Updates for Agencies
GPO Online Paper Store - GPO has teamed up with Unisource Worldwide, Inc. to develop the GPO Online Paper Store. All Federal Government organizations can now order environmentally friendly, xerographic copier paper throughout the continental U.S. using a Web-based online system.
Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA)
Information Online
Visit the Procurement Vehicles page for the latest information on the SPA as well as GPO's many other procurement methods.
The GPOExpressSM Program
The GPO is always looking to make our services more convenient for our customers. That’s why we have developed a program called GPOExpressSM – a nationwide convenience printing contract that allows Government personnel to walk into any FedEx Kinko'sSM Print Center, day or night, at any of the thousands of locations throughout the United States and Canada -- to take care of small printing needs.
Using the new GPOExpressSM Card, agencies will receive significant discounts and benefits on their printing and finishing needs at any store location, at any time.
Learn more by visiting our GPOExpressSM page.
Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA) Upgrade
Effective March 15, 2005, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) raised the dollar limit for the Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA) from $2,500 to $10,000. Agencies who want to take advantage of the limit increase should refer to the SPA Upgrade Letter for further details.
SPA is an additional procurement method that will ease your administrative responsibilities by giving your agency control and convenience when looking for ways to quickly procure quality printing and related graphic services through GPO.
Circular Letters
Circular Letters form a vital communications link between
the Government Printing Office and its customers
in the Federal community.
January | February |
March | April | May |
June | July
August |September |
October | November | December
September 2008
701 (09.12.08) - Rider Orders for the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
700 (09.11.08) - U.S. Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book)
699 (09.08.08) - Rider Requisitions for Volume III of Principles of Federal
Appropriations Law, Third Edition
August 2008
698 (08.12.08) - Rider Requisitions for Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Publications “Guide to Federal Benefits”
July 2008
697 (07.23.08) - Rider Requisitions for the HHS Publication “The Healthy Woman: A Complete Guide for All Ages”
June 2008
696 (07.01.08) - Line of Accounting (LOA) for SF-1’s and GPO-2511’s
695 (06.24.08) - Rider Orders for the United States Government Manual, 2008/09 Edition, revised June 1, 2008
694 (06.23.08) - OMB Circular No. A-11, "Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget"
693 (06.20.08) - GPO Announces an Enhanced "Registry of U.S. Government Publication Digitization Projects"
692 (06.13.08) - Rider Requisitions for the Merit System Principles Wallet Card
691 (06.13.08) - Rider Orders for the Paper Edition of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Titles 28 through 41, revised July 1, 2008
690 (06.10.08) - Rider Requisitions for the Federal Career Service and Retirement Certificates
May 2008
689 (05.27.08) - Signature Authorization for Departments and Agencies submitting printing and binding requisitions to GPO’s Central Office, Washington, D.C.
688 (05.07.08) - Rider Requisitions for the New Bilingual Brochure "The Road to a Healthy Life"
April 2008
687 (04.17.08) - Fiscal Year 2009 Open Requisitions
686 (04.02.08) - Rider Requisitions for the OGE Publication “To Serve with Honor”
March 2008
685 (03.26.08) - Availability of the U.S. Code on CD‑ROM from the U.S. Government Printing Office
684 (03.26.08) - Availability of the U.S. Code on CD‑ROM from the U.S. Government Printing Office
683 (03.18.08) - Rider Orders for the Paper Edition of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Titles 17 through 27, revised April 1, 2008.
682 (03.12.08) - Rider Requisitions for Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (DOT – PHMSA) Emergency Response Guidebook 2008 publications (English version, Spanish version and French version)
681 (03.05.08) - Rider Requisitions for the Committee Print, Title 5, United States Code, Government Organization and Employees
680 (03.04.08) - Rider Orders for the 2008 Government Paper Samples
February 2008
679 (02.28.08) - GPO and Depository Libraries Partner to Offer Online Reference Assistance
678 (02.05.08) - Rider Orders for Office of Government Ethics Pamphlet “Working with Government Contractors”
677 (02.04.08) - Rider Orders for Office of Government Ethics Pamphlet “The Qualified Trust Program"
676 (02.04.08) - Authenticated FY09 President's Budget of the United States Government Available from GPO Access
January 2008
674 (01.23.08) - Rider Requisitions for the Economic Report of the President
673 (01.16.08) - Rider Requisitions for the Federal Career Service and Retirement Certificates
672 (01.14.08) - U. S. Code, 2006 Edition
671 (01.11.08) - Rider Requisitions for the FY 2009 Budget of the U.S. Government (bound volumes and CD-ROM)