Study - January 8, 2007

Demand for Food Quantity and Quality in China - January 4, 2007

Did BSE Announcements Reduce Beef Purchases? - December 29, 2006

The Impact of Big-Box Stores on Retail Food Prices and the Consumer Price Index - December 29, 2006

Rural Employment At A Glance - December 29, 2006

Organic Poultry and Eggs Capture High Price Premiums and Growing Share of Specialty Markets - December 27, 2006

Effects of WIC and Food Stamp Program Participation on Child Outcomes - December 27, 2006

Tobacco Yearbook summary - December 14, 2006

Rice Backgrounder - December 8, 2006

Possible Implications for U.S. Agriculture From Adoption of Select Dietary Guidelines - November 20, 2006

What Factors Account for State-to-State Differences in Food Security? - November 15, 2006

Household Food Security in the United States, 2005 - November 15, 2006

U.S. Dairy at a Global Crossroads - November 14, 2006

Eliminating Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions: How Would Markets Be Affected? - November 8, 2006

Managing Risk With Revenue Insurance - November 1, 2006

Brazil's Booming Agriculture Faces Obstacles - November 1, 2006

Food Safety Improvements Underway in China - November 1, 2006

Adjusting for Living Costs Can Change Who Is Considered Poor - November 1, 2006

Amber Waves, November 2006 - November 1, 2006

Fruit and Tree Nuts Yearbook summary - October 26, 2006

Linking Risk and Economic Assessments in the Analysis of Plant Pest Regulations: The Case of U.S. Imports of Mexican Avocados - October 26, 2006

Food Industry Mergers and Acquisitions Lead to Higher Labor Productivity - October 23, 2006

Let's Eat Out: Americans Weigh Taste, Convenience, and Nutrition - October 18, 2006

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics Program: Executive Summaries of 2005 Research Grants - October 12, 2006

Aquaculture Outlook - October 5, 2006

The MID-SIPP Model: A Simulation Approach for Projecting Impacts of Changes in the Food Stamp Program - October 4, 2006

Canada: A Macroeconomic Study of the United States' Most Important Trade Partner - September 15, 2006

The Cost of Living and the Geographic Distribution of Poverty - September 15, 2006

The Food Assistance Landscape: FY 2006 Midyear Report - September 15, 2006

Animal Products Markets in 2005 and Forecasts for 2006 - September 8, 2006

South Carolina Food Stamp and Well-Being Study: Well-Being Outcomes Among Food Stamp Leavers - September 3, 2006

Global Agriculture and the Doha Round: Market Access Is the Key - September 1, 2006

Agricultural Policy Affects Land Use and the Environment - September 1, 2006

Income Volatility Complicates Food Assistance - September 1, 2006

Amber Waves, September 2006 - September 1, 2006

Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net? - September 1, 2006

Environmental Effects of Agricultural Land-Use Change: The Role of Economics and Policy - August 31, 2006

Rural America At A Glance, 2006 Edition - August 29, 2006

Recent Trends and Economic Issues in the WIC Infant Formula Rebate Program - August 29, 2006

Profiles of Participants in the National School Lunch Program: Data From Two National Surveys - August 25, 2006

How Low-Income Households Allocate Their Food Budget Relative to the Cost of the Thrifty Food Plan - August 25, 2006

Impacts of Trade Liberalization on the U.S. Dairy Market - August 22, 2006

The Income Volatility See-Saw: Implications for School Lunch - August 15, 2006

How Low has the Farm Share of Retail Food Prices Really Fallen? - August 15, 2006

Tobacco Production Costs and Returns in 2004 - August 4, 2006

Vegetables and Melons Yearbook summary - July 27, 2006

Dairy Backgrounder - July 24, 2006

Land and Farm Resources: AREI, 2006 Edition - July 21, 2006

Conservation and Environmental Polices: AREI, 2006 Edition - July 21, 2006

Water and Wetland Resources: AREI, 2006 Edition - July 21, 2006

Knowledge Resources and Productivity: AREI, 2006 Edition - July 21, 2006

Agricultural Production Management: AREI, 2006 Edition - July 21, 2006

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 2006 Edition - July 21, 2006

Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy - July 7, 2006

Amber Waves, Volume 4, Special Issue, July 2006 - July 7, 2006

Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth - July 7, 2006

Improving Air and Water Quality Can Be Two Sides of the Same Coin - July 7, 2006

Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs - July 7, 2006

Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit? - July 7, 2006

Land Retirement and Working-land Conservation Structures: A Look at Farmers' Choices - July 7, 2006

California and Iowa Remain Top U.S. Agricultural Exporting States in Fiscal 2005 - July 3, 2006

Understanding U.S. Farm Exits - June 30, 2006

Methodology To Evaluate the Outcomes of the Team Nutrition Initiative in Schools - June 28, 2006

Whole-Farm Approaches to a Safety Net - June 28, 2006

Parental Time, Role Strain, and Children's Fat Intake and Obesity-Related Outcomes - June 14, 2006

An Economic Chronology of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in North America - June 9, 2006

Amber Waves, June 2006 - June 1, 2006

Where Should the Money Go? Aligning Policies with Preferences - June 1, 2006

Meat-processing Firms Attract Hispanic Workers to Rural America - June 1, 2006

Land Retirement and Working-land Conservation Structures: A Look at Farmers' Choices - June 1, 2006

A Revolution in Food Retailing Underway in the Asia-Pacific Region - June 1, 2006

Balancing the Multiple Objectives of Conservation Programs - May 31, 2006

Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2002 - May 31, 2006

Food Security Assessment 2005, GFA 17 - May 31, 2006

America's Diverse Family Farms: Structure and Finances - May 15, 2006

Structure and Finances of U.S. Farms: 2005 Family Farm Report - May 15, 2006

Nutrient Adequacy of Children Participating in WIC - April 20, 2006

The First Decade of Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States - April 19, 2006

The Role of Policy and Industry Structure in India's Oilseed Markets - April 19, 2006

Fruit and Vegetable Backgrounder - April 17, 2006

DatelinERS Newsletter, April 2006 - April 14, 2006

Public Information Creates Value - April 10, 2006

Agriculture and Rural Communities Are Resilient to High Energy Costs - April 10, 2006

Economic Effects of Animal Disease Linked to Trade Dependency - April 10, 2006

Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market - April 10, 2006

Amber Waves, April 2006 - April 10, 2006

Soybean Backgrounder - April 4, 2006

South Carolina Food Stamp and Well-Being Study: Transitions in Food Stamp Participation and Employment Among Adult-Only Households - April 3, 2006

The Value of Plant Disease Early-Warning Systems: A Case Study of USDA's Soybean Rust Coordinated Framework - April 3, 2006

South Carolina Food Stamp and Well-Being Study: Transitions in Food Stamp and TANF Participation and Employment Among Families With Children - April 3, 2006

Administrative Costs in the Child and Adult Care Food Program: Results of an Exploratory Study of the Reimbursement System for Sponsors of Family Child Care Homes - March 21, 2006

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2006, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - March 17, 2006

Greening Income Support and Supporting Green - March 14, 2006

Better Targeting, Better Outcomes - March 14, 2006

Participant Bidding Enhances Cost Effectiveness - March 14, 2006

Contrasting Working-Land and Land Retirement Programs - March 14, 2006

Rewarding Farm Practices versus Environmental Performance - March 14, 2006

Growing Farm Size and the Distribution of Farm Payments - March 14, 2006

Economic Well-Being of Farm Households - March 14, 2006

Government Patenting and Technology Transfer - March 8, 2006

Trade Liberalization in International Dairy Markets: Estimated Impacts - February 27, 2006

Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit? - February 17, 2006

Food Assistance Landscape, March 2006 - February 15, 2006

China's Rising Fruit and Vegetable Exports Challenge U.S. Industries - February 14, 2006

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2015 - February 10, 2006

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Corn Farms, 2001 - February 6, 2006

Amber Waves, February 2006 - February 1, 2006

Conservation-Compatible Practices and Programs: Who Participates? - February 1, 2006

The World Bids Farewell to the Multifiber Arrangement - February 1, 2006

EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong Demand Under Different Policies - February 1, 2006

Agricultural Contracting: Trading Autonomy for Risk Reduction - February 1, 2006

Food Stamps and Obesity: Ironic Twist or Complex Puzzle? - February 1, 2006

Food Stamp Program Costs and Error Rates, 1989-2001 - January 31, 2006

DatelinERS Newsletter, December 2005 - January 25, 2006

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program Final Report: Fiscal 2005 Activities - January 24, 2006

Agricultural Contracting Update: Contracts in 2003 - January 17, 2006

Prospects for India's Emerging Apple Market - January 11, 2006

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2005 Activities - January 11, 2006

New Directions in China's Agricultural Lending - January 11, 2006

Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management: Fiscal 2003-2005 Activities - January 4, 2006

Metropolitan Area Food Prices and Children's Weight Gain - December 30, 2005

Effect of Food Industry Mergers and Acquisitions on Employment and Wages - December 30, 2005

Rural Hispanics At A Glance - December 30, 2005

Wheat Backgrounder - December 29, 2005

Cotton and Wool Yearbook - December 22, 2005

Education as a Rural Development Strategy - November 1, 2005

Amber Waves, November 2005 - November 1, 2005

Where You Shop Matters: Store Formats Drive Variation in Retail Food Prices - November 1, 2005

U.S. Dairy at a New Crossroads in a Global Setting - November 1, 2005

Changing Federal Tax Policies Affect Farm Households Differently - November 1, 2005

