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2006 News Releases:
Rover Spirit as viewed by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 12/28/06 - NASA Mars Team Teaches Old Rovers New Tricks to Kick Off Year Four
NASA's twin Mars rovers, nearing the third anniversary of their landings, are getting smarter as they get older.
Jim Erickson 12/22/06 - NASA Names New Manager for Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has a new project manager.
right side shows stars and galaxies in the Ursa Major constellation, left side is the same image after stars, galaxies and other sources were masked out 12/18/06 - NASA Telescope Picks Up Glow of Universe's First Objects
New observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope strongly suggest that infrared light detected in a prior study originated from clumps of the very first objects of the universe.
Echoes of a Buried Basin in Amazonis Planitia 12/13/06 - Geologists Finding a Different Mars Underneath
Mars is showing scientists its older, craggier face buried beneath the surface, thanks to a pioneering sounding radar co-sponsored by NASA aboard the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter.
Layers Exposed at Polar Canyon 12/13/06 - NASA Spacecraft Read Layered Clues to Changes on Mars
Layers on Mars are yielding history lessons revealed by instruments flying overhead and rolling across the surface.
mountain range running just south of Titan's equator 12/12/06 - Massive Mountain Range Imaged on Saturn's Moon Titan
The tallest mountains ever seen on Titan -- coated with layers of organic material and blanketed by clouds -- have been imaged by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
Grace measurement of Mississippi River basin 12/12/06 - NASA Outlines Recent Changes in Earth's Freshwater Distribution
Recent space observations of freshwater storage by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment are providing a new picture of how Earth's most precious natural resource is distributed globally and how it is changing.
new gully deposit on Mars 12/6/06 - NASA Images Suggest Water Still Flows in Brief Spurts on Mars
NASA photographs have revealed bright new deposits seen in two gullies on Mars that suggest water carried sediment through them sometime during the past seven years.
artist's concept shows a supermassive black hole at the center of a remote galaxy digesting the remnants of a star 12/5/06 - NASA Telescope Sees Black Hole Munch on a Star
A giant black hole has been caught red-handed dipping into a cosmic cookie jar of stars by NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer.
Spirit at Gusev Crater 12/4/06 - NASA Mars Orbiter Photographs Spirit and Vikings on the Ground
New images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show three additional NASA spacecraft that have landed on Mars: the Spirit rover active on the surface since January 2004 and the two Viking landers that successfully reached the surface in 1976.
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