National Endowment for the Arts  
Recent Grants

Visual Arts: FY 2005 Grants

Some details of the projects listed below are subject to change, contingent upon prior Endowment approval.

Access to Artistic Excellence | Access to Artistic Excellence II | Panelists

Access to Artistic Excellence

Abington Art Center
Jenkintown, PA
To support a residency and site-specific installation by Pennsylvania artist J. Morgan Puett in an abandoned 19th-century Quaker Meetinghouse. The artist will work collaboratively to investigate the relationships between architecture, fashion, and fine art by turning the Meetinghouse into a "factory."

Aljira, Inc.
Newark, NJ
To support Emerge, a professional development program for artists. The program seeks to provide advice and guidance from professional artists to the participants and to assist with networking opportunities.

Art House at the Jones Center
Austin, TX
To support Art on Tour, a touring exhibition program in Texas. Three exhibitions with accompanying catalogues will be organized - two juried shows highlighting new American talent, and one featuring contemporary artists whose work addresses their relationship to religious practice, ideology, and iconography.

Art in General, Inc.
New York, NY
To support artist residencies and exhibitions as well as accompanying publications, educational outreach, and public programs. Proposed artists will be in residence for periods of two months, and two New York-based artists will participate in an international exchange, working at art centers in Eastern Europe.

Art Papers, Inc.
Atlanta, GA
To support reviews of contemporary artists' work in the bi-monthly journal Art Papers. The reviews section includes an average of 32 articles by writers, many of whom will be published for the first time.

Houston, TX
To support the reviews section of ArtLies, a quarterly publication that covers the visual arts in Texas. ArtLies seeks to expand its news coverage and critical dialogue.

ArtPace, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
To support residencies for artists to create new work. Participating artists will be provided with housing, work space, technical assistance, transportation costs, and a stipend for a two-month residency.

Center for Exploratory and Perceptual Arts
Buffalo, NY
To support artist residencies for Art Works!, a community-based program that brings artists to work directly with the community. The month-long residencies are project-based and targeted to specific community concerns and issues.

Center for Photography at Woodstock, Inc.
Woodstock, NY
To support a residency program for photographers. Artists will be provided with an honorarium, studio and darkroom access, equipment, lodging, and meals for residencies of up to one month.

Chicago Public Art Group
Chicago, IL
To support a collaborative public art project by the artists Olivia Gude and Bernard Williams. Working with residents of the Hilliard Homes public housing complex, the artists will address the use of public space within the various buildings.

City of Santa Rosa, California
Santa Rosa, CA
To support a public art project by artist Ned Kahn, who was selected by the city's Art in Public Places Committee through a process that included community input. The large-scale work will cover a section of a building in a heavily trafficked neighborhood, and will resemble a vertical sheet of rippling water.

Clay Studio
Philadelphia, PA
To support the Guest Artist Program, a residency opportunity for national and international ceramic artists to create new work. Participating artists will be provided with studio space, an honorarium, a stipend, transportation expenses, and a materials budget for a two-month residency.

Creative Time, Inc.
New York, NY
To support a public art project, Truisms for New York City, by artist Jenny Holzer. Holzer will collaborate with poet Henri Cole to create texts about New York City that will be displayed on a blimp floating over the skyline and at a public exhibition using LED technology.

Dieu Donne Papermill, Inc.
New York, NY
To support the Artist Apprentice Program to develop hand papermaking skills in the creation of contemporary art. One artist will be selected for an intensive 21-month apprenticeship with master papermaker Paul Wong.

Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts- Int. Studio & Cur. Program
New York, NY
To support American artists' participation in the International Studio and Curatorial Program, a residency program in New York City. Artists will be provided with a private studio, room and board, and access to curators, critics, collectors, and other artists through studio visits, field trips, and exhibitions.

En Foco, Inc.
Bronx, NY
To support production of several issues of Nueva Luz, a bilingual photographic journal. Each issue will feature the work of emerging photographers of color, an essay by a guest critic/editor, and a comprehensive listing of career opportunities and other resources for photographers.

Escuela de Artes Plasticas de Puerto Rico
San Juan, PR
To support expansion of the Artist-in-Residence Program to bring more contemporary artists to Puerto Rico. Visiting artists and lecturers from every continent will spend two weeks in Puerto Rico, leading workshops and giving lectures in a program that will benefit approximately 16,000 people.

Exit Art/The First World, Inc.
New York, NY
To support an exhibition and catalogue examining contemporary concerns regarding water and its conservation. The exhibition will feature work by at least 50 artists.