Amber Waves, September 2005 - November 1, 2005

Low-Skill Employment and the Changing Economy of Rural America - October 31, 2005

DatelinERS Newsletter, October 2005 - October 28, 2005

Household Food Security in the United States, 2004 - October 28, 2005

Food Assistance Landscape, September 2005 - October 27, 2005

Peanut Backgrounder - October 26, 2005

Resolution of the U.S.- Japan Apple Dispute: New Opportunities for Trade - October 26, 2005

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program: Executive Summaries of 2004 Research Grants - October 24, 2005

State-Level Predictors of Food Insecurity and Hunger Among Households With Children - October 18, 2005

Assessing the Nutrient Intakes of Vulnerable Subgroups - October 12, 2005

Factors Affecting U.S. Beef Consumption - October 7, 2005

U. S. Tobacco Import Update 2003/04 - September 30, 2005

Food Dynamics and USDA's New Dietary Guidelines - September 30, 2005

Managing Manure to Improve Air and Water Quality - September 26, 2005

Economic Analysis of Base Acre and Payment Yield Designations Under the 2002 U.S. Farm Act - September 26, 2005

Rural America At A Glance, 2005 - September 23, 2005

Did the Mandatory Requirement Aid the Market? Impact of the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act - September 16, 2005

Farm Poverty Lowest in U.S. History - September 1, 2005

Rural Areas Benefit from Recreation and Tourism Development - September 1, 2005

Improving Air and Water Quality Can Be Two Sides of the Same Coin - September 1, 2005

Asia-Pacific Transportation Infrastructure: Linking Food Sources To Urban Centers - September 1, 2005

Dairy Policies in Japan - August 24, 2005

Sweetener Consumption in the United States: Distribution by Demographic and Product Characteristics - August 19, 2005

Developing Effective Wording and Format Options for a Children's Nutrition Behavior Questionnaire for Mothers of Children in Kindergarten - August 16, 2005

Market-Led Growth vs. Government-Facilitated Growth: Development of the U.S. and EU Organic Agricultural Sectors - August 12, 2005

Recreation, Tourism, and Rural Well-Being - August 12, 2005

Disease-Related Trade Restrictions Shaped Animal Product Markets in 2004 and Stamp Imprints on 2005 Forecasts - August 5, 2005

Evaluation of the USDA Elderly Nutrition Demonstrations: Volume II, Demonstration Summaries - August 1, 2005

Evaluation of the USDA Elderly Nutrition Demonstrations: Volume I, Evaluation Findings - August 1, 2005

Food Stamp Program Entry and Exit: An Analysis of Participation Trends in the 1990s - July 28, 2005

Commercialization of Food Consumption in Rural China - July 25, 2005

Illinois Moves Ahead of Texas as Third Ranked U.S. Agricultural Exporting State in Fiscal 2004 - July 8, 2005

DatelinERS Newsletter, June 2005 - June 17, 2005

Flexible Conservation Measures on Working Land - June 3, 2005

Growth Prospects for India's Cotton and Textile Industries - June 3, 2005

Amber Waves, June 2005 - June 3, 2005

The 20th Century Transformation of U.S. Agriculture and Farm Policy - June 1, 2005

Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grain? - June 1, 2005

Obesity Policy and the Law of Unintended Consequences - June 1, 2005

Why Hasn't Crop Insurance Eliminated Disaster Assistance? - June 1, 2005

North America Moves Toward One Market - June 1, 2005

Crop Genetic Resources: An Economic Appraisal - May 27, 2005

Price Premiums Hold on as U.S. Organic Produce Market Expands - May 27, 2005

Market Integration of the North American Animal Products Complex - May 27, 2005

Agricultural Trade Preferences and the Developing Countries - May 20, 2005

Dietary Intake and Health Outcomes: Final Report - May 18, 2005

Production Costs and Returns for Tobacco in 2003 - May 13, 2005

Factors Affecting U.S. Pork Consumption - May 13, 2005

China's Agricultural Imports Boomed During 2003-04 - May 6, 2005

Food Security Assessment, GFA 16 - May 3, 2005

Nutrition Labeling in the Food-Away-From-Home Sector: An Economic Assessment - April 27, 2005

Recent Agricultural Policy Reforms in North America - April 19, 2005

The Forces Shaping World Cotton Consumption After the Multifiber Arrangement - April 15, 2005

Rural Children At A Glance - April 11, 2005

Contributions of Nonalcoholic Beverages to the U.S. Diet - April 8, 2005

Structural Change in the Meat, Poultry, Dairy, and Grain Processing Industries - April 4, 2005

North American Greenhouse Tomatoes Emerge as a Major Market Force - April 1, 2005

Policy Options for a Changing Rural America - April 1, 2005

Amber Waves, April 2005 - April 1, 2005

How Do U.S. Farmers Plan for Retirement? - April 1, 2005

Understanding Economic and Behavioral Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Choices - April 1, 2005

DatelinERS Newsletter, March 2005 - April 1, 2005

Greenhouse Tomatoes Change the Dynamics of the North American Fresh Tomato Industry - April 1, 2005

The Food Stamp Program's Elderly Nutrition Pilot Demonstration: Final Evaluation Design - March 28, 2005

The Food Stamp Program’s Elderly Nutrition Pilot Demonstration: Initial Evaluation Design - March 28, 2005

Technical Documentation of the Regional Manure Management Model for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed - March 23, 2005

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2005, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - March 18, 2005

Structural and Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms: 2004 Family Farm Report - March 9, 2005

NAFTA at 11: The Growing Integration of North American Agriculture - February 22, 2005

Issues in Food Assistance—Effects of WIC Participation on Children's Food Consumption - February 16, 2005

Children's Consumption of WIC-Approved Foods - February 16, 2005

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations - February 16, 2005

The Food Assistance Landscape, March 2005 - February 16, 2005

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Healthy Eating Index - February 16, 2005

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Usual Nutrient Intakes - February 16, 2005

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Body Weight Status - February 16, 2005

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Meal Patterns, Milk and Soft Drink Consumption, and Supplement Use - February 16, 2005

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Clinic Measures of Iron, Folate, Vitamin B12, Cholesterol, Bone Density, and Lead Poisoning - February 16, 2005

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2014 - February 11, 2005

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program Final Report: Fiscal 2004 Activities - February 10, 2005

China’s New Farm Subsidies - February 2, 2005

New Directions in Global Food Markets - February 1, 2005

Amber Waves, February 2005 - February 1, 2005

Farm Programs, Natural Amenities, and Rural Development - February 1, 2005

Market Access for High-Value Foods - February 1, 2005

The Price is Right: Economics and the Rise in Obesity - February 1, 2005

Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains - February 1, 2005

U.S.-Canadian Hog Trade: Market Integration at Work - February 1, 2005

Forecasting the Counter-Cyclical Payment Rate for U.S. Corn: An Application of the Futures Price Forecasting Model - January 28, 2005

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2004 Activities - January 28, 2005

DatelinERS Newsletter, January 2005 - January 27, 2005

Interstate Variation in WIC Food Package Costs: The Role of Food Prices, Caseload Composition, and Cost-Containment Practices - January 13, 2005

Rural Transportation At A Glance - January 12, 2005

An Economic Model of WIC, the Infant Formula Rebate Program, and the Retail Price of Infant Formula - January 12, 2005

WIC and the Retail Price of Infant Formula - January 12, 2005

Background Report on the Use and Impact of Food Assistance Programs on Indian Reservations - January 11, 2005

Parenting Practices and Obesity in Low-Income African-American Preschoolers - January 10, 2005

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Volume II, WIC Participants and Nonparticipants - December 30, 2004

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Volume III, School-Age Children - December 30, 2004

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Volume IV, Older Adults - December 30, 2004

Effects of Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health: Volume 3, Literature Review - December 30, 2004

Effects of Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health: Volume 4, Executive Summary of the Literature Review - December 30, 2004

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Volume I, Food Stamp Program Participants and Nonparticipants - December 30, 2004

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program: Executive Summaries of 2003 Research Grants - December 27, 2004

Supermarket Characteristics and Operating Costs in Low-Income Areas - December 23, 2004

DatelinERS Newsletter, December 2004 - December 22, 2004

Hard White Wheat At A Crossroads - December 15, 2004

Estimating Longrun Food Stamp Program Caseloads - December 9, 2004

Globalisation and Income Growth Promote the Mediterranean Diet - December 6, 2004

The Economics of Food Safety: The Case of Green Onions and Hepatitis A Outbreaks - December 1, 2004

Feasibility and Accuracy of Record Linkage To Estimate Multiple Program Participation - November 26, 2004

Market Integration in the North American Hog Industries - November 24, 2004

Feasibility and Accuracy of Record Linkage To Estimate Multiple Program Participation: Volume III, Results of Record Linkage - November 24, 2004

DatelinERS Newsletter, November 2004 - November 23, 2004

Food Stamp Program Access Study: Final Report - November 22, 2004

Pork Quality and the Role of Market Organization - November 22, 2004

Food Stamp Program Access Study - November 22, 2004

Household Food Security in the United States, 2003 - November 19, 2004

Food Stamp Certification Periods and Payment Accuracy: State Experience During 1997-2001 - November 18, 2004

Understanding Fruit and Vegetable Choices—Research Briefs - November 16, 2004

Low-Income Households' Expenditures on Fruits and Vegetables - November 16, 2004

The USDA Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program Evaluation - November 16, 2004

