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FHWA Resource Center


Courses, Seminars, and Workshops offered by Resource Center specialists

We also offer training in:

  • Implications of Air Quality Planning for Transportation - NHI
  • Estimating Regional Mobile Source Emissions - NHI

Please visit the NHI website for more detailed information.

Transportation Air Quality Dispersion Modeling Workshop

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Course Length: 2-Day
This course covers the theory and practice of using the CAL3QHC CALINE4 (in California) dispersion model to predict pollutant concentrations adjacent to highway facilities (project level hot spots) and includes “hands-on” computer lab work.  Participants will be instructed on the use of CAL3QHC CALINE4 (in California) as required for air quality analyses in accordance with NEPA and for the requirements of the SIP/Conformity processes.  Traffic movement and queuing theory required for modeling inputs will be covered. Participants will be instructed on data collection, intersection/interchange/link analysis, signal timing, regulatory guidance and the interpretation of modeling results.  In addition, the CALINE dispersion model will also be covered.
To schedule, phone:

  • Joon Byun, Air Quality Modeling Specialist, joon.byun@fhwa.dot.gov
  • Michael Claggett, Air Quality Modeling Specialist, (720) 963-3201


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Course Length: 2-Day
This course covers principles and practice of Highway traffic noise assessment and abatement, and the requirements of 23 CFR Part 772, Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise. In addition, it covers the noise requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The course provides both technical and policy training.
To schedule, phone:

  • Mike Roberts, Air Quality Specialist, (404) 562-3928

Recommend NHI Air Quality planning course. Course being revised, not offered at this point

Transportation Air Quality Fundamentals (AQ 101)

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Course Length: 2 Days

This course provides a comprehensive overview and analysis on related scientific principle, law/regulation, and current practices in transportation air quality. Its breadth-and-depth coverage will benefit both policy makers and technical practitioners. Thirteen chapters give not only a complete picture of air quality, but also the detailed step-by-step real world project/program practices. The material can be also used as references and guides for practicing professional. Over 100 exercises with answers are provided to enhance participant's understanding of the material.


1.Atmospheric Physics;
2.Atmospheric Chemistry;
5.Federal Air Quality Legislation History;
6.Legal Obligation: NAAQS, air monitoring, and nonattainment designation;
7.Legal Obligation: State Implementation Plan;
8.Legal Obligation: Transportation Conformity;
9.Tools Required: Emission factor (EF) modeling;
10.Tools Required: Regional Transportation Modeling and Analysis;
11.Tools Required: Project level concentration modeling and methodology;
12.Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program;
13: Mobile Source Air Toxic

The course is free for all State and local government agencies and private consultants actively working on public projects.

To schedule, phone:


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Course Length: 2-Days

This workshop provides an in-depth examination of the MOBILE6.2 model and its use in preparing emission inventories for SIPs and transportation conformity determinations.  The workshop will concentrate on those commands where locally-derived input data is desired or recommended for regulatory applications.  A review of the relevant parameters and associated MOBILE6.2 commands and data requirements will be presented, including descriptions and example command structure.  The focus will be on external conditions, vehicle fleet characteristics, vehicle activity, and vehicle fuel specification parameters.  EPA's technical guidance for implementing the pertinent commands will be explained.  Emission estimation methodologies that can be applied in rural areas will be provided.  Several case studies of locally-derived input data prepared by MPOs will be examined and compared to the national defaults built into MOBILE6.2.  Modeling of particulate matter and mobile source air toxics with MOBILE6.2 will also be presented.  As a prerequisite, participants should have a basic understanding of the MOBILE6.2 model and its execution.

