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Grantee Communications Kit

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Grant Recipients - Grantee Communication Kit


We in the Office of Public and Legislative Affairs want to assist your institution in sharing your project with the museum and library community. In order to accomplish this, we ask that you keep us in the loop as your grant project moves forward. We’d like to know if you produce a publication, create a Web site, or hold an event as part of your grant activities. Keeping informed about our grantees allows us to select grant institutions and events to highlight on our Web site and in other channels of communication, to help you spread the word about your grant.

Project Profiles
Each month, we select a past grantee and write a feature story about its grant project for our Web site. These feature stories are prominently positioned our Web site’s homepage, and are featured in our monthly E-Newsletter, Primary Source.

The Project Profiles are broken out into sections that help illustrate the impact of grant projects:

  • Need: Identifies a specific need in the grantee institution or its community
  • Goals: Identifies the grant project’s goals, and describes how the project will meet the need established above
  • Strategy: Clarifies the grantee institution’s strategies and tactics for executing the project
  • Community Change: Outlines the results that the project is producing, and how they impact the grantee’s community
  • Resources: Links to resources that the project has generated, such as project plans, presentations, or publications

Project Profiles also feature a link to the grantee’s Web site, a photo of the project in action, and the institution’s contact information.

Primary Source
The Institute’s E-Newsletter, Primary Source, is delivered to more than 10,000 museum and library professionals (and growing!) each month. In addition to highlighting the grantee institution selected for that month’s Project Profile, each Primary Source newsletter includes “IMLS on the Road,” a list of upcoming dates and times where you can hear speeches or see presentations about our grant projects and other Institute activities. If someone from your institution will be giving a presentation about your grant project, of if your institution is holding a project kick-off event, we want to know about it so we can include it on this list. Please e-mail information about your presentation or event to

Web Database
Our Web site features a searchable database of awards. At the time your grant is awarded, we add your grant to our database. If at any time you develop a page on your own Web site that is related to your grant project, please let us know by e-mailing the link to We will add this link to our Web database, so that colleagues browsing our Web site can find their way to yours.

If you would like to learn more about how your institution can take advantage of these opportunities, call the Office of Public and Legislative Affairs at (202)653-4757.

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