Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Human Element & Ship Design Division (CG-5211)
Formerly (G-MSE-1) and (CG-3PSE-1)


The Human Element and Ship Design Division is a division of the Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-521). The division is responsible for human factors and organizational issues, which include Crew Endurance Management and Prevention Through People, risk management, and design oversight related to novel ship design concepts. 

What We Do:

The division provides technical expertise and support to Coast Guard field units, other Headquarters offices, and the maritime industry in five primary areas:

Contact the Human Element and Ship Design Division (CG-5211):

Human Element and Ship Design Division (CG-5211)
U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters
2100 Second Street, SW
Washington, DC 20593


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Last Modified 8/15/2008