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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Aleutian Ilands coral garden, photo: Bob Stone

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Essential Fish Habitat Identification and Conservation in Alaska

Final EIS - April 2005

The Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) in Alaska evaluates alternatives and environmental consequences for three actions: (1) describing and identifying EFH for fisheries managed by the Council; (2) adopting an approach for the Council to identify Habitat Areas of Particular Concern within EFH; and (3) minimizing to the extent practicable the adverse effects of Council-managed fishing on EFH.

The Council reviewed the Preliminary Final EIS at its February 7-14, 2005 meeting and selected final preferred alternatives for each of the three actions. The preferred alternatives are (1) Alternative 3 - Describe and identify EFH as the revised general distribution; (2) Alternative 3 - Adopt the site-based approach for identifying Habitat Areas of Particular Concern; and (3) Alternative 5C - Establish expanded closures in the Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska to minimize the effects of fishing on EFH.

Background information on the EFH EIS is available on the NMFS Alaska EFH web page. If you have questions about the EIS, contact Jon Kurland at 907-586-7638 or jon.kurland@noaa.gov.

Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Essential Fish Habitat in Alaska
Record of Decision View PDF 151 KB
Abstract View PDF 46 KB
Executive Summary Cover Page View PDF 694 KB
Executive Summary View PDF 109 KB
     Executive Summary - Tables View PDF
178 KB
     Executive Summary - Figures
View PDF
3.8 MB
Table of Contents View PDF 193 KB
Volume 1: Chapters 1-9 Cover Page View PDF 1.2 MB
Chapter 1:
Purpose and Need for Action
View PDF 92 KB
Chapter 2:
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
View PDF 437 KB
Chapter 3:
Affected Environment
View PDF 1.5 MB
Chapter 4.0 and 4.1:
Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives
Effects of Describing and Identifying Essential Fish Habitat
View PDF 218 KB
Chapter 4.2:
Effects of Establishing an Approach for Identifying Habitat Areas of Particular Concern
View PDF 95 KB
Chapter 4.3:
Effects of Minimizing the Adverse Effects of Fishing on EFH
View PDF 1.7 MB
Chapter 4.4:
Cumulative Effects
View PDF 559 KB
Chapter 4.5:
Summary and Conclusions
View PDF 218 KB
Chapter 5:
List of Preparers and Contributors
View PDF 74 KB
Chapter 6:
Agencies, Organizations, and Persons Receiving Copies of the Final EIS
View PDF 109 KB
Chapter 7:
Index of Topics
View PDF 31 KB
Chapter 8:
Literature Cited
View PDF 323 KB
(Broken into 8 parts so that the files can be downloaded more easily.)
Chapter 9: Figures: 2-1 to 2-16
View PDF 5 MB
Chapter 9: Figures: 2-17 to 2-38
View PDF 5 MB
Chapter 9: Figures: 2-39 to 2-59
View PDF 4.9 MB
Chapter 9: Figures: 3.1-1 to 3.2-34
View PDF 3.6 MB
Chapter 9: Figures: 3.2-35 to 3.4-13
View PDF 4.8 MB
Chapter 9: Figures: 3.4-14 to 3.4-43
View PDF 4.4 MB
Chapter 9: Figures: 4.3-1 to 4.3-5
View PDF 3.3 MB
Chapter 9: Tables for Chapters 2, 3 and 4
View PDF 936 KB


Volume II: Appendices A - L Cover Page View PDF 1.2 MB
Appendix A:
EFH Final Scoping Report

View PDF
4.5 MB
Appendix B:
Evaluation of Fishing Activities That May Adversely Affect EFH

View PDF
1.2 MB
     Appendix B: Figures B.2-1 - B.2-3c View PDF 4.7 MB
     Appendix B: Figures B.2-4a - B2.-6c View PDF 5 MB
     Appendix B: Figures B3.1-1 - B3.2.4-2 View PDF 2 MB
     Appendix B: Figures B.3.2.7-1 - B.3.2.7-10 View PDF 3.9 MB
     Appendix B: Figures B.3.2.8-1 - B.3.3.19-2 View PDF 3 MB
     Appendix B: Tables B.2-1 - B.4-2 View PDF 211 KB
Appendix C:
Regulatory Impact Review / Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

View PDF
1.2 MB
     Appendix C: Figures
View PDF 2.8 MB
     Appendix C: Tables View PDF 524 KB
Appendix D:
EFH Text and Map Descriptions for Federally Managed Species of the Alaska Region

View PDF
1.2 MB
Appendix E:
NMFS Recommendations for the EFH Provisions of the FMPs

View PDF
54 KB
Appendix F:
EFH Habitat Assessment Reports
(Broken into 6 parts so that the files can be downloaded more easily.)

View PDF
40 KB
     Appendix F-1:
     EFH Report for the Groundfish Resources of the GOA

View PDF
714 KB
     Appendix F-2:
     EFH Report for the Groundfish Resources of the BSAI

View PDF
3.7 MB
     Appendix F-3:
     EFH Report for the BSAI King and Tanner Crabs
View PDF 250 KB
     Appendix F-4:
     EFH Report for Scallop Resources of the GOA and BSAI

View PDF
156 KB
     Appendix F-5:
     EFH Report for the Salmon Fisheries in the EEZ off the Coast      of Alaska

View PDF
523 KB
Appendix G:
Non-fishing Impacts to EFH and Recommended Conservation Measures

View PDF
711 KB
Appendix H:
EFH EIS Methods of Data Analysis

View PDF
778 KB
Appendix I:
Consistency with Applicable Laws and Other Requirements

View PDF
327 KB
Appendix J:
Proposed HAPC Identification Process

View PDF
303 KB
Appendix K:
Research and Monitoring Approaches for Evaluation of EFH Fishing Impact Minimization Alternatives

View PDF
118 KB
Appendix L: (Correct version posted 5/2/05)
Responses to Public Comments on the Draft EIS for EFH Conservation and Identification

View PDF
375 KB