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Looking Ahead to 2020 - November 16, 2004

Understanding Fruit and Vegetable Choices: Economic and Behavioral Influences - November 16, 2004

U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Who, What, Where, and How Much - November 16, 2004

What Determines the Variety of a Household's Vegetable Purchases? - November 16, 2004

How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables? - November 16, 2004

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Sugarbeet Farms - November 10, 2004

Trends in U.S.Tobacco Farming - November 8, 2004

Wheat and Barley Policies in Japan - November 5, 2004

Contracts, Markets, and Prices: Organizing the Production and Use of Agricultural Commodities - November 3, 2004

Decoupled Payments in a Changing Policy Setting - November 3, 2004

A Consideration of the Devolution of Federal Agricultural Policy - November 3, 2004

Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy - November 3, 2004

Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth - November 3, 2004

U.S. Peanut Sector Adapts to Major Policy Changes - November 3, 2004

Low-Skill Jobs: A Shrinking Share of the Rural Economy - November 3, 2004

Amber Waves, November 2004 - November 3, 2004

China's Soybean Imports Expected To Grow Despite Short-Term Disruptions - October 29, 2004

Taxing Snack Foods: What to Expect for Diet and Tax Revenues - October 29, 2004

The Role of Economics in Eating Choices and Weight Outcomes - October 28, 2004

Rural America At A Glance, 2004 - October 25, 2004

Food Assistance Landscape, September 2004 - October 19, 2004

The Changing Tobacco User's Dollar - October 19, 2004

China: A Study of Dynamic Growth - October 12, 2004

Black Sea Grain Exports: Will They Be Moderate or Large? - October 12, 2004

The Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Implications for Rural America - October 8, 2004

Understanding the Food Stamp Program Participation Decisions of TANF Leavers - September 15, 2004

Prototype Notebook: Short Questions on Dietary Intake, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors - September 10, 2004

Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger - September 1, 2004

Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs - September 1, 2004

European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform - September 1, 2004

Amber Waves, September 2004 - September 1, 2004

Sharing the Economic Burden: Who Pays for WIC's Infant Formula? - September 1, 2004

DatelinERS Newsletter, August 2004 - August 30, 2004

CAP Reform of 2003-04 - August 25, 2004

Current Issues in Economics of Food Markets - August 14, 2004

How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables? - July 21, 2004

Rural Poverty at a Glance - July 20, 2004

DatelinERS Newsletter, July 2004 - July 19, 2004

Peanut Policy Change and Adjustment Under the 2002 Farm Act - July 16, 2004

Forecasting Feed Grain Prices in a Changing Environment - July 14, 2004

Evaluating the Impact of School Nutrition Programs: Final Report - July 13, 2004

European Trading Arrangements in Fruits and Vegetables - July 2, 2004

U.S. 2003 and 2004 Livestock and Poultry Trade Influenced by Animal Disease and Trade Restrictions - July 1, 2004

Iowa and Texas Rose Among U.S. Agricultural Exporting States in Fiscal 2003 - June 29, 2004

Food Stamp Program—Elderly Nutrition Demonstrations: Interim Report on Elderly Participation Patterns - June 29, 2004

Production Costs and Returns for Tobacco in 2002 - June 22, 2004

Innovative WIC Practices: Profiles of 20 Programs - June 11, 2004

Maternal Employment and Children's Nutrition: Volume II, Other Nutrition-Related Outcomes - June 8, 2004

Maternal Employment and Children’s Nutrition - June 8, 2004

Maternal Employment and Children's Nutrition: Volume I, Diet Quality and the Role of the CACFP - June 8, 2004

Linking WIC Program Data to Medicaid and Vital Records Data: Phase II Report, Data Development Initiatives for Research on Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs—Final Report - June 2, 2004

Data Development Initiatives for Research on Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs - June 2, 2004

Linking the Current Population Survey to State Food Stamp Program Administrative Data: Phase II Report, Data Development Initiatives for Research on Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs—Final Report - June 2, 2004

Establishing a Web-Based Data Collection System for National School Lunch and National School Breakfast Program Data: Technical Report - June 2, 2004

Amber Waves, June 2004 - June 1, 2004

Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends - June 1, 2004

Where Will Demographics Take the Asia-Pacific Food System? - June 1, 2004

Have Conservation Compliance Incentives Reduced Soil Erosion? - June 1, 2004

Emergency Providers Help Poor Households Put Food on the Table - June 1, 2004

Environmental Compliance in U.S. Agricultural Policy: Past Performance and Future Potential - June 1, 2004

Global Trade Patterns in Fruits and Vegetables - June 1, 2004

New Patterns of Hispanic Settlement in Rural America - May 28, 2004

Meat and Poultry Plants' Food Safety Investments: Survey Findings - May 28, 2004

U.S.-Mexico Corn Trade During the NAFTA Era: New Twists to an Old Story - May 28, 2004

Low-Income Households’ Expenditures on Fruits and Vegetables - May 28, 2004

Food Security Assessment, GFA-15 - May 24, 2004

Moving Public Assistance Recipients Into the Labor Force, 1996-2000 - May 21, 2004

China's Wheat Economy: Current Trends and Prospects for Imports - May 21, 2004

The Economics of Obesity: A Report on the Workshop Held at USDA's Economic Research Service - May 17, 2004

Is China's Corn Market at a Turning Point? - May 14, 2004

Simplified Reporting and Transitional Benefits in the Food Stamp Program—Case Studies of State Implementation: Final Report - May 13, 2004

Marketing Loan Rates and Acreage Responses - May 13, 2004

Effects of U.S. Dairy Policies on Markets for Milk and Dairy Products - May 12, 2004

Food Stamp Program Access Study: Eligible Nonparticipants - May 12, 2004

Beef and Pork Values and Price Spreads Explained - May 10, 2004

Cuba's Tropical Fruit Industry - April 30, 2004

Cuba's Citrus Industry: Growth and Change - April 30, 2004

Economic and Policy Implications of Wind-Borne Entry of Asian Soybean Rust into the United States - April 27, 2004

EU Enlargement: Implications for New Member Countries, the United States, and World Trade - April 22, 2004

DatelinERS Newsletter, April 2004 - April 20, 2004

Relationship Between the EITC and Food Stamp Program Participation Among Households With Children - April 19, 2004

How Does Structural Change in the Global Soybean Market Affect the U.S. Price? - April 13, 2004

Organic Produce, Price Premiums, and Eco-Labeling in U.S. Farmers' Markets - April 9, 2004

Food Safety Innovation in the United States: Evidence from the Meat Industry - April 1, 2004

Amber Waves, April 2004 - April 1, 2004

Food Traceability: One Ingredient in a Safe and Efficient Food Supply - April 1, 2004

Beyond Environmental Compliance: Stewardship as Good Business - April 1, 2004

A Historic Enlargement: Ten Countries Prepare to Join the European Union - April 1, 2004

Savvy Buyers Spur Food Safety Innovations in Meat Processing - April 1, 2004

Economics of Sequestering Carbon in the U.S. Agricultural Sector - April 1, 2004

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Rice Farms - March 31, 2004

Risk, Government Programs, and the Environment - March 30, 2004

Farmer Bankruptcies and Farm Exits in the United States, 1899-2002 - March 30, 2004

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2004, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - March 19, 2004

Persistence and Change in the Food Security of Families With Children, 1997-99 - March 18, 2004

Traceability in the U.S. Food Supply: Economic Theory and Industry Studies - March 18, 2004

Food Safety and International Trade—Research Briefs - March 11, 2004

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Dairy Operations - March 1, 2004

U.S.-EU Food and Agriculture Comparisons - February 27, 2004

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2003 Activities - February 27, 2004

The Food Assistance Landscape, March 2004 - February 26, 2004

Food Safety and International Trade: Theoretical Issues - February 24, 2004

Resolving Trade Disputes Arising from Trends in Food Safety Regulation: The Role of the Multilateral Governance Framework - February 24, 2004

Food Safety Issues for Meat/Poultry Products and International Trade - February 24, 2004

Response to U.S. Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Associated with Imported Produce - February 24, 2004

Mycotoxin Regulations: Implications for International Agricultural Trade - February 24, 2004

Seafood Safety and Trade - February 24, 2004

Food Safety and International Trade - February 24, 2004

DatelinERS Newsletter, February 2004 - February 17, 2004

U. S. Tobacco Import Update - February 13, 2004

Processed Agricultural Exports Led Gains in U.S. Agricultural Exports Between 1976 and 2002 - February 10, 2004

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2013 - February 6, 2004

Progress and Partnerships in a Dynamic Rural America - February 5, 2004

On the Relative Well-Being of the Nonmetropolitan Poor: An Examination of Alternative Definitions of Poverty During the 1990s - February 4, 2004

The Seed Industry in U.S. Agriculture: An Exploration of Data and Information on Crop Seed Markets, Regulation, Industry Structure, and Research and Development - February 2, 2004

Amber Waves, February 2004 - February 2, 2004

The US Trade Balance...More Than Just a Number - February 2, 2004

The Elephant is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India - February 2, 2004

Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort? - February 2, 2004

India's Poultry Sector: Development and Prospects - February 2, 2004

Anatomy of Nonmetro High Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature - February 2, 2004

Country-of-Origin Labeling: Theory and Observation - January 30, 2004

DatelinERS Newsletter, January 2004 - January 29, 2004

Rural Education at a Glance - January 29, 2004

The Demand for Food Away from Home: Full-Service or Fast Food? - January 23, 2004

