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Getting Started

Stages Involved in the Agency Implementation Process

  1. Agency meets with the FMS Agency Liaison to discuss the requirements of the agency and to gain an understanding of the services provided by the agency.

  2. The agency, assisted by the FMS Agency Liaison, completes the Agency Configuration Template. Upon completion the ACT is reviewed by the Agency Liaisons at FRB-Cleveland and authorized. The agency will then sign the ACT as an agreement of what will be developed and implemented for them.

  3. programming team develops the agency application(s). The agency may also need to do development depending upon the interface chosen.

  4. Application goes into testing where the agency can run simulated transactions.

  5. Upon completion of testing and agency authorization, the application goes into production.

Submit an information request and a team member will contact you regarding the implementation process. To submit a request, please e-mail us at and include the following information:

  • Name
  • Agency name
  • Agency address
  • Telephone number
  • Brief description of the agency application (i.e., collection, payment, fee, bill)
   Last Updated:  Monday January 07, 2008

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