Oversight and Assessment
Design Oversight Assessments




D-03-DESIGN-001 BNI Material Selection Process 04/29/03
D-03-DESIGN-002 LAW Melter Support System Capabilities 08/01/03
D-03-DESIGN-004 LAW Glass Waste Loadings 11/20/03
D-03-DESIGN-005 Evaluation of Tank Waste Wash and Leach Factors 11/04/03
D-03-DESIGN-006 Review Black Cell Design Adequacy  02/11/04
D-04-DESIGN-004 Review of BNI Design For PT Facility Evaporators 09/09/04
D-04-DESIGN-005 Review of Contractor Process For Design of the Main Control Room 11/03/04
D-04-DESIGN-007 Hydrogen Mitigation and Control Systems 11/22/04
D-04-DESIGN-008 HLW Vitrification Treatment Capacity 01/03/05
D-04-DESIGN-009 The Integrated Control Network (ICN) Design Status 01/14/05
D-05-DESIGN-010 Review of Contractor Process for Preparation of System Descriptions 06/13/05
D-05-DESIGN-011 Instrument Procurement and Installation 02/01/05
D-05-DESIGN-012 WTP Programmable Protection System 05/13/05
D-05-DESIGN-013 WTP Oxidative Leaching 10/07/05
D-05-DESIGN-014 WTP Report on The Important-To-Safety (ITS) Electrical Design 06/10/05
D-05-DESIGN-015 Revised Hydrogen Generation Rattes (HGR) and Times to Lower Flammability Limit (LFL) Calculation (24590-WTP-M4C-V11T-00004) 01/12/06
D-05-DESIGN-016 Review of Contractor Process for Nonconformance Reporting (NCR) 12/07/05
D-05-DESIGN-018 Review of BNI Design of the Treatment of Radioactive Liquid Waste 02/10/06
D-05-DESIGN-019 Review of BNI BOF Equipment, System, and Facility Preservation, Lay-up, and Turnover Procedures 05/04/06
D-05-DESIGN-020 Review of Contractor Configuration Mangement (CM) 01/17/06
D-05-DESIGN-021 WTP Operations Research, Tank Utilization, and Steady State Flowsheet Assessments 02/03/06
D-06-DESIGN-022 Review of Contractor Design Control Process 04/04/06
D-06-DESIGN-023 Hydrogen In Piping and Ancillary Vessels Generic Solutions 08/25/06
D-06-DESIGN-024 Review of the Technical Evaluation of the Simulator Process Model (Software) and the Simulator Facility 03/08/06
D-06-DESIGN-025 Review of Contractor Process for HLW Confinement Vent. (Cancelled)
D-06-DESIGN-026 Management Self Assessment of BNI Oversight Program and Review of BNI Effectiveness for Engineering Actions 07/27/06
D-06-DESIGN-027 Radiochemical Analytical Laboratory Pneumatic Autosampling System Design 09/25/06
D-06-DESIGN-028 Review of BNI CGD Corrective Actions 11/09/06
D-06-DESIGN-029 Review of Subcontractor Configuration Management 10/12/06
D-06-DESIGN-030 SRD Design Standards Implementation 01/08/07
D-06-DESIGN-031 Glass Former Facility Design Status Assessment 04/16/07
D-07-DESIGN-032 Design Construction/Completion Process for System Turnover 05/11/07
D-06-DESIGN-033 Standards Flowdown for Round HEPA Filters 12/06/06
D-06-DESIGN-034 Standards Selection Process 05/09/07
D-06-DESIGN-035 Review of Interface Control Documents 05/03/07
D-06-DESIGN-036 Review of WTP LAB HVAC Systems 04/19/07
D-07-DESIGN-037 Independent Assessment Design Oversight Report 02/26/07
D-07-DESIGN-038 Metric Program for Nuclear Safety and Quality Culture Imperative 04/30/07
D-07-DESIGN-039 Review BNI GFF Supporting the Proposed LAW and HLW Design Capacities 08/27/07
D-07-DESIGN-040 Review of Aluminum Entrainment In BNI's Feed Receipt and Evaportor Systems 09/19/07
D-07-DESIGN-041 Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Design 09/10/07
D-07-DESIGN-042 Technology Readiness Assessment for WTP LAB, BOF, & LAW Waste Vitrification Facilities 03/28/07
D-07-DESIGN-043 Review BNI Field Control and Communication Equipment 08/27/07
D-07-DESIGN-044 LAW Facility Electrical Distribution Design 06/26/07
D-07-DESIGN-045 WTP HLW Canister and LAW Container Transport Systems (Cancelled) 04/30/07
D-07-DESIGN-046 Draft
D-07-DESIGN-047 Draft
D-07-DESIGN-048 PT Facility Process Systems in the Cesium Ion Exchange Process System (CXP)and Cesium Nitric Acid Recovery Process System (CNP) Black Cells 10/01/07
D-07-DESIGN-049 Cancelled - Subject Covered by D-07-DESIGN-052 01/22/08
D-07-DESIGN-050 Draft
D-07-DESIGN-051 Cancelled - Number not used.
D-07-DESIGN-052 Review of the WTP Confinement Ventilation Systems 01/22/08
D-07-DESIGN-053 PT Facility Post-Filtration Precipitation 10/29/07
D-07-DESIGN-054 Review of LAW Vitrification Process Control Strategy 01/15/08
D-07-DESIGN-055 Temporary Modification Program Implementation 01/02/08
D-08-DESIGN-056 Draft
D-08-DESIGN-057 Contractor CAs for CM and Design Control In Support of Design/Construction Completion Process For System Turnover 02/04/08
D-08-DESIGN-058 Criticality Safety Program Assessment For The WTP 01/31/08
D-08-DESIGN-059 Review Of WTP LAW Container Export Handling System 03/13/08
D-08-DESIGN-060 Draft 03/13/08
D-08-DESIGN-061 Review Of Pre-Treatment Process Control Strategy 05/23/08
D-08-DESIGN-062 Review Of Treated LAW Processing SystemContainer Export Handling System 05/23/08
D-08-DESIGN-063 Review Of Bechtel National Inc. Waste Treatment Immobilization Plant (WTP) Low-Activity Waste (LAW) Facility Instrumental & Control (I&C) System Hardware Layout Design 05/23/08
  Last Updated: 06/16/2008 02:46 PM
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