Factors Affecting Spinach Consumption in the United States - January 21, 2004

Regulatory Barriers in International Horticultural Markets - January 9, 2004

The Poultry Sector in Middle-Income Countries and Its Feed Requirements: The Case of Egypt - December 30, 2003

DatelinERS Newsletter, December 2003 - December 24, 2003

Rural America at a Glance (2003) - November 28, 2003

Employment Factors Influencing Food Stamp Program Participation: Final Report - November 25, 2003

The Relationship of Earnings and Income to Food Stamp Participation: A Longitudinal Analysis - November 21, 2003

Using One-Stops To Promote Access to Work Supports—Lessons from Virginia's Coordinated Economic Relief Centers: Final Report - November 21, 2003

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program: Executive Summaries of 2001 Research Grants - November 19, 2003

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program: Executive Summaries of 2002 Research Grants - November 19, 2003

Amber Waves, November 2003 - November 7, 2003

From Supply Push to Demand Pull: Agribusiness Strategies for Today's Consumers - November 7, 2003

Emphasis Shifts in US Agri-environmental Policy - November 7, 2003

Consumers and the Future of Biotech Foods in the US - November 7, 2003

Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation - November 7, 2003

India's Edible Oil Sector: Imports Fill Rising Demand - November 7, 2003

International Trade and Food Safety: Economic Theory and Case Studies - November 7, 2003

Size and Distribution of Market Benefits From Adopting Biotech Crops - November 7, 2003

Food Manufacturing Productivity and Its Economic Implications - November 5, 2003

Issues in Food Assistance—The Emergency Food Assistance System: Findings from the Client Survey - October 31, 2003

Household Food Security in the United States, 2002 - October 31, 2003

The Beef Cow Replacement Decision - October 17, 2003

Research Designs for Assessing the USDA's Food Assistance and Nutrition Program's Outcomes-Part I: Evaluation of Ongoing National Programs - October 17, 2003

Economic Effects of a Ban Against Antimicrobial Drugs Used in U.S. Beef Production - October 17, 2003

Agriculture Economy Improves in 2003 - October 15, 2003

Direct Certification in the National School Lunch Program—Impacts on Program Access and Integrity - October 9, 2003

Balancing Food Costs with Nutrition Goals in WIC - October 9, 2003

Food Assistance Landscape, September 2003 - October 8, 2003

International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns - October 6, 2003

North American Agricultural Market Integration and Its Impact on the Food and Fiber System - September 30, 2003

Impacts of Hispanic Population Growth on Rural Wages - September 29, 2003

Grocery Retailer Behavior in the Procurement and Sale of Perishable Fresh Produce Commodities - September 22, 2003

U.S. Fresh Produce Markets: Marketing Channels, Trade Practices, and Retail Pricing Behavior - September 22, 2003

Competition in Fresh Produce Markets: An Empirical Analysis of Channel Performance - September 22, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—The USDA Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program Evaluation - September 11, 2003

Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s - September 8, 2003

Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions - September 8, 2003

Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform - September 8, 2003

U.S. Tobacco Industry Responding to New Competitors, New Challenges - September 8, 2003

Amber Waves, September 2003 - September 8, 2003

Measuring the Effect of Imports of Sugar-Containing Products on U.S. Sugar Deliveries - September 8, 2003

Food Assistance Research Briefs - September 8, 2003

Structure of the Global Markets for Meat - September 3, 2003

Food Stamp Benefits and Childhood Poverty in the 1990s - September 3, 2003

Dynamics of Poverty and Food Sufficiency - September 2, 2003

The Emergency Food Assistance System—Findings From the Client Survey: Executive Summary - August 21, 2003

Characteristics of U.S. Orange Consumption - August 1, 2003

Import Share of U.S. Food Consumption Stable at 11 Percent - July 30, 2003

Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook - July 21, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Assessment of WIC Cost-Containment Practices - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—WIC and Breastfeeding Rates - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Estimating Eligibility and Participation in WIC - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Certifying Eligibility in the National School Lunch Program - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—A Healthy School Meal Environment - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Do Healthy School Meals Cost More? - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Competitive Foods: Soft Drinks vs. Milk - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Tiering Increases CACFP Sponsors' Administrative Tasks - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Reimbursement Tiering Improves Targeting but Decreases Participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Childhood Obesity and the Role of USDA - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Importance of Child Nutrition Programs to Agriculture - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Food Insecurity in Households With Children - July 15, 2003

Food Assistance Research Brief—Feeding Low-Income Children When School Is Out: The Summer Food Service Program - July 15, 2003

Production and Price Impacts of U.S. Crop Insurance Programs - July 9, 2003

Exploring Food Purchase Behavior of Low-Income Households: How Do They Economize? - June 30, 2003

Agricultural Exports From Grain and Soybean Producing States Rose in Fiscal 2002 - June 30, 2003

Interstate Livestock Movements - June 26, 2003

Comparisons of Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan Poverty During the 1990's - June 25, 2003

Feasibility and Accuracy of Record Linkage To Estimate Multiple Program Participation: Volume I, Record Linkage Issues and Results of the Survey of Food Assistance Information Systems - June 25, 2003

Feasibility and Accuracy of Record Linkage To Estimate Multiple Program Participation: Volume II, Survey of Food Assistance Information Systems—Survey Instruments - June 25, 2003

Manure Management for Water Quality: Costs to Animal Feeding Operations of Applying Manure Nutrients to Land - June 20, 2003

Linking Land Quality, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security - June 20, 2003

Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned - June 20, 2003

Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange - June 20, 2003

Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs - June 20, 2003

China's Growing Affluence: How Food Markets are Responding - June 20, 2003

Amber Waves, June 2003 - June 20, 2003

Food Stamp Caseloads Over the Business Cycle - June 17, 2003

Contracting in Tobacco? Contracts Revisited - June 12, 2003

India's Pulse Sector: Results of Field Research - May 27, 2003

Feeding Low-Income Children When School Is Out—The Summer Food Service Program: Executive Summary - May 16, 2003

Assessment of WIC Cost-Containment Practices: Executive Summary - May 16, 2003

Evaluation of the USDA Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program: Report to Congress - May 8, 2003

Weighing Incentives for Enhancing Food Safety in Meat and Poultry Plants - April 30, 2003

Methyl Bromide Phaseout Proceeds: Users Request Exemptions - April 30, 2003

Consumer-Driven Agriculture - April 30, 2003

Amber Waves, April 2003 - April 30, 2003

Dynamics of Agriculture Competitiveness: Policy Lessons from Abroad - April 30, 2003

Factors Affecting the Macronutrient Intake of U.S. Adults - April 28, 2003

Managing for Safer Food: The Economics of Sanitation and Process Controls in Meat and Poultry Plants - April 28, 2003

The Effects of Information on Consumer Demand for Biotech Foods: Evidence from Experimental Auctions - April 21, 2003

Regional Trends in Extension System Resources - April 14, 2003

U.S. Organic Farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of Certified Systems - April 11, 2003

Factors Affecting U.S. Mushroom Consumption - March 31, 2003

Pork Policies in Japan - March 27, 2003

Feeding Low-Income Children When School Is Out—The Summer Food Service Program: Final Report - March 26, 2003

Rice Sector Policies in Japan - March 19, 2003

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2003, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - March 13, 2003

Food Stamp Leavers Research Study—Study of Nonwelfare Families Leaving the Food Stamp Program in South Carolina: Final Report - March 6, 2003

Food Stamp Leavers Research Study—Study of ABAWDs Leaving the Food Stamp Program in South Carolina: Final Report - March 6, 2003

China's Agricultural Water Policy Reforms: Increasing Investment, Resolving Conflicts, and Revising Incentives - March 3, 2003

Effects of Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health: Volume 2, Data Sources - March 1, 2003

U.S. Tobacco Import Update - February 27, 2003

Tobacco 2001 Production Costs and Returns and Recent Changes That Influence Costs - February 26, 2003

Assessment of WIC Cost-Containment Practices: Final Report - February 25, 2003

Food Assistance Landscape, March 2003 - February 25, 2003

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2002 Activities - February 24, 2003

Amber Waves, February 2003 - February 20, 2003

Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges - February 20, 2003

Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States - February 20, 2003

Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers - February 20, 2003

Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production - February 20, 2003

Food and Agricultural Commodity Consumption in the United States: Looking Ahead to 2020 - February 20, 2003

Food Expenditures by U.S. Households: Looking Ahead to 2020 - February 20, 2003

Economic and Structural Relationships in U.S. Hog Production - February 20, 2003

Food Security Assessment GFA14 - February 19, 2003

Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary U.S. Agriculture - February 19, 2003

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 2003 - February 14, 2003

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2012 - February 10, 2003

Wage Premiums for On-the-Job Computer Use: A Metro and Nonmetro Analysis - January 16, 2003

U.S.-Mexico Broiler Trade: A Bird's Eye View - December 17, 2002

China's Corn Exports: Business as Usual, Despite WTO Accession - December 13, 2002

Oilseed Policies in Japan - December 11, 2002

The 2002 Farm Act: Provisions and Implications for Commodity Markets - November 19, 2002

Household Food Security in the United States, 2001 - November 12, 2002

Vegetable Policies in Japan - November 12, 2002

Farmland Protection: The Role of Public Preferences for Rural Amenities - November 4, 2002