International Sculpture Center, Inc.
Hamilton, NJ
To support a series of articles and reviews on emerging and under-recognized artists for Sculpture magazine. Solicited articles will focus on work of current artists, events, and public art projects.

Kala Institute
Berkeley, CA
To support the Artist in Residence Program. Artists will be provided a stipend and 24 hour access to this 8,500 square-foot facility for a six-month period.

Light Work Visual Studies, Inc.
Syracuse, NY
To support a residency program for artists in photography and electronic media, along with the publication of their work in Contact Sheet - The Light Work Annual. Participating artists' work will also be made available on Light Work's online database, a collection of more than 2,000 images, essays, and biographical information.

Lower East Side Printshop, Inc.
New York, NY
To support a program for emerging artists from all disciplines to create new work in printmaking. The program is an intensive, hands-on, year-long experience working with the Printshop's master printer.

McColl Center for Visual Art
Charlotte, NC
To support residencies for artists. Participating artists will be provided with housing, workspace, technical assistance, transportation costs, a materials budget, and a monthly stipend for a three-month residency.

New Langton Arts
San Francisco, CA
To support a survey exhibition on San Francisco artist Tony Labat. The exhibition will include a new public artwork, a catalogue, a Web component, and screenings documenting his contributions to the emerging genres of video, installation, and performance art.

Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts, Inc.
Portland, OR
To support a series of publications documenting the exhibition of individual photographers' work at Blue Sky Gallery, which has presented several first solo shows for major American artists such as Mark Klett and Birney Imes. The publications will include both catalogues and a full monograph.

Pilchuck Glass School
Seattle, WA
To support a summer artist residency program. Artists will be provided with resources, facilities, and technical assistance to experiment with new work in glass.

Pittsburgh Glass Center Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA
To support a summer residency program to bring glass artists and students from across the country to Pittsburgh for exploration in glass making. Artists will be provided with resources, facilities, and technical assistance.

Project X Foundation for Art and Criticism
Los Angeles, CA
To support the reviews section of X-Tra, a quarterly visual arts publication. Published since 1997, X-Tra is distributed free-of-charge to galleries, museums, and art schools throughout the greater Los Angeles area, and to subscribers across the country.

Public Art Fund Inc.
New York, NY
To support In the Public Realm, an opportunity for emerging artists to develop temporary art projects in an urban context. Projects will be documented in a series of publications.

Real Art Ways, Inc.
Hartford, CT
To support an exhibition series featuring the work of emerging artists in New York state and New England. A jury of artists and curators will select the recipients of the solo exhibitions.

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, NJ
To support planning of anniversary activities to mark the 25-year history of the Rutgers Center for Innovative Print and Paper. The Center plans an exhibition, publication, CD-ROM, and Web site to document its work with more than 300 artists in handmade paper and printmaking.

Sculpture Center, Inc.
Long Island City, NY
To support a survey exhibition of contemporary sculpture and installation by artists working in the New York City area. Co-curated by Mary Ceruti, artist and Director of Sculpture Center, the exhibition will include new site-specific work and work newly created in the studio by approximately 40 artists.

Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Inc.
New York, NY
To support a residency program for emerging visual artists. Artists will be provided with a private studio, full room and board, and weekly private and group critiques by a faculty of leading professional artists.

Smack Mellon Studios, Inc.
Brooklyn, NY
To support a program to provide artists with access to studio space, equipment, and technical support. Artists responding to an open call will be selected by a panel of artists, curators, and critics for residency periods of one year, including an honorarium.

Socrates Sculpture Park, Inc.
Long Island City, NY
To support a residency and exhibition opportunity for sculptors to realize large-scale work. Free-of-charge to the public, the exhibition attracts more than 40,000 local and international visitors per year who have the opportunity to observe the artists create new work.

Cleveland, OH
To support the World Artists Program, a residency opportunity for national and international artists to create new work. Participating artists will be provided with studio space, an honorarium, a stipend, transportation expenses, and a materials budget.

Visual Studies Workshop, Inc.
Rochester, NY
To support a residency program in photography, bookmaking, digital imaging, digital video, and small-format film and video. Participating artists will receive a stipend, travel costs, use of the facilities, training, and housing for one-month residencies.

Wave Hill, Inc.
Bronx, NY
To support a consortium project to commission artist Bob Braine to create a work for the 2005 Generated@WaveHill program. Working on the grounds of the Bronx River Art Center, the artist will use the river edge as the subject of intense ecological and aesthetic study.

