NIST Advanced Technology Program
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Advanced Technology Program
U.S. Department of Commerce + Technology Administration
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Project Awardee(s) Description Requested ATP Funds Estimated Project Budget Announced
Healthcare Information Infrastructure Technology Proposal South Carolina Research Authority, Columbia, SC (Joint Venture) Support the development of a comprehensive open-systems architecture for the healthcare industry through four major healthcare information infrastructure tasks, tieing the results together through a central Open Systems Laboratory to provide common R&D services and ensure the interoperability of the projects.
Oct 1994
Methodologies for Automating Clinical Practice Guidelines Cerner Corporation, Kansas City, MO Develop information tools to automate, validate and distribute clinical practice guidelines for mass use.
$1,984 K
Oct 1994
Virtual Computer-Based Patient Record First Data Health Systems Corporation, Charlotte, NC (Joint Venture) Develop an integrated information system that creates a "Virtual Computer-based Patient Record" combining information from all the original patient record systems in a distributed healthcare enterprise.
$4,854 K
$9,712 K
Oct 1994
Automated Care Plans and Practice Guidelines American Healthware Systems Brooklyn, NY Develop an automated Hospital Care Plan System (HCPS), which will issue treatment alerts based on patient-specific data -- test results and histories -- and optimal care rules encoded in the system.
$2,000 K
$3,500 K
Oct 1994
Development of a Seamless Clinical Management System for Behavioral Health Organizations InStream Corporation, Inc., Woburn, MA (Joint Venture) Develop a flexible electronic forms system for the behavioral health segment of the healthcare industry and integrate the system in an easy-to-use, low-cost, accessible electronic network.
$1,370 K
$2,752 K
Oct 1994
An Expert Knowledge Server With a General Vocabulary Server Interface Applied Medical Informatics, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT Develop a powerful medical information system incorporating an expert knowledge server that integrates general medical knowledge with specific patient information, recovered from existing databases, a general model for a "vocabulary server," and the framework for an intelligent user interface.
$1,972 K
$2,628 K
Oct 1994
Voyager: Browsing and Automatically Extracting Healthcare Data from Scattered Databases Belmont Research, Inc., Cambridge, MA Develop the tools to enable healthcare providers and quality/cost monitors to browse and to extract data automatically from a multitude of scattered clinical and administrative databases, without requiring changes to the existing databases.
$1,978 K
$2,581 K
Oct 1994
An Evolvable, Distributed Information Infrastructure for Interoperation of the Healthcare Delivery System Andersen Consulting, Chicago, IL (Joint Venture) Develop an open-systems architecture and information metastructure to serve as an interface between independent healthcare information systems based on a high-level, patient-oriented data object.
$4,339 K
$8,679 K
Oct 1994
Healthcare Lifetime Data Repository Infrastructure 3M Company -- Health Information Systems, St. Paul, MN Provide key elements in the technology infrastructure that will be needed to support integrating the many disparate information systems used in the healthcare industry.
$1,973 K
$9,086 K
Oct 1994
Development of an Episode Grouper 3M Company -- Health Information Systems, St. Paul, MN (Joint Venture) Enable the use of episodes of treatment as a natural and logical unit for understanding and controlling healthcare resources by defining for the first time episodes of treatment for at least 95 percent of the diseases and conditions, alone and in combination, found in the enrolled population of a typical managed-care organization.
$1,710 K
$ 3,490 K
Oct 1994
Health Informatics Initiative C. Everett Koop Institute, Hanover, NH (Joint Venture) Analyze the healthcare industry from the point of view of modern information management and develop the necessary information models and tools to support the task of re- engineering the industry to take best advantage of the developing National Information Infrastructure.
$14,741 K
$30,168 K
Oct 1994
"MEDencode" -- A Technology to Populate a Clinical Data Repository as a Byproduct of Producing the Clinical Note Clinical Information Advantages, Inc., Waltham, MA Support improved gathering of clinical information by developing tools that facilitate the production of clinical notes and, as a byproduct, gather the codified clinical data and store it in a database system.
$2,000 K
$2,933 K
Oct 1994
Enterprise Tools for the Continuously Available Medical Care (CAMC) Home Healthcare System Intermetrics, Inc., Cambridge, MA Develop a "script language" and a related suite of software tools to facilitate the process of developing customized home healthcare workstations for chronically ill patients.
