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Income Tax
Federal Income Tax
Illinois State Tax
Filing Income Tax
Social Security Tax
Sales Tax

Income Tax

Federal and state income taxes are withheld (deducted) from all Argonne paychecks. This withholding procedure is regulated by law. Residents of certain foreign countries having tax treaties with the United States may be entitled to reduced rates of, or exemptions from, tax under the applicable tax treaty. If you believe you qualify for such a tax exemption contact the Argonne Payroll Department for advice. The individual tax year is from January 01 to December 31 of each year.

The amount of taxes withheld depends on whether you are a resident or non-resident for tax purposes. Non-resident aliens are permitted only one per­sonal exemption, and tax withholding is made under the "single" status withholding tables for both state and federal taxes. Resident aliens (Green Card Holders) are permitted to claim as personal exemp­tions their dependents who are also resident aliens, and tax withholding under the "married" status (if applicable). Non-resident aliens are able to correct this inequity when completing and filing their tax returns. At that time, you will determine any difference (positive or negative) between what you owe and what was withheld by Argonne and receive the appropriate refund or tax bill.


Federal Income Tax

The federal tax you actually owe is deter­mined by an Income Tax Return (Form 1040 NR for Nonresident Aliens), which you must file with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service between January 1 and April 15 of the following year. The Internal Revenue Service gives free and off-the-record advice on how to save on taxes and will mail you forms and publications. Their toll-free telephone number for information is (800) 829-1040. Information, forms and publications are also available on the Internal Revenue Service web site . Some publications of special interest:

  • Publication 505 - " Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax"
  • Publication 519 - " United States Tax Guide for Aliens"

Each person included on the tax form must have a Social Security Number. If your dependent (i.e. spouse, child) is not are not eligible to obtain a Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) they must obtain an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number ( ITIN) for you to deduct them on your tax return. ITINs are issued regardless of immigration status because both resident and nonresident aliens may have U.S. tax return and payment responsibilities under the Internal Revenue Code, such as dependent or spouse of a U.S. citizen/resident alien or dependent or spouse of a non-resident alien visa holder.

An ITIN does not authorize work in the U.S. or provide eligibility for Social Security benefits or the Earned Income Tax Credit. ITINs are not valid identification outside the tax system.  IRS issues ITINs to help individuals comply with the U.S. tax laws, and to provide a means to efficiently process and account for tax returns and payments for those not eligible for Social Security Numbers. Once a SSN has been obtained for a person the ITIN is no longer valid.


Illinois State Tax

Illinois income taxes are withheld at a 3.0% rate, after reducing the monthly taxable salary by the personal exemption amount allotted for the year. You can find assistance regarding your state taxes at . State tax forms are due on April 15th along with the Federal Tax forms.


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Filing Income Tax

Your income tax return is due on April 15th. You must file separate forms for Federal (1040) and State (IL-1040) taxes. Both the federal and state revenue departments offer free advice by telephone and internet. If you are expecting a sizable refund (since you were only allowed to make a single exemption on your taxes) it would be worthwhile to submit your taxes as soon as you have all the appropriate documentation and not wait for the deadline. Refunds are dealt with on a first-come-first-served basis.

There are many commercial programs available that will guide you in completing these forms, calculating the tax and filing on-line. It may be a worthwhile investment to a newcomer to the United States to use one of these programs and ensure that all legally required taxes are paid (yet not overpaying). On the other hand you may choose to seek the advice of a professional tax consultant or Certified Public Accountant. For a referral ask your colleague or check the internet or telephone directory. The professional fee or cost of the tax program is a tax deductible expense.


Social Security Tax

Social Security tax, referred to as FICA, is with­held as a percentage of wages up to a maximum wage base. Non-resident foreign visitors with an Ex­change Student (F) or Exchange Visitor (J) Visa are exempt from this tax. For all others it is mandatory, even if you do not expect to take advantage of the Social Security benefits, such as retirement income.


Sales Tax

The United States does not have a Value Added Tax (VAT) included in the marked price of merchandise. The State of Illinois currently has a 1.25% sales tax on purchases of food and drugs and a 6.75% sales tax on nonfood items, luxury food items, and food in restaurants. Some towns may add additional sales tax. Sales tax within the city of Chicago is 8%. This tax is computed and added on to the total price of purchases at the time of sale.

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