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Zenith State Vector NORAD




J-Pass Generator Help

What Does It Do?

Simulated pass of Station through Orion constellation.

J-Pass uses state vectors from NORAD and your latitude and longitude to create regular reports of satellite viewing opportunities. The reports are automatically e-mailed to you, and include information on each satellite pass, such as rise and set times and locations, maximum elevation, and brightness. 

You can select up to 10 satellites plus the Shuttle, and choose options for the report format and pass selection. We have a list of over 100 satellites to choose from, and 55 cities to help you specify your location. If your city or town is not in the list, you can enter your latitude and longitude.

Each report gives 3 days worth of passes, and you can choose to receive reports on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or just on Fridays.

How Do I Subscribe

Use the form below. We will need a valid e-mail address and your location. 

Note: carefully input your e-mail address. If your report "bounces" because it is undeliverable for more than two weeks, the system removes your subscription. If you do not begin receiving reports within a week, check back, you may have made a mistake entering your address.

And no, we don't give out your e-mail address or use it in any way except to send you these reports.

Selecting Options

When you enter your e-mail address to begin the subscription process, you will then choose your location, time zone, report formats, frequency, and satellites. You can return to our site at any time and change your options. Note: our system doesn't know if your area uses Daylight Savings Time, so you must manually make this change every spring and fall.

How Do I Read It?

What do the reports look like? Check out these samples:

We also have a detailed description of the pass report:

Reading the Pass Report

How Do I Unsubscribe

If you decide you no longer want our service, just enter your e-mail address below and click "Remove." If you are dissatisfied with our service, please let us know why, we want to accommodate you.


We are always ready to hear your suggestions, some of the best features of our system are the result of reader inputs. Just reply to any e-mail report you receive, and let us know what you're thinking. Note: if you are interested in a satellite that is not on our list, tell us. If we can find information for the satellite, we'll add it.

To Subscribe, Change Your Options, or Unsubscribe:

E-Mail Address (e.g.

Updated July 31, 2001