The Role of Food Stamps in Stabilizing Income and Consumption - November 1, 2002

The Impact of Intermediate Input Price Changes on Food Prices - November 1, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—How Unemployment Affects the Food Stamp Program - October 25, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—Assessing the Self-Sufficiency of Food Stamp Leavers - October 25, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—How Do Food Assistance Programs Improve the Well-Being of Low-Income Families? - October 25, 2002

The WIC Program: Background, Trends, and Issues - October 23, 2002

Food Assistance Landscape, September 2002 - October 10, 2002

The Emergency Food Assistance System—Findings From the Provider Survey, Volume I: Executive Summary - October 9, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—Private Provision of Food Aid: The Emergency Food Assistance System - October 9, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—Effects of Changes in Food Stamp Expenditures Across the U.S. Economy - October 9, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—Reforming Welfare: What Does It Mean for Rural Areas? - October 9, 2002

The Emergency Food Assistance System—Findings From the Provider Survey, Volume II: Final Report - October 9, 2002

The Emergency Food Assistance System—Findings From the Provider Survey, Volume III: Survey Methodology - October 9, 2002

Hunger: Its Impact on Children's Health and Mental Health - October 1, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance - October 1, 2002

Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market - September 24, 2002

Food Insecurity in Higher Income Households - September 20, 2002

Rural America at a Glance - September 13, 2002

Sweetener Policies in Japan - September 10, 2002

Frequency and Duration of Food Insecurity and Hunger in U.S. Households - September 1, 2002

Stability of Farm Income and the Role of Nonfarm Income in U.S. Agriculture - September 1, 2002

Food Trade Balances and Unit Values: What Can They Reveal About Price Competition? - September 1, 2002

Export Subsidies and Profit-Shifting in Vertical Markets - September 1, 2002

A 30-Day Food Security Scale for Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement Data - August 22, 2002

The U.S. Food Marketing System, 2002 - August 20, 2002

China Increases Exports of Fresh and Frozen Vegetables to Japan - August 15, 2002

Fiscal 2001 U.S. Agricultural Exports Rose, but Exports by State Showed Both Gains and Losses from 2000 - August 2, 2002

Effects of North American Free Trade Agreement on Agriculture and the Rural Economy - August 1, 2002

Beverage Consumption Among U.S. Children and Adolescents: Full-Information and Quasi Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of a Censored System - August 1, 2002

Income, Wealth, and the Economic Well-Being of Farm Households - July 29, 2002

Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency in Russia and Ukraine: Building on a Decade of Reform - July 29, 2002

Community Food Security Assessment Toolkit - July 23, 2002

Iowa Food Stamp Leavers Survey: Methodology Report - July 23, 2002

Iowa Food Stamp Leavers Survey: Final Report - July 23, 2002

Re-Engineering the Welfare System—A Study of Administrative Changes to the Food Stamp Program: State Data Collection Instrument - July 22, 2002

Re-Engineering the Welfare System—A Study of Administrative Changes to the Food Stamp Program: Final Report - July 22, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—The Standard Deduction in the Food Stamp Benefit Formula - July 17, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—Program Targeting: Effects of Meal Reimbursement Tiering on the Child and Adult Care Food Program - July 17, 2002

Issues in Food Assistance—Reducing Food Insecurity in the United States: Assessing Progress Toward a National Objective - July 17, 2002

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Wheat Farms - July 15, 2002

The Import Share of U.S.-Consumed Food Continues To Rise - July 5, 2002

Consumer Food Safety Behavior: A Case Study in Hamburger Cooking and Ordering - July 3, 2002

Livestock Feeding and Feed Imports in the European Union—A Decade of Change - July 3, 2002

World Events Frame Outlook for Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry - July 1, 2002

The Dynamics of Wealth Concentration Among Farm Operator Households - July 1, 2002

Regulatory Events and Biotech Firm Share Prices - July 1, 2002

Adoption of Bioengineered Crops - June 28, 2002

Effects of EBT Customer Service Waivers on Food Stamp Recipients: Final Report - June 27, 2002

The Changing Landscape of U.S. Milk Production - June 24, 2002

Household Food Security in the United States, 1998 and 1999: Technical Report - June 19, 2002

Household Food Security in the United States, 1998 and 1999: Detailed Statistical Report - June 19, 2002

Seniors' Views of the Food Stamp Program and Ways To Improve Participation—Focus Group Findings in Washington State: Final Report - June 13, 2002

Measuring Children's Food Security in U.S. Households, 1995-99 - June 6, 2002

Effects of EBT Customer Service Waivers on Food Stamp Recipients: Executive Summary - June 6, 2002

Bank Market Structure and Local Employment Growth - May 31, 2002

Retail-Farm Price Margins and Consumer Product Diversity - May 22, 2002

Effects of CACFP Reimbursement Tiering: Major Findings of the Family Child Care Homes Legislative Changes Study - May 20, 2002

Tracing the Impacts of Food Assistance Programs on Agriculture and Consumers: A Computable General Equilibrium Model - May 20, 2002

Investing in People: Assessing the Economic Benefits of 1890 Institutions - May 13, 2002

Vertical Coordination of Marketing Systems: Lessons From the Poultry, Egg and Pork Industries - May 10, 2002

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program: Executive Summaries of 2000 Research Grants - May 7, 2002

Measuring the Well-Being of the Poor: Demographics of Low-Income Households - April 25, 2002

Effects of Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health: Volume 1, Research Design - April 25, 2002

Food Security Assessment GFA13 - April 23, 2002

Soil, Nutrient, and Water Management Systems Used in U.S. Corn Production - April 19, 2002

Structural Change and Agricultural Protection: Costs of Korean Agricultural Policy, 1975 and 1990 - April 18, 2002

China's Food and Agriculture: Issues for the 21st Century - April 15, 2002

Technology Adoption and Its Impact on Production Performance of Dairy Operations - April 11, 2002

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Soybean Farms - April 10, 2002

Family Child Care Home Participation in the CACFP - Effects of Reimbursement Tiering: A Report to Congress on the Family Child Care Homes Legislative Changes Study - April 5, 2002

Sponsoring Organizations in the CACFP - Administrative Effects of Reimbursement Tiering: A Report to Congress on the Family Child Care Homes Legislative Changes Study - April 5, 2002

Reimbursement Tiering in the CACFP: Summary Report to Congress on the Family Child Care Homes Legislative Changes Study - April 5, 2002

Households with Children in CACFP Child Care Homes - Effects of Meal Reimbursement Tiering: A Report to Congress on the Family Child Care Homes Legislative Changes Study - April 5, 2002

Family Child Care Providers in the CACFP - Operational Effects of Reimbursement Tiering: A Report to Congress on the Family Child Care Homes Legislative Changes Study - April 5, 2002

Meals Offered by Tier 2 CACFP Family Child Care Providers - Effects of Lower Meal Reimbursements:A Report to Congress on the Family Child Care Homes Legislative Changes Study - April 5, 2002

Corporate Farm Performance in Russia, 1991-95: An Efficiency Analysis - April 1, 2002

Global Crop Yield Convergence: How Russian Crop Yields Compare to Other Regions - April 1, 2002

Explaining Recent Trends in Food Stamp Program Caseloads: Final Report - March 18, 2002

Changes in Agricultural Markets in Transition Economies - March 18, 2002

How Will the Phaseout of Federal Estate Taxes Affect Farmers? - March 15, 2002

Macroeconomic Factors Behind the Fall in Farm Interest Rates - March 15, 2002

Plate Waste in School Nutrition Programs: Final Report to Congress - March 14, 2002

Designs for Measuring How the School Breakfast Program Affects Learning - March 12, 2002

Household Food Security in the United States, 2000 - March 12, 2002

Livestock Sectors in the Economies of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Transition from Plan to Market and the Road Ahead - March 8, 2002

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2002, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - March 8, 2002

Infant Formula Prices and Availability: Final Report to Congress - March 4, 2002

Factors Affecting Returns to Labor and Management on U.S. Dairy Farms - March 1, 2002

A Temporal Comparison of Sources of Variability in Farm Household Income - March 1, 2002

Has Working More Caused Married Women to Volunteer Less? - February 25, 2002

The Graying of Rural America - February 25, 2002

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2011 - February 21, 2002

The Effects of the Macroeconomy and Welfare Reform on Food Stamp Caseloads - February 13, 2002

The Food Stamp Benefit Formula: Implications for Empirical Research on Food Demand - February 13, 2002

Pre-1997 Trends in Welfare and Food Assistance in a National Sample of Families - February 13, 2002

Methods To Prevent Fraud and Abuse Among Staff and Participants in the WIC Program: Volume II, Site Visits - February 12, 2002

Methods To Prevent Fraud and Abuse Among Staff and Participants in the WIC Program: Volume I, Final Report - February 12, 2002

The Shifting Pattern of Black Migration From and Into the Nonmetropolitan South, 1965-95 - February 7, 2002

The Monthly Food Stamp Cycle: Shopping Frequency and Food Intake Decisions in an Endogenous Switching Regression Framework - February 2, 2002

The Food Stamp Program in An Era of Welfare Reform: Electronic Benefits and Changing Sources of Cash Income - February 2, 2002

Least-cost Management of Nonpoint Source Pollution: Source Reduction Versus Interception Strategies for Controlling Nitrogen Loss in the Mississippi Basin - February 2, 2002

Choose a Variety of Grains Daily, Especially Whole Grains: A Challenge for Consumers - February 1, 2002

Data Development Initiatives for Research on Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs, Phase I: Ten Potential Data Initiatives - January 31, 2002

Agriculture in Brazil and Argentina: Developments and Prospects for Major Field Crops - January 9, 2002

