Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Director of Commercial Regulations & Standards (CG-52)

Formerly the Standards Directorate (CG-3PS)


The Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards (CG-52) develops national regulations, standards, and policies to enhance maritime safety, security and stewardship; develops and executes an engagement plan for international standards development; and administers a technical compliance program to ensure uniform application of design and operating standards on commercial vessels.  It includes experts in the areas of ship design & engineering, vessel & facility operating & environmental standards, and standards development & evaluation.

Meet the Director of Commercial Regulations & Standards:

Mr. Jeffery G. Lantz

Mr. Jeff Lantz

Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards for
Marine Safety, Security, and Stewardship
United States Coast Guard


Contact the Director of Commercial Regulations & Standards:

Director of Commercial Regulations & Standards (CG-52)
U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters
2100 Second Street, SW
Washington, DC 20593

Last Modified 8/21/2008