White Columns, Inc.
New York, NY
To support an exhibition series featuring the work of emerging visual artists. Artists are selected by the curator of White Columns from an artists' registry that includes the work of approximately 1,000 artists who do not have New York gallery representation.

Access to Artistic Excellence II

3-D Chicago
Chicago, IL
To support the annual Pier Walk, The Chicago International Sculpture Exhibition. To be juried by critic Peter Schjeldahl, Pier Walk is one of the largest exhibitions of large-scale outdoor sculpture in the world, featuring work by approximately 35 sculptors.

Art Resources Transfer, Inc.
New York, NY
To support the Distribution to Underserved Communities Program. The project will offer books, museum catalogues, videos, and other material about contemporary art free-of-charge to libraries across the nation, with a special emphasis on rural and inner-city libraries.

Artists Working in Education, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI
To support a summer program that brings art classes by vans to city parks. Four brightly-painted vans will deliver art teachers, interns, and art supplies to children at 18 urban parks for one- and two-week periods.

Richmond, CA
To support the Quilt of Many Colors Project, a series of curated exhibitions installed in the waiting room of Richmond's main public health facility. The project will promote the value of the arts in the healing process and provide access to art for approximately 17,000 users of the facility per year.

Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation
Malvern, PA
To support Art Ability. An international juried exhibition of work by artists with varying disabilities, Art Ability is designed to give exposure to artists with physical, cognitive, hearing, and visual disabilities.

California College of Arts and Crafts
Oakland, CA
To support the organization and dissemination of archive material documenting the Capp Street Project's 20-year history of commissioning artists' installations. For the past eight years, Capp Street Project has been administered by the California College of the Arts, which invites artists for residencies that result in installation projects.

Center for Craft, Creativity and Design
Hendersonville, NC
To support writing and editing of 20th Century American Studio Craft, a survey of craft history. Writers and critics Janet Koplos and Bruce Metcalf are the authors of the textbook, which will be structured to coordinate with a typical one-semester college course.

Contemporary Art for San Antonio (Blue Star Art Space)
San Antonio, TX
To support WAX II, a symposium and workshops focusing on the importance of public art in San Antonio. The symposium will focus on the importance of art and culture in the built environment, and will include forums for college and university students in journalism and art criticism.

Craft Emergency Relief Fund, Inc.
Montpelier, VT
To support expansion of the current Web site for craft artists. The expanded site will include a clearinghouse of information and resources on business planning, risk management, health and safety resources, and disaster prevention.

Creative Growth, Inc.
Oakland, CA
To support First Person Plural: Preserving the Work and Stories of Artists with Disabilities. The project archive will document and create a resource center for the work done by adults with disabilities, and provide a series of DVDs by the artists themselves.

Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Inc.
Wilmington, DE
To support a series of community-based artist residencies and a documentary catalogue. The artists will collaborate with community groups to create work based on ideas and issues relevant to the participants' lives.

Dieu Donné Papermill, Inc. (consortium)
New York, NY
To support a consortium project to publish and distribute a report, The Artist Workspace Residency: Setting a Standard for Cultural Organizations and Artists. The report will compile and share information regarding best practices for residencies.

San Francisco, CA
To support expansion of an art instruction program for residents of Bay Area nursing homes. Building upon more than ten years of experience, Eldergivers will hire professional artists with teaching experience to conduct workshops for institutionalized seniors.

Friends of the Schindler House
Los Angeles, CA
To support Iceland, an exhibition of the work of British artist Isaac Julien. Although Julien is best known for his filmmaking, Iceland is a series of lush, detailed formal still images taken during a recent film shoot.

Galería/Studio 24
San Francisco, CA
To support documentation of the Digital Mural Project on the organization's Web site. In just five years, Galería has presented 25 public art pieces, on a 24 foot by 10 foot billboard, on its facade in San Francisco's Mission District.

Glass Art Society, Inc.
Seattle, WA
To support production of the Glass Art Society Journal, documenting events, exhibitions, and proceedings of the organization's annual conference to be held in Adelaide, Australia. The journal is edited by Suzanne Frantz, a Fulbright Scholar and former curator of 20th century glass at the Corning Museum.

Grass Roots Art and Community Effort
Hardwick, VT
To support community art workshops and accompanying exhibitions for residents in rural and economically-distressed areas of Vermont. Designed to reach a diverse spectrum of the community including senior citizens, developmentally disabled adults, and children, the project builds on a long history of providing workshops.