$1,803 K
$2,549 K
Oct 1994
Enterprise Integration Tool Set (EITS) for Healthcare Professionals Unisys Corporation, McLean, VA (Joint Venture) Create a "toolset" of software aids that can be used to build information brokers -- high-level systems that can interact with two or more incompatible healthcare information networks, translating and transferring knowledge between various data formats and vocabularies. $1,407 K
$2,816 K
Oct 1994
Patient-Oriented Management System (POMS): An Integration Infrastructure for Health Care Benchmarking Partners, Inc., Cambridge, MA Develop a reference model that defines the necessary communication of administrative and healthcare information between domain-specific applications, tools that build model-compliant applications, and mechanisms for reviewing the model and certifying compliant applications.
$2,000 K
$4,872 K
Oct 1994
An Information Infrastructure to Redefine Caregiver Roles: A New Approach to Integration Health Data Sciences Corporation, San Bernardino, CA (Joint Venture) Replace current healthcare information systems with an integrated system, centered on the patient, and redesign key patient-care processes to support more collaborative patient care within the framework of the new information system.
$7,427 K
$15,146 K
Oct 1994
Compact Blue Laser for Diagnostics Uniphase Corp., San Jose, CA (Joint Venture) Develop compact, efficient and cheaper source of blue light for fluorescence-based diagnostic instruments and techniques for physicians and biomedical researchers.
$1,450 K
$2,903 K
Oct 1994
Development of Rapid DNA Medical Diagnostics GeneTrace Systems, Inc., Menlo Park, CA Develop an automated, rapid means for fully determining DNA sequency primarily for clinical diagnostics and biomedical research applications.
$1,997 K
$2,696 K
Oct 1994
Development of a Generic Technology for the Targeted Detection and Cleavage of DNA and RNA Third Wave Technologies, Inc., Madison, WI Develop simple-to-use, low-cost, diagnostic tools that rapidly detect specific DNA and RNA sequences for broad- based medical diagnosis and for tracking treatments.
$1,998 K
$2,769 K
Oct 1994
Miniature Integrated Nucleic Acid Diagnostic (MINDtm) Development Affymetrix, Inc. & Molecular Dynamics, Inc., Santa Clara, CA (Joint Venture) Develop a Miniature Integrated Nucleic Acid Diagnostic (MINDtm) device, suitable for use in hospitals, clinics or doctors' offices, to provide rapid, accurate diagnosis of a wide variety of diseases.
$31,478 K
$62,965 K
Oct 1994
Molecular Cytogenetics Using the GeneScope: An Ultrafast, Multicolor System for Automated FISH Analysis Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA Develop an automated clinical instrument, the GeneScope, for rapidly characterizing and analyzing cells for genetic type or abnormalities.
$2,000 K
$3,648 K
Oct 1994
SBH Format 3 Megabase Diagnostics Instrumentation Hyseq, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Develop an instrument capable of automatically sequencing as many as 100 genes in a single day using libraries of short DNA probes that hybridize in overlapping fashion with the target DNA to enable full sequencing.
$2,000 K
$3,498 K
Oct 1994
DNA Diagnostic Systems Based on Novel Chem-jet Techniques Combion, Inc., Redwood City, CA Develop a method akin to ink-jet printing for synthesizing large arrays of specific DNA fragments suitable for medical diagnosis, microbial detection and DNA sequencing, and for creating supplies of detachable oligonucleotides for subsequent use.
$1,790 K
$2,777 K
Oct 1994
Development and Commercial Application of Genosensor Based Comparative Genome Hybridization Vysis, Inc., Naperville, IL Develop a "DNA chip" system that can simultaneously quickly, reliably, simply and cheaply screen a single biological sample for many hundreds of normal and/or abnormal genetic features.
$2,000 K
$3,514 K
Oct 1994
Integrated Microfabricated DNA Analysis Device for Diagnosis of Complex Genetic Disorders CuraGen Corporation, Bradford, CT (Joint Venture) Develop an integrated, modular DNA analysis instrument suitable for the efficient diagnosis and treatment of complex illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and mental illness.
$2,267 K
$5,166 K
Oct 1994
MicroLab: A High-Throughput, Low-Cost Approach to DNA Diagnostics by Array Hybridization David Sarnoff Research Center, Princeton, NJ Develop a prototype, fully automated DNA "MicroLab," an instrument with miniaturized devices capable of assaying small, clinical samples of blood for a large selection of infectious, non-infectious and genetic diseases.
$2,000 K
$8,208 K
Oct 1994
Diagnostic Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry Detection of Multiplex Electrophore Tagged DNA Bruker Analytical Systems, Inc., Billerica, MA (Joint Venture) Develop a powerful DNA sequencing instrument that combines electrophoretic separation of multiple target DNA segments with specific tags that are rapidly identified with a mass spectrometer.