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2001 Activities - January 3, 2002

Market Distribution of Potato Products in the United States - January 1, 2002

Consumer Misperceptions of Diet Quality - January 1, 2002

The Food Stamp Program and Food Insufficiency - January 1, 2002

China: Agriculture in Transition - December 18, 2001

The New Agricultural Trade Negotiations: Background and Issues for the U.S. Beef Sector - December 7, 2001

The Soybean Processing Decision - December 6, 2001

Trends in the Cigarette Industry After the Master Settlement Agreement - December 3, 2001

The Economic Benefits of Nutrition Labeling: A Case Study for Fresh Meat and Poultry Products - November 30, 2001

Displaced Workers: Differences in Nonmetro and Metro Experience in the Mid-1990s - November 28, 2001

Off Farm Investment of Farm Households: A Logit Analysis - November 21, 2001

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Cow-Calf Operations - November 16, 2001

Private Investment in Agricultural Research and International Technology Transfer in Asia - November 6, 2001

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Cotton Farms - October 31, 2001

Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: 2000 in Review and 2001 Outlook - October 4, 2001

Food Security in Central America - October 1, 2001

Major Uses of Land in the United States, 1997 - September 13, 2001

Public Sector Plant Breeding in a Privatizing World - September 7, 2001

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Corn Farms - August 30, 2001

Household Food Spending by Selected Demographics in the 1990s - August 27, 2001

Trade Issues Facing U.S. Horticulture in the WTO Negotiations - August 27, 2001

Income and Food Expenditures Decomposed by Cohort, Age, and Time Effects - August 27, 2001

Second Food Security Measurement and Research Conference, Volume II: Papers - August 24, 2001

State Use of Funds To Increase Work Slots for Food Stamp Recipients: Report to Congress - August 23, 2001

State Use of Funds To Increase Work Slots for Food Stamp Recipients: State Data Collection Instruments - August 23, 2001

Cotton: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation - August 2, 2001

Soybeans: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation - August 2, 2001

Wheat: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation - August 2, 2001

Rice: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation - August 2, 2001

U.S. Organic Farming Emerges in the 1990s: Adoption of Certified Systems - August 1, 2001

Development at the Urban Fringe and Beyond: Impacts on Agriculture and Rural Land - July 24, 2001

Confined Animal Production and Manure Nutrients - July 20, 2001

Agricultural Policy Reform in the WTO--The Road Ahead - June 26, 2001

Changing Structure of Global Food Consumption and Trade - June 26, 2001

Policy Options to Stabilize Food Supplies: A Case Study of Southern Africa - June 18, 2001

Biotechnology and Food Security - June 13, 2001

Toll on Agriculture from HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa - June 13, 2001

Agricultural Research and Development, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security - June 13, 2001

Climate Change and Food Security - June 13, 2001

Food Spending in American Households, 1997-98 - June 6, 2001

The Economics of Food Labeling - June 1, 2001

America's Diverse Family Farms: Assorted Sizes, Types, and Situations - May 31, 2001

Structural and Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms: 2001 Family Farm Report - May 31, 2001

Analysis of the U.S. Commodity Loan Program with Marketing Loan Provisions - May 24, 2001

U.S. Agriculture, 1960-96: A Multilateral Comparison of Total Factor Productivity - May 21, 2001

Product Liability and Microbial Foodborne Illness - May 21, 2001

Asymmetric Information in the Market for Yield and Revenue Insurance - May 15, 2001

Recent Changes in Marketing and Trade Practices in the U.S. Lettuce and Fresh-Cut Vegetable Industries - May 14, 2001

Understanding the Food Stamp Benefit Formula: A Tool for Measuring the Component Effects - May 10, 2001

Antimicrobial Drug Use and Veterinary Costs in U.S. Livestock Production - May 8, 2001

Economics of Tariff-Rate Quota Administration - May 8, 2001

Explaining the Food Stamp Cash-Out Puzzle - May 4, 2001

Issues in Food Security - May 1, 2001

Effects of Federal Tax Policy on Agriculture - May 1, 2001

Joint Costs in Meat Retailing - May 1, 2001

Participation in Yield and Revenue Insurance Products: What Are Important Factors? - May 1, 2001

Valuing the Health Benefits of Food Safety: A Proceedings - April 27, 2001

Assessment of WIC Cost-Containment Practices: An Interim Report to Congress - April 26, 2001

Summer Feeding Design Study: Final Report - April 26, 2001

Infant Formula Prices and Availability: An Interim Report to Congress - April 26, 2001

The Consequences of Welfare Reform and Economic Change for the Food Stamp Program--Illustrations from Microsimulation: Final Report - April 26, 2001

Natural Resources, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security - April 26, 2001

Food Security and Food Aid Distribution - April 26, 2001

Implications of Trade Liberalization on Food Security of Low-Income Countries - April 26, 2001

Using a Direct Measure To Monitor Hunger - April 26, 2001

Effects of Income Distribution on Food Security - April 26, 2001

Food Security Is Improving in the United States - April 26, 2001

Food Security Assessment: Regional Overview - April 25, 2001

The Economic Benefits of Breastfeeding: A Review and Analysis - April 19, 2001

Second Food Security Measurement and Research Conference, Volume 1: Proceedings - April 11, 2001

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2001, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - April 6, 2001

Milk Pricing in the United States - March 23, 2001

Concentration and Technology in Agricultural Input Industries - March 19, 2001

Economic Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology - March 19, 2001

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2000 Activities - March 7, 2001

Food Stamp Leavers in Illinois - How Are They Doing Two Years Later? Final Report - March 5, 2001

Study of Arizona Adults Leaving the Food Stamp Program: Final Report - March 5, 2001

Food Security Assessment GFA12 - March 5, 2001

Poverty, Policy, and the Macroeconomy - February 23, 2001

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2010 - February 22, 2001

Adoption of Agricultural Production Practices: Lessons Learned from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Area Studies Project - February 14, 2001

Agriculture and Ecosystem Restoration in South Florida: Assessing Trade-offs from Water-Retention Development in the Everglades Agricultural Area - February 1, 2001

The Road Ahead: Agricultural Policy Reform in the WTO--Summary Report - January 25, 2001

Agri-Environmental Policy at the Crossroads: Guideposts on a Changing Landscape - January 25, 2001

U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Marketing: Emerging Trade Practices, Trends, and Issues - January 25, 2001

Profiles of Tariffs in Global Agricultural Markets - January 25, 2001

Economics of Food Labeling - January 25, 2001

Profile of Hired Farmworkers, 1998 Annual Averages - January 5, 2001

Rural Conditions and Trends: Socioeconomic Conditions Issue, Vol. 11, No. 2 - January 1, 2001

Food Security Assessment Situation and Outlook. - December 13, 2000

A Safety Net for Farm Households - December 6, 2000

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program: Executive Summaries of 1998 Research Grants - December 1, 2000

Tracing the Costs and Benefits of Improvements in Food Safety - November 16, 2000

Land Tenure and the Adoption of Conservation Practices - November 1, 2000

How Do Taxes Affect Food Markets? - October 13, 2000

Supply Response Under the 1996 Farm Act and Implications for the U.S. Field Crops Sector - September 21, 2000

Production Practices for Major Crops in U.S. Agriculture, 1990-97 - September 20, 2000

The Effect on Dietary Quality of Participation in the Food Stamp and WIC Programs - September 15, 2000

Tobacco and the Economy: Farms, Jobs, and Communities - September 15, 2000

Technological Changes in the Transportation Sector--Effects on U.S. Food and Agricultural Trade: A Proceedings - September 15, 2000

Structural Change in U.S. Chicken and Turkey Slaughter - September 15, 2000

Structure, Management, and Performance Characteristics of Specialized Dairy Farm Businesses in the United States - September 15, 2000

Farm Resource Regions - September 12, 2000

Household Food Security in the United States, 1999 - September 8, 2000

Estimation of Food Demand and Nutrient Elasticities from Household Survey Data - September 5, 2000

ERS Farm Typology for a Diverse Agricultural Sector - September 1, 2000

Rural America (formerly Rural Development Perspectives) - September 1, 2000

Consumer Acceptance of Irradiated Meat and Poultry Products - August 31, 2000

Understanding the Dynamics of Produce Markets: Consumption and Consolidation Grow - August 31, 2000

A Comparison of Food Assistance Programs in Mexico and the United States - August 4, 2000

Summary of Federal Laws and Regulations Affecting Agricultural Employers, 2000 - July 1, 2000

The Decline in Food Stamp Program Participation in the 1990’s - June 26, 2000

Cross-Commodity Analysis of China’s Grain Sector: Sources of Growth and Supply Response - June 12, 2000

Local Bank Office Ownership, Deposit Control, Market Structure, and Economic Growth - June 12, 2000

Retail Food Price Forecasting at ERS - June 8, 2000

Characteristics of U.S. Wheat Farming: A Snapshot - June 7, 2000

Irrigation in the American West: Area, Water and Economic Activity - June 1, 2000

Rural Conditions and Trends - June 1, 2000

Rural Conditions and Trends: Rural Industry Issue, Vol. 10, No. 2 - June 1, 2000

Rural Conditions and Trends: Federal Programs Issue, Vol. 11, No. 1 - June 1, 2000

Economic and Conservation Tradeoffs of Regulatory Vs. Incentive-Based Water Policy in the Northwest - June 1, 2000

Genetically Engineered Crops for Pest Management in U.S. Agriculture - May 1, 2000