Hyde Park Art Center
Chicago, IL
To support development of A:List, a curated digital directory of Chicago artists. The online database will be free to selected artists and include a resume, artist's statement, images of artwork, and other information of interest to the community.

Installation Gallery
San Diego, CA
To support Dialogues 8, 9, 10, and 11, four one-day public symposiums which take place as part of InSite05, a temporary public art installation held in the San Diego/Tijuana region.

Locust Street Neighborhood Art Classes, Inc.
Buffalo, NY
To support free-of-charge art classes for children in an inner-city neighborhood of Buffalo. Taught by working artists, many of whom are alumni of the organization, classes are available in photography, ceramics, painting, and drawing.

Momenta Art, Inc.
Brooklyn, NY
To support the organization and dissemination of an archive of video art work presented at Momenta since 1993. Momenta, located in Brooklyn's Williamsburg area, has presented work by hundreds of video artists during a period of growth for the medium.

Montana State University
Bozeman, MT
To support a visiting artist lecture series titled America in Myth and Memory: Artists as Cultural Critics. Artists such as William Pope L, Chris Burden, and Enrique Chagoya will make artist presentations.

National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts
Erie, CO
To support planning and implementation of the annual conference of the nation's oldest and largest professional service organization for the ceramic arts. Explorations, Navigations: The Resonance of Place will include a series of exhibitions, critical lectures, panels, and workshop demonstrations.

New York Academy of Medicine
New York, NY
To support preservation of two 16th century Flemish tapestries. Conservation treatment will be undertaken by conservators from the textile lab of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture
New York, NY
To support the Evening Lecture Series, a free program that enables artists, scholars, critics, philosophers, and art historians to engage the public in the discussion of critical issues in the visual arts. Held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings throughout the school year, the program features prominent speakers such as James Rosenquist, Elizabeth Murray, Arthur Danto, Lisa Yuskavage, Hilton Kramer, and Lily Wei.

Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition, Inc.
Oklahoma City, OK
To support expansion of the Artist Survival Kit program for artists in Oklahoma. The Kit is a series of workshops, resources, and events to promote professional excellence with opportunities for collaborative learning among diverse artists.

Philadelphia Print Collaborative
Philadelphia, PA
To support Printing Philadelphia. The project is designed to promote the art of printmaking to a broad cross-section of the public, and will focus on the art of woodcut printing.

Proyecto Arte Actual Inc. (Moore Space)
Miami, FL
To support commissioning of art projects by Jeppe Hein, and the collaborative team of Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla. The artists will participate in a one-month residency program that will culminate in the exhibition of an artwork realized during that period.

Society of North American Goldsmiths
Lisle, IL
To support the 37th annual conference, focusing on jewelry, design, and the metal arts. To be held in Cleveland, the conference will include demonstrations, presentations, hands-on technical workshops, exhibitions, and opportunities for dialogue between educators.

Southwest School of Art & Craft
San Antonio, TX
To support workshops by visiting artists. Artists with specialized knowledge in an arcane technical area, or who have applied a traditional method toward innovative ends, are invited to lead workshops that complement the programs in ceramics, fiber, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, metals, paper, and book arts.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (on behalf of University of North Carolina Press)
Chapel Hill, NC
To support preparation of a manuscript for Voices in Studio Craft, a book featuring writings by artists working in the craft field from 1945 to 2000. Edited by art historians Diane Douglas and Vicki Halper, the manuscript will be peer reviewed; there is no similar publication available in the field.

Visual Understanding in Education
New York, NY
To support an institute in San Francisco to introduce elementary school educators to Visual Thinking Strategies, an art education program designed to fulfill curriculum standards in social studies and language arts. The technique, developed by museum educator Philip Yenawine and cognitive psychologist Abigail Housen, has been widely practiced in museums across the country.

Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts
Newcastle, ME
To support a summer symposium series to expand the public's knowledge of ceramics. A series of five public programs with particular emphases will be developed.

Wave Hill, Inc.
Bronx, NY
To support the Family Art Project, a series of free weekend workshops that provide families the opportunity to create nature-based art projects inspired by craft traditions from around the world. Led by contemporary artists, the projects are designed to complement Wave Hill's unique setting - 28 acres of cultivated gardens, urban woodland, and an historic estate overlooking the Hudson River.

Women's Studio Workshop, Inc. (consortium)
Rosendale, NY
To support artist residencies within the Workshop's education program. The residency program offers emerging artists paid, professional opportunities to work for an extended period of time in a technically-equipped studio space, and training in teaching and mentoring.

Recent Grants