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2003 News Releases:
An artist's rendering of the Stardust spacecraft. 12/30/03 - NASA Comet Hunter Closing on Quarry
Having trekked 3.2 billion kilometers (2 billion miles) across cold, radiation-charged and interstellar-dust-swept space in just under five years, NASA's Stardust spacecraft is closing in on the main target of its mission -- a comet flyby.
Artist's concept of a Mars Exploration Rover 12/29/03 - Mars Exploration Rover Mission Status
NASA's Spirit rover spacecraft fired its thrusters for 3.4 seconds on Friday, Dec. 26, to make a slight and possibly final correction in its flight path about one week before landing on Mars.
Artist's concept of the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter 12/23/03 - Ion Engine Under Consideration for Jupiter Mission Passes Test
A new ion propulsion engine design, one of several candidate propulsion technologies under study by NASA's Project Prometheus for possible use on the proposed Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter mission, has been successfully tested by a team of engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
Professor Lyman Spitzer, Jr. 12/18/03 - NASA Announces New Name for Space Infrared Telescope Facility
NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe today announced that NASA's Space Infrared Telescope Facility has been renamed the Spitzer Space Telescope.
This image, captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope's highly sensitive infrared detectors, shows a dark cloud of gas and dust in the nearby emission nebula IC1396 brilliantly lit up for the first time. 12/18/03 - NASA Releases Dazzling Images From New Space Telescope
A new window to the universe has opened with today's release of the first dazzling images from NASA's newly named Spitzer Space Telescope, formerly known as the Space Infrared Telescope Facility.
This simulated view shows Mars as it might have appeared during the height of a possible ice age in geologically recent time. 12/17/03 - Mars May Be Emerging from an Ice Age
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided evidence of a recent ice age on Mars.
Image of the nearby spiral galaxy Messier 31 12/10/03 - Mission Captures Galaxies Galore
The most sensitive and comprehensive ultraviolet image ever taken of the Andromeda Galaxy, our nearest large neighbor galaxy, has been captured by NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer.
Alaska's freeze and thaw by satellite. 12/10/03 - NASA Scientists Discover Spring Thaw Makes a Difference
Using a suite of microwave remote sensing instruments aboard satellites, scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., and the University of Montana, Missoula, have observed a recent trend of earlier thawing across the northern high latitudes.
Artist's concept of a Mars Odyssey 12/8/03 - Odyssey Studies Changing Weather and Climate on Mars
Mars may be going through a period of climate change, new findings from NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter suggest.
Earth 12/5/03 - The Measure of Water: NASA Creates New Map for the Atmosphere
NASA scientists have opened a new window for understanding atmospheric water vapor, its implications for climate change, and ozone depletion.
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