International Agriculture and Trade Report: NAFTA Commodity Supplement - April 14, 2000

WIC and the Nutrient Intake of Children - April 1, 2000

An Efficient Cost-Sharing Program to Reduce Nonpoint-Source Contamination: Theory and an Application to Groundwater Contamination - April 1, 2000

International Agriculture and Trade Report: International Financial Crises and Agriculture - March 3, 2000

Regionalism, Federalism, and Taxation: A Food and Farm Perspective. - March 1, 2000

Structural Change and Competition in Seven U.S. Food Markets - March 1, 2000

Economic Implications of the Methyl Bromide Phaseout - March 1, 2000

Forecasting Consumer Price Indexes for Food: A Demand Model Approach - March 1, 2000

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2000, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - March 1, 2000

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2009 - February 23, 2000

Increasing Food Recovery From Farmers’ Markets: A Preliminary Analysis - February 8, 2000

Changes in the Older Population and Implications for Rural Areas - February 1, 2000

Industrial Hemp in the United States: Status and Market Potential - January 20, 2000


Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 1999 Activities - January 3, 2000

An Analysis of Risk Premia in U.S. Farm-Level Interest Rates - January 1, 2000

Changes in Nutritional Quality of Food Product Offerings and Purchases: A Case Study in the Mid-1990’s - December 22, 1999

Factors Contributing to Earnings Success of Cash Grain Farms - December 1, 1999

Food Safety and Product Liability - December 1, 1999

Meeting the Housing Needs of Rural Residents: Results of the 1998 Survey of USDA's Single Family Direct Loan Housing Program. - December 1, 1999

Economics of Water Quality Protection from Nonpoint Sources: Theory and Practice - December 1, 1999

Assigning Values to Life: Comparing Methods for Valuing Health Risks - December 1, 1999

The Role of Education in Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Policy - November 1, 1999

Introduction to State Trading in Agriculture - November 1, 1999

Economic Assessment of the 1999 Drought: Agricultural Impacts Are Severe Locally, but Limited Nationally - November 1, 1999

Forward Contracting of Inputs: A Farm-Level Analysis - November 1, 1999

Family Child Care Homes and the CACFP - Participation After Reimbursement Tiering (An Interim Report of the Family Child Care Homes Legislative Changes Study) - October 31, 1999

The European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy: Pressures for Change - October 1, 1999

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 14, No. 3 - October 1, 1999

Pest Management in U.S. Agriculture - October 1, 1999

Natural Amenities Drive Rural Population Change - October 1, 1999

Policy Objectives and Economic Incentives for Controlling Agricultural Sources of Nonpoint Pollution - October 1, 1999

Maternal Nutrition Knowledge and Children's Diet Quality and Nutrient Intakes - October 1, 1999

Prevalence of Food Insecurity and Hunger, by State, 1996-98 - September 30, 1999

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 14, No. 2 - August 1, 1999

Food Security Assessment: Why Countries Are at Risk - August 1, 1999

The Impact of Minimum Wage Increases on Food and Kindred Products Prices: An Analysis of Price Pass-Through - August 1, 1999

Price Determination for Corn and Wheat: The Role of Market Factors and Government Programs - August 1, 1999

Will Increased Highway Funding Help Rural Areas? - August 1, 1999

Moving Toward the Food Guide Pyramid: Implications for U.S. Agriculture - July 2, 1999

Consumer Use of Information: Implications for Food Policy - July 1, 1999

Rural Conditions and Trends: Federal Programs Issue, Vol. 10, No. 1 - July 1, 1999

Green Technologies for a More Sustainable Agriculture - July 1, 1999

Rural Conditions and Trends: Rural Industry Issue, Vol. 9, No. 3 - June 10, 1999

Food Cost Review, 1950-97 - June 1, 1999

Economic Valuation of Environmental Benefits and the Targeting of Conservation Programs: The Case of the CRP - May 1, 1999

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 14, No. 1 - May 1, 1999

America's Eating Habits: Changes and Consequences - May 1, 1999

Highway Investment and Rural Economic Development: An Annotated Bibliography - April 30, 1999

Policy Issues in Rural Development: How Would Fundamental Tax Reform Affect Farmers? - April 1, 1999

Policy Considerations for Increasing Compatibilities Between Agriculture and Wildlife - April 1, 1999

Vertical Coordination in the Pork and Broiler Industries: Implications for Pork and Chicken Products - April 1, 1999

Agricultural Statistics - April 1, 1999

U.S. Beef Industry: Cattle Cycles, Price Spreads, and Packer Concentration - April 1, 1999

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 13, No. 3 - April 1, 1999

Technology Adoption Decisions in Dairy Production and the Role of Herd Expansion - April 1, 1999

Salmon Recovery in the Columbia River Basin: Analysis of Measures Affecting Agriculture - April 1, 1999

Does It Cost Less to Live in Rural Areas? Evidence from New Data on Food Security and Hunger - March 1, 1999

A Framework for Analyzing Technical Trade Barriers in Agricultural Markets - March 1, 1999

The Changing Food Assistance Landscape: The Food Stamp Program in a Post-Welfare Reform Environment - March 1, 1999

Managing Risk in Farming: Concepts, Research, and Analysis - March 1, 1999

Broiler Farms' Organization, Management, and Performance - March 1, 1999

Rural Competitiveness: Results of the 1996 Rural Manufacturing Survey - March 1, 1999

Consolidation in U.S. Meatpacking - March 1, 1999

User-Fee Financing of USDA Meat and Poultry Inspection - March 1, 1999

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 1999, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - February 24, 1999

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2008 - February 22, 1999

Analyses of Generic Dairy Advertising, 1984-97 - February 1, 1999

Rural Conditions and Trends: Socioeconomic Conditions Issue, Vol. 9, No. 2 - February 1, 1999

Food Security Assessment - January 4, 1999

Away-From-Home Foods Increasingly Important to Quality of American Diet - January 1, 1999

Factors Affecting the Profitability of Limited-Resource and Other Small Farms - January 1, 1999

A Dietary Assessment of the U.S. Food Supply: Comparing Per Capita Food Consumption with Food Guide Pyramid Serving Recommendations. - December 1, 1998

Structural and Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms, 1995: 20th Annual Family Farm Report to Congress - December 1, 1998

Food Security Assessment Situation and Outlook. - December 1, 1998

Consumer Acceptance of Biotechnology: Lessons from the rbST Experience - December 1, 1998

Agriculture in the WTO International Agriculture and Trade Report - December 1, 1998

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 1998 Activities - November 20, 1998

Free Trade in the Americas International Agriculture and Trade Report - November 1, 1998

Asian Financial Crisis: Effects on U.S. Agriculture. - By order only - November 1, 1998

Regional Trade Agreements and U.S. Agriculture - November 1, 1998

Factors Affecting Nutrient Intake of the Elderly - October 21, 1998

Socio-Economic Determinants of Food Insecurity in the United States: Evidence from the SIPP and CSFII Datasets - October 20, 1998

Regional Trade Agreements and U.S. Agriculture: An Overview - October 1, 1998

Breastfeeding Promotion Research: The ES/WIC Nutrition Education Initiative and Economic Considerations - September 1, 1998

Rural Manufacturing Survey Series - September 1, 1998

Biodiesel Development: New Markets for Conventional and Genetically Modified Agricultural Products - September 1, 1998

Wetlands and Agriculture: Private Interests and Public Benefits - September 1, 1998

Issues in Agricultural and Rural Finance - August 21, 1998

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 13, No. 2 - August 1, 1998

International Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2007 - August 1, 1998

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997: Provisions for Farmers and Rural Communities - July 31, 1998

Retiree-Attraction Policies for Rural Development - July 20, 1998

Determinants of Financial Performance of Commercial Dairy Farms - July 1, 1998

The Food Marketing System in 1996 - July 1, 1998

The Food and Fiber System: Contributing to the U.S. and World Economies - July 1, 1998

Rural Conditions and Trends: Federal Programs Issue, Vol. 9, No. 1 - July 1, 1998

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 13, No. 1 Great Plains issue - June 1, 1998

USDA's Healthy Eating Index and Nutrition Information - May 12, 1998

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2007 - May 5, 1998

Transition Economies International Agriculture and Trade Report - May 1, 1998

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 1998, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process - April 6, 1998

Rural Conditions and Trends: Rural Industry Issue, Vol. 8, No. 3 - March 28, 1998

U.S. Foreign Direct Investment in the Western Hemisphere Processed Food Industry - March 1, 1998

Agriculture and European Union Enlargement - February 1, 1998

Agricultural Outlook January/February 1998 - February 1, 1998


Agricultural Productivity in the United States - January 1, 1998

U.S. Agricultural Growth and Productivity: An Economywide Perspective - January 1, 1998

Injuries and Fatalities on U.S. Farms - January 1, 1998

Europe International Agriculture and Trade Situation and Outlook 1997 - December 19, 1997

Do the Poor Pay More for Food? Item Selection and Price Differences Affect Low-Income Household Food Costs - December 1, 1997

Agricultural Outlook October 1997 - October 1, 1997

Rural Economic Development: What Makes Rural Communities Grow? - October 1, 1997

Structure of Dairy Markets: Past, Present, Future - September 1, 1997

U.S. Cotton Distribution Patterns, 1993/94 - September 1, 1997

Rural Conditions and Trends: Socioeconomic Conditions Issue, Vol. 8, No. 2 - September 1, 1997

