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Climate Prediction Center

NCEP Global Ocean
Data Assimilation System (GODAS)
  • Introduction
  • Climatology (1982-2004):
  • Plots Animations
  • Monthly products (1979-present):
  • Plots Animations
  • Pentad products (past 3 months):
  • Plots Animations
  • Coastal upwelling:
  • Plot
  • Input data distributions (1979-present):
  • Plots Animations
  • Ocean reanalysis for downloading:
  • Monthly   Pentad
  • Validations against observations
  • Links to other ocean analysis data

  • Monthly Ocean Briefing

    Around the 7-8th day of each month, the CPC makes a monthly assessment of how the state of the global ocean evolved recently; what was the interaction with the atmosphere; and how model predictions verified. This assessment is disseminated using a PPT presentation and conference call. Contact Yan Xue for details on conference call.

    Current: PPT Powerpoint Viewer 2003 , PDF Adobe PDF Reader
    Archive: PPT Powerpoint Viewer 2003 , PDF Adobe PDF Reader
    Briefing sequence web page

    Current Conditions
    (Click ENSO for NOAA/CPC current ENSO activity)
    Note: Move cursor over product name to display the graph.
    OISST Animation

      We appreciate your comments, suggestions and feedbacks to our web page.  Please write to: Yan Xue.We will respond to your emails promptly.

    NOAA/ National Weather Service
    National Centers for Environmental Prediction
    Climate Prediction Center
    5200 Auth Road
    Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
    Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
    Page last modified: June 11, 2006
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