Project Text
A brief description of the project, including the types of data studied.
Group: Project_Text
  • Required field.
  • May be used only once.
  • Multiple lines of text are allowed, each line containing a maximum of 80 characters. Characters may be selected from the printable UTF-8 character set.
  • Should include background information on the project as well as any other relevant information.
  • The total length could consist of approximately 30 lines.
  • Single space with blank lines separating paragraphs
  • Standard elements of style only
  • Capitalization should follow standard constructs. For readability, do not use all capital letters or all lower case letters, but use the appropriate case where applicable.
  • No right justification
  • Acronyms should be expanded to provide understanding.
  • Hyperlinked URLs may be imbedded in the text by surrounding them in single or double quotes:
    • ""
Group: Project_Text
   The Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere
   Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) was a large international
   field experiment conducted in 1992-1993 as an addendum to the
   TOGA Implementation Plan to study the atmospheric and oceanic
   processes over the region of the western Pacific known as the
   "warm pool". This is the region of warm ocean and atmospheric
   clouds and precipitation that is linked to the El Nino climate
   TOGA COARE data are located at NOAA/National Climatic Data
   Center (NCDC) and elsewhere.  For a complete list of TOGA
   COARE data sets and data centers see: 
   A deep archive of the TOGA COARE data is located at the
   National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in
   Boulder, CO:



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This document should be cited as:
Ancillary Description Writer's Guide, 2008.
Global Change Master Directory. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [].