GLOBE Partner Countries

Internationally, GLOBE is implemented through bilateral agreements between the U.S. government and governments of partner nations. The following 110 countries participate in GLOBE. If your country is not on this list and you would like information about joining GLOBE, please contact the GLOBE Help Desk.

World Map of GLOBE Countries

To see GLOBE Countries grouped regionally, click on the name of one of the following regions:
Africa Asia/Pacific Europe/Eurasia Latin America/Caribbean Near East/North Africa North America

* Argentina * Ethiopia * Lithuania * Philippines
* Australia * Fiji * Luxembourg * Poland
* Austria * Finland * Macedonia * Portugal
* Bahamas * France * Madagascar * Qatar
* Bahrain * Gabon * Maldives * Romania
* Bangladesh * Gambia * Mali * Russia
* Belgium * Germany * Malta * Rwanda
* Benin * Ghana * Marshall Islands * Saudi Arabia
* Bolivia * Greece * Mauritania * Senegal
* Bulgaria * Guatemala * Mexico * Serbia and Montenegro
* Burkina Faso * Guinea * Micronesia * South Africa
* Cameroon * Honduras * Moldova * Spain
* Canada * Hungary * Monaco * Sri Lanka
* Cape Verde * Iceland * Mongolia * Suriname
* Chad * India * Morocco * Sweden
* Chile * Ireland * Namibia * Switzerland
* Colombia * Israel * Nepal * Tanzania
* Congo, The Republic of * Italy * Netherlands * Thailand
* Costa Rica * Japan * New Zealand
Cook Islands
* Trinidad and Tobago
* Croatia * Jordan * Niger * Tunisia
* Cyprus * Kazakhstan * Nigeria * Turkey
* Czech Republic * Kenya * Norway * Uganda
* Denmark * Korea, South * Pakistan * Ukraine
* Dominican Republic * Kuwait * Palau * United Arab Emirates
* Ecuador * Kyrgyz Republic * Panama * United Kingdom
* Egypt * Latvia * Paraguay * United States of America
* El Salvador * Lebanon * Peru * Uruguay
* Estonia * Liechtenstein

See a list of International Country Codes

World Map courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin.

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