Office of River Protection
Employee Concerns Program


Office of River Protection       Employee Concerns Program

Value and Philosophy

The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of River Protection (ORP) believes investigating, understanding and responding to employee concerns provides a valuable tool to improve safety, the work environment and productivity at the Hanford Site.  The ORP also believes employee concerns are most efficiently resolved when the employee resolves its concerns at the local level with its employer.  When the employee cannot achieve resolution with its employer or has a real concern regarding retaliation, intimidation or harassment, the ORP expects the employee to come forward to its Employee Concerns Office.


Owner Commitment

The ORP ECP provides an alternative method for employees to raise concerns.  ORP will review, investigate and take action on concerns in a manner which promotes confidentiality, work practice improvements, and prevents reprisal. 


Zero Tolerance for Retaliation

ORP is committed to employees having a process to express concerns without fear of retaliation or reprisal.  Employees are encouraged to raise concerns so resolution can be completed in a timely fashion


Filing an Employee Concern

Concerns can be expressed in person, by phone, by email, or in writing.  Forms are available throughout Hanford facilities and the ECP office at the Federal Building.


Types of Concerns Employees Can Raise

           Safety and Health


           Fraud, waste and abuse


           Working Conditions







ECP Availability

Any individual working on the Hanford site may use ECP.  This includes contractors and subcontractors.


The ECP process is confidential.  The ORP ECP, to the extent permitted by law, protect all people, records, deliberations and actions acquired through the ECP process.

Anonymous Concerns

Individuals may express concerns anonymously.  When selecting this mode of communication, the individual still needs to provide as much detail to the concern as possible.

ECP Hotline: 509 376-1934

  Last Updated: 01/10/2005 03:12 PM
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