$3,505 K
$7,009 K
Oct 1994
Automated DNA Amplification and Fragment Size Analysis E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (FQMS Group), Wilmington, DE Develop an automated, rapid DNA diagnostic system that can determine the presence or absence of specific microbial contamination as a means of quality control in the food industry.
$2,000 K
$3,175 K
Oct 1994
Integrated Microfabricated Devices for DNA Typing Molecular Tool, Inc., Baltimore, MD Scale the company's state-of-the-art Genetic Bit Analysis (GBA) technology down by a factor of 1000, developing the necessary techniques for micromachining and for handling fluids on a microscopic scale to make a simple, compact DNA typing instrument.
$1,962 K
$2,456 K
Oct 1994
Automatic Generation of Mathematical Modeling Components SciComp Inc., Austin, TX Develop component software and automated software composition technologies for the field of scientific computing.
$1,947 K
$2,235 K
Oct 1994
Cubicon's Visual Programming Environment for Reusable Software Components Cubicon Corporation, Zephyr Cove, NV Develop a unique visual programming environment that will allow users to construct specific, complex applications from reusable software components by selecting, arranging and manipulating appropriate components in a three-dimensional graphical representation of the application.
$1,998 K
$2,430 K
Oct 1994
A Component Technology for Virtual Reality (VR) Based Applications Aesthetic Solutions, Laguna Niguel, CA Develop a complete framework for component-based software development for powerful virtual-reality applications.
$1,716 K
$2,277 K
Oct 1994
Automation of Dependable Software Generation with Reusable Components AT&T Bell Laboratories, Naperville, IL Develop an easy-to-use, graphics-oriented software assembly system for "non-traditional" programmers that handles the complexity of building reliable, custom-designed software by using libraries of reusable, domain-specific software components.
$2,000 K
$5,435 K
Oct 1994
Component Integration: An Architecture-Driven Approach Andersen Consulting, Chicago, IL Develop a prototype technology for reusable software components based on software architecture considerations, including formal languages to express semantics, a graphics- based programming environment, automated techniques for assuring that the separate components are logically compatible and properly combined, and automated systems to generate executable systems.
$2,000 K
$4,012 K
Oct 1994
Component-Based Software System for Parallel Processing Systems Applied Parallel Technologies, Inc., Cambridge, MA Apply the concepts of component software to simplify and speed the development of powerful applications using parallel processing.
$1,983 K
$2,308 K
Oct 1994
Component-Based Re-engineering Technology Reasoning Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA Use the principles of reusable software components and automated software composition to establish the framework to easily create customized software re-engineering tools for a broad field of "legacy" systems.
$2,000 K
$3,433 K
Oct 1994
Scalable Automated Semantic-Based Software Composition Kestrel Development Corporation, Palo Alto, CA (Joint Venture) Develop a complete suite of software tools based on semantic descriptions of software capabilities, and using automated deduction, to enable fundamentally new capabilities in automated software composition.
$19,451 K
$45,655 K
Oct 1994
Scalable Business Application Development Components and Tools Continuum Systems, Boxford, MA Apply object-oriented technology to provide efficient, scalable parallel-computing software and algorithms that can be incorporated easily into business applications that are hardware-systems independent.
$2,000 K
$3,894 K
Oct 1994
Reusable Performance-Critical Software Components Using Separation of Implementation Issues Xerox Corporation -- Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA Develop a component software technology that separates the semantic details of a component from the implementation details, to support the use of software components and automated software composition for high-performance applications.
$1,785 K
$3,141 K
Oct 1994
Scalable, Extensible Methods and Tools for Integrating Components (SEMANTIC) Unisys Corporation, Reston, VA (Joint Venture) Develop technologies enabling the development of software components, distributed software component bases and automated system composition tools, emphasizing a layered approach that enables system developers to compose application systems from components by specifying the application needs in domain-specific terms, without knowledge of the underlying component complexities.
$3,522 K
$7,108 K
Oct 1994
A Product-Family-Based Framework for Computer Integrated Manufacturing IBM Corporation, Charlotte, NC Create an automation tool suite, enabling commercial software vendors to rapidly develop, maintain and join families of interoperating products -- sets of manufacturing and business applications that work together and can be updated in parallel.
$1,864 K
$3,160 K
Oct 1994

Date created: December 1994
Last updated: April 12, 2005

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