To Schedule Contact: Michael Claggett, Air Quality Modeling Specialist, (720) 963-3201

Air Quality Benefit Estimation Methodologies For CMAQ Projects

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Course Length: 1 Day
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This one-day workshop consists of two different components. In the morning session (3 hours), materials covering available methods for virtually all eight major CMAQ project categories are offered. All methods are transparent and do not involve the "Black Box" travel modeling. The easy to follow step-by-step manual computation procedure for a given project is not only comprehensive and more importantly comprehensible. The annualized cost/benefit analysis method for all projects is also covered. The afternoon session is devoted to issues and particular projects participants have. Participants are encouraged to bring their CMAQ projects and issues associated with the air quality benefit analysis to the class.



1.CMAQ Program Overview -- FHWA CMAQ Program Guidance (Authorization, apportionment, eligibility, selection, and oversight and reporting responsibilities)

2.CMAQ Annual Report -- Brief overview of the annual report contents

3.EPA and FHWA compiled TCM Evaluation Methods -- Brief overview of existing EPA and FHWA compiled methods

4.Detailed step-by-step methods:
a: Ride-sharing projects;
b: Bike/ped projects;
c::Traffic flow projects;
d: Demand management projects;
e: Transit
f: I/M and other TCM projects; g: annualized cost/benefit analysis

1.Issues participants have
2.Projects participants have
3.Solutions for participant's project and issues

COST: The course is free for all State and local government agencies and private consultants actively working on public projects

To schedule, phone:

MOBILE6.2 Modeling Workshop

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Course Length: 2 Days
This course covers the latest EPA motor vehicle emission factor modeling program -- MOBILE6.2. The first module of the course coves the fundamentals of MOBILE6. Topics ranging from base line emission estimate, Federal Testing Procedure, to Facility Cycle are taught. The practice module, which is the main focus of this introductory course, contains eight sections. In the practice module, participants will learn how to formulate a scenario, develop an input file with both required and optional commands, use external data files, run program, and interpret results. There are ten hands-on exercises in module B. By successfully completion of this course, participants will establish a firm understanding of the MOBILE program and be able to conduct effective data and program review / evaluation and basic emission factor modeling and analysis.

To schedule, phone:

MOVES2004 GHG Emissions & Energy Model Workshop

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This two-day workshop consists of two different components. The first day module of the course covers the fundamentals of the MOVES2004 model. Topics include MOVES2004 functional design, structure, and databases. The second day module “Hands on Software” module includes, MySQL/MOVES2004 installation, running MOVES2004 model, Introduction of MySQL, accessing MySQL data using Microsoft Excel, data manipulation using MySQL and examples of project level applications. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to manipulate data in MOVES model default input databases as well as output databases created by the model. This course is a good introductory course for the coming MOVES2006 model which will replace MOBILE6.2 in the near future.

Project-Level Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) Workshop

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This Workshop provides background information on MSATs, including a description of these pollutants and some discussion of how they became an issue for highway projects. On February 3, 2006, FHWA issued its Interim Guidance on Air Toxics Analysis in NEPA Documents. The Workshop presents a discussion of two principals built into the guidance: analyze projects that are located in areas where they might impact human health and match the level of analysis to the scope of the project. Even before the FHWA interim guidance was issued, quantitative and qualitative MSAT analyses had been conducted for several projects around the country. The results of a “white paper” analysis of a hypothetical highway widening project are given along with examples of MSAT analysis in four recent NEPA documents. The Workshop also offers a session on the uncertainties associated with MSAT analyses. FHWA’s view is that the limitations and inherent uncertainties in the available tools preclude advanced analysis that would be meaningful in evaluating project alternatives for decision-making purposes. Currently, FHWA does not plan to issue formal technical guidance for MSAT analysis; however, a session describing FHWA’s recommended technical approach, including traffic analysis and the use of the Environmental Protection Agency’s MOBILE6.2 model is provided. The resources that FHWA offers or is planning to offer to assist with MSAT analysis is described. These include research papers on various aspects of MSAT analysis; an FHWA review of roadside health studies; an MSAT analysis handbook; and an MSAT “quick-start” guide, which includes all the workshop and class exercise materials, and walks the reader through each of the steps of an example MSAT analysis.

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