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Home > Regulation & Examinations > Laws & Regulations > Reducing Regulatory Burden

Reducing Regulatory Burden

FDIC 18th Chairman Donald E. Powell

A Message from FDIC Chairman Powell:

One of my top priorities as Chairman is to ensure that the FDIC is as efficient as it can be in its roles as supervisor and insurer of institutions. I am particularly interested in ways the FDIC can reduce burden on financial institutions and the public. To that end, we have been busy identifying ways to focus our time on important areas of risk. For example, we have already streamlined the examination process for small, well-run banks.

While we have identified a number of things we can do to improve efficiency and reduce regulatory burden, we are looking for additional ways to do so. I have established a special group at the FDIC to consider ideas on how to reduce burden on banks and the public and to make the FDIC more efficient. And, as a former banker, I know that the industry and the public have many excellent suggestions. For that reason, this Web site allows you to submit your ideas on:

Deposit insurance coverage

The bank closing process

The regulations we enforce

The examination process

The amount or type of information you submit to the FDIC (e.g., call reports, CRA loan data)

The amount or type of information you receive from the FDIC (e.g., FILs, economic data)

Plus anything else you think we need to address

Please be specific in describing the problem (e.g., what regulation or procedure), why it is a problem, how it affects you and what you suggest as a solution. There will be some things that the FDIC cannot change on its own and would require a change in the law -- but we are interested in hearing about these as well. After you give us your suggestions, you also may provide us with information about yourself (whether you are in banking, and if so, the general size of your bank). You don't have to provide this information, but it may help us as we try to craft solutions to the problems you identify.

Thank you for your interest in this important effort.

Read what the FDIC is already doing to reduce regulatory burden

Please submit your suggestions

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Last Updated 07/09/2003 Comments

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