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9/17 , Hurricane Ike affected the area Saturday morning .
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#8)Author of the book Major hurricanes to affect the Bahamasby Wayne Neely. I interviewed Wayne in May of 2008 in this video clip (47:22)

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tropical updateUPDATE BY: Jim Williams... Our current feature remains Freeport ,texas located approx 40 miles south of Galveston. The navigation bar to the left will give you all the information from freeport,Galveston and surrounding areas as the aftermath continues .
We are streaming live media from the affected areas in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike where you can watch local TV coverage on the live feed.
. If you are doubting how bad this really is take a look at this animated gif image of Galveston Texas before and after. These incredible photos take from the Boston Globe will leave you speechless.
Please visit our recommended donation centers to help donate to the victims of Hurricane Ike.
The Atlantic basin is quiet at this time as this is common following very active periods. Expect activity to increase once again in about 1 week.
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discussion | Tropical outlook When Hurricanes are within 100 miles of land the Tracking chart will be zoomed in. Tracking software is courtesy of Starstone Software & edited by Hurricanecity.
Ike Poll
national aftermath media coverage of ike
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just about right
over blown

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When most major weather disasters occur look for live video coverage of local T.V,radio,scanners and cams. When Hurricane warnings go up, live video will be done as the worst conditions arrive . When a major Hurricane is hitting, Jim Williams will be live with special guests, radio simulcasts ,video.T.V & analysis using Hurrtrak EM/PRo software, otherwise you will hear our normal programming of weather documentaries & statistics. Put your email address in the box below to be notified of the next live videocast.
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Special forecast consultants from Early Alert such as former NHC Director Jerry Jarrell as well as Miles Lawrence and Dr. Joe Pelissier, to emergency management experts Billy Wagner will provide insight as hurricanes approach. Forecaster's Derek Ortt and Dr Jeff Masters will provide insight into possible future tracks.Outside of significant weather events you will see weather documentaries & storm chaser videos.
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Our last two archives
We now have the archived video ready from Hurricane Gutav making landfall in Louisiana. In this short 21 minute video we captured some of the most interesting moments of landfall including the dramatic overtopping of the levees as seen on the networks.

Aug 17th while tracking T.S Fay,Jim Williams gets interviewed by the guys at wfro about hurricanecity.com. This young & upcoming duo do a weekly internet show on all subjects. Listen to the interview

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Updated on 9/16/08..PM
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