Agricultural Outlook September 1997 - September 1, 1997

Agricultural Outlook August 1997 - August 1, 1997

Food Consumption, Prices, and Expenditures, 1970-97 - August 1, 1997

Estimating and Addressing America's Food Losses. - August 1, 1997

Vertical Coordination and Consumer Welfare: The Case of the Pork Industry - August 1, 1997

APEC International Agriculture and Trade Report - August 1, 1997

Change in U.S. Livestock Production, 1969-92 - July 1, 1997

European Agricultural Statistics - By order only - July 1, 1997

Estimated Annual Costs of Campylobacter-Associated Guillain-Barre Syndrome - July 1, 1997

Economic Assessment of Food Safety Regulations: The New Approach to Meat and Poultry Inspection - July 1, 1997

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 1996-97 - July 1, 1997

Agricultural Outlook July 1997 - July 1, 1997

Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Situation and Outlook Report (7) - July 1, 1997

Rural Conditions and Trends: Federal Programs Issue, Vol. 8, No. 1 - June 1, 1997

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 3 - June 1, 1997

Financial Performance of U.S. Commercial Farms, 1991-94 - June 1, 1997

Changing Consumer Food Prices: A User's Guide to ERS Analyses - June 1, 1997

Benefits of Safer Drinking Water: The Value of Nitrate Reduction - June 1, 1997

Overcoming Persistent Poverty--And Sinking Into It: Income Trends in Persistent-Poverty and Other High-Poverty Rural Counties, 1989-94Rural Development Perspectives., Vol. 12, No. 3 - June 1, 1997

Rural Labor Markets Often Lead Urban Markets in Recessions and Expansions,Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 3. - June 1, 1997

Rural Industry Clusters Raise Local Earnings,Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 3. - June 1, 1997

Rural Industry Clusters Raise Local Earnings, Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 3. - June 1, 1997

Rural Areas in the New Telecommunications Era, Rural Development Perspectives,Vol. 12, No. 3. - June 1, 1997

Agricultural Outlook June 1997 - June 1, 1997

International Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2005 - May 1, 1997

Agricultural Outlook May 1997 - May 1, 1997

Proceedings of the Third National IPM Symposium/Workshop - May 1, 1997

The Impact of China and Taiwan Joining the World Trade Organization on U.S. and World Agricultural Trade: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis - May 1, 1997

Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2005, Reflecting the 1996 Farm Act - April 23, 1997

The Food Marketing System in 1995 - April 15, 1997

Characteristics and Risk Management Needs of Limited-Resource and Socially Disadvantaged Farmers - April 1, 1997

Agricultural Outlook April 1997 - April 1, 1997

Credit in Rural America - April 1, 1997

Issues in Rural Health: How Will Measures to Control Medicare Spending Affect Rural Communities? - March 1, 1997

Agricultural Outlook March 1997 - March 1, 1997

Changes in the Social and Economic Status of Women by Metro-Nonmetro Residence - February 1, 1997

County-Level Measure of Urban Influence, Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 2 - February 1, 1997

When Rural Communities Lose Passenger Rail Service, Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 2. - February 1, 1997

Direct Farm Marketing as a Rural Development Tool, Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 2. - February 1, 1997

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 2 - February 1, 1997

U.S. Export Performance in Agricultural Markets - February 1, 1997

Structural and Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms, 1993: 18th Annual Family Farm Report to Congress - January 17, 1997

Agricultural Outlook January 1997 - January 1, 1997

The Diets of America's Children: Influences of Dining Out, Household Characteristics, and Nutrition Knowledge - December 31, 1996

Rural Conditions and Trends: Federal Programs Issue, Vol. 7, No. 2 - December 30, 1996

Rural Conditions and Trends: Socioeconomic Conditions Issue, Vol. 7, No. 3 - December 1, 1996

Cattle and Sheep Outlook. - December 1, 1996

Farmers' Use of Marketing and Production Contracts - December 1, 1996

Agricultural Outlook December 1996 - December 1, 1996

Partial Interests in Land: Policy Tools for Resource Use and Conservation - November 29, 1996

Rural Conditions and Trends: Rural Industry Issue, Vol. 7, No. 1 - October 31, 1996

Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Situation and Outlook Report (6) - October 16, 1996

NAFTA International Agriculture and Trade Situation and Outlook 1996 - October 1, 1996

Economic Implications of Cleaning Barley in the United States - October 1, 1996

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 1 - October 1, 1996

The Future of China's Grain Market - October 1, 1996

Globalization of the Processed Foods Market - September 1, 1996

Provisions of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 - September 1, 1996

The 1996 Farm Act Increases Market Orientation - August 1, 1996

Costs and Benefits of Cleaning U.S. Soybeans: Overview and Implications - August 1, 1996

Economic Implications of Cleaning Soybeans in the United States - August 1, 1996

Bacterial Foodborne Disease: Medical Costs and Productivity Losses - August 1, 1996

Racial/Ethnic Minorities in Rural Areas: Progress and Stagnation - August 1, 1996

Crop Residue Management and Tillage System Trends - August 1, 1996

The Cotton Industry in the United States - July 1, 1996

From Farmers to Consumers: Vertical Coordination in the Food Industry - June 1, 1996

Commuting and the Economic Functions of Small Towns and Places Rural Development Perspectives. Vol. 12, No. 3 - June 1, 1996

Minimum Wage Increase Could Raise Many Rural Workers' Wages, Rural Development Perspectives , Vol. 11, No. 3 - June 1, 1996

Who's Vulnerable to Federal Budget Cuts? Rural Development Perspectives Vol. 11, No. 2 - June 1, 1996

Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: Issues of Longrun Sustainability - June 1, 1996

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 11, No. 3 - June 1, 1996

Exploring Linkages Among Agriculture, Trade, and the Environment: Issues for the Next Century - May 1, 1996

Agricultural Research and Development: Public and Private Investments Under Alternative Markets and Institutions - May 1, 1996

APEC Agriculture and Trade: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Region Buying More U.S. Consumer-Ready Food Products - May 1, 1996

Who Are Retired Farm Operators? - April 1, 1996

Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 11, No. 2 - February 1, 1996

Tracking Foodborne Pathogens from Farm to Table: Data Needs to Evaluate Control Options - December 1, 1995

The Conservation Reserve Program: Enrollment Statistics for Signup Periods 1-12 and Fiscal Years 1986-93 - November 1, 1995

Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Situation and Outlook Report (5) - September 1, 1995

Estimating the Net Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol - July 1, 1995

The Spice Market in the United States: Recent Developments and Prospects - July 1, 1995

Product Differentiation in Wheat Trade Modeling - By order only - June 1, 1995

Agricultural Export Programs: Background for 1995 Farm Legislation - June 1, 1995

World Agriculture and Climate Change: Economic Adaptations - June 1, 1995

Voluntary Incentives for Reducing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Water Pollution - May 1, 1995

NAFTA: Year One - By order only - April 1, 1995

Understanding Rural America - February 1, 1995

EU Nitrate Directive and CAP Reform: Effects on Agricultural Production, Trade, and Residual Soil Nitrogen - By order only - January 1, 1995

Benefits of Protecting Rural Water Quality: An Empirical Analysis - January 1, 1995

The Revised ERS County Typology: An Overview - December 1, 1994

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 1994 - December 1, 1994

Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Situation and Outlook Report (4) - December 1, 1994

Agriculture and the Environment in the European Union - By order only - October 1, 1994

Atrazine: Environmental Characteristics and Economics of Management - September 1, 1994

Adding Value to Existing Models of International Agricultural Trade - By order only - August 1, 1994

Environmental Policies: Implications for Agricultural Trade - By order only - June 1, 1994

Welfare Impacts of a Trade Restriction: An Equilibrium Approach and Application in the Potash Industry - By order only - June 1, 1994

Economic Implications of Cleaning Corn in the United States - By order only - June 1, 1994

Agricultural Biotechnology: An Economic Perspective - May 1, 1994

Factor Intensity and the Changing Commodity Composition of U.S. Agricultural Trade - By order only - May 1, 1994

World Feed Wheat Trade: A Market Analysis - By order only - February 1, 1994

Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Situation and Outlook Report (2) - December 1, 1993

Ethanol Production, Corn Gluten Feed, and EC Trade - By order only - July 1, 1993

Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Situation and Outlook Report (1) - June 1, 1993

Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Situation and Outlook Report (3) - June 1, 1993

Basic Elements of Agricultural Competitiveness: In Three Parts: Economics and Policy, Geography, History - By order only - March 1, 1993

Fertilizer Trade Statistics, 1970-91 - By order only - January 1, 1993

Estimating Water Quality Benefits: Theoretical and Methodological Issues - September 1, 1992

Agriculture in a North American Free Trade Agreement: Analysis of Liberalizing Trade Between the United States and Mexico - By order only - September 1, 1992

Weights, Measures, and Conversion Factors for Agricultural Commodities and Their Products - June 1, 1992

Export Demand for U.S. Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat - By order only - January 1, 1991

Global Trade in Agricultural Inputs - By order only - September 1, 1990

Estimates of Producer and Consumer Subsidy Equivalents: Government Intervention in Agriculture, 1982-87 - By order only - April 1, 1990

Rural America's Transportation Network: Issues for the 1990's, Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 11, No. 2. - January 1, 1990

World Agricultural Outlook Board Publications - January 1, 1990

Exchange Rates and U.S. Agricultural Trade - By order only - January 1, 1990

GATT & Agriculture: The Concepts of PSE's and CSE's - By order only - April 1, 1989

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