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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 2.36
Percent of persons with a usual source of care (USC) who reported that their USC usually asked about prescription medications and treatments from other doctors, United States, 2002 and 2004
Population group 2004 2002
Total population (in thousands)e Percent with USCf Percent asked Standard error Total population (in thousands)e Percent with USCf Percent asked Standard error
Total   293,527 80.7 77.8 0.7 288,182 81.2 75.1 0.6
Race White, single race 236,409 81.3 78.1 0.7 233,530 82.0 75.3 0.7
Black, single race 36,546 76.9 76.9 1.7 35,504 79.0 77.5 1.3
AI/AN, single race 2,109 81.3 77.4 6.5 2,583 78.4 71.0 5.6
Asian, single race 12,327 79.4 76.0 2.6 11,567 73.0 67.5 2.7
NHOPI, single race 1,006 81.6 79.3 6.6 884 83.2 DSU DSU
Multiple races 5,129 82.3 75.5 3.0 4,114 80.8 73.5 2.8
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 42,212 68.2 82.7 1.1 39,665 67.2 79.3 1.1
Non-Hispanic, all races 251,315 82.8 77.1 0.7 248,517 83.4 74.6 0.7
Non-Hispanic, White 196,305 84.0 77.3 0.8 195,463 84.9 74.6 0.7
Non-Hispanic, Black 35,548 77.0 76.5 1.7 34,875 79.2 77.5 1.3
Non-Hispanic, other 19,461 80.4 76.4 1.9 18,179 76.0 69.2 2.0
Gender Male 143,869 76.5 77.5 0.7 140,802 77.4 75.1 0.7
Female 149,658 84.7 78.1 0.7 147,380 84.8 75.2 0.7
Age 0-17 73,124 91.2 73.7 1.1 72,747 90.0 71.0 1.0
18-44 111,437 67.7 80.4 0.8 111,219 69.2 77.5 0.8
45-64 71,924 83.5 79.8 0.9 67,960 85.0 77.5 0.8
65 and over 37,042 93.8 76.6 1.0 36,256 93.9 73.9 1.1
Educationa Less than high school 41,345 71.3 76.9 1.1 45,282 73.8 75.0 1.1
High school graduate 70,601 76.6 79.0 0.9 69,829 77.8 76.0 0.9
At least some college 105,725 80.0 80.6 0.7 97,855 80.7 78.1 0.8
Employment statusb Employed 146,148 73.1 79.9 0.7 143,280 74.8 77.3 0.7
Not employed 36,574 77.2 81.0 0.9 35,665 76.7 78.1 1.0
Health insurance, ages 0-64 Any private 182,562 83.3 78.1 0.8 183,519 84.0 75.3 0.7
Public only 37,520 86.0 76.3 1.3 34,249 83.8 75.2 1.5
Uninsured 35,346 47.9 80.4 1.4 33,061 49.7 76.0 1.4
Health insurance, age 65 and over Medicare only 10,416 91.1 75.5 1.9 10,202 93.3 72.0 2.1
Medicare and private 20,912 95.6 76.5 1.4 20,648 94.8 75.0 1.2
Medicare and other public 4,244 94.3 80.0 2.3 3,788 94.2 75.3 2.5
Family incomec Negative/poor 37,707 75.7 76.8 1.3 35,618 75.3 75.5 1.3
Near poor/low 53,964 77.2 78.8 1.0 52,639 75.7 75.2 1.2
Middle 93,355 80.0 76.9 1.2 91,063 81.6 72.9 1.0
High 108,500 84.7 78.3 0.8 108,862 85.4 76.8 0.7
Residence locationd Metropolitan-large 161,040 78.8 78.5 0.8 157,991 79.6 74.4 0.7
Metropolitan-small 82,408 82.6 77.7 1.3 83,641 82.9 76.6 1.3
Micropolitan 31,423 83.0 77.4 1.8 31,057 82.8 76.1 1.5
Noncore-adjacent 12,945 82.8 73.2 4.0 10,568 84.4 73.6 2.7
Noncore-not adjacent 5,711 87.0 73.6 4.0 4,925 86.7 72.3 4.0
Perceived health status Excellent/very good/good 259,993 79.8 77.4 0.7 255,683 80.5 74.9 0.6
Fair/poor 31,643 87.7 80.6 0.9 30,511 87.6 77.2 1.1

a Includes persons age 18 and over. Less than high school refers to fewer than 12 years of education; high school graduate, 12 years of education; and at least some college, more than 12 years of education.

b Employment status for persons ages 18-64 only.

c Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

d For more information, see the MEPS entry in Appendix A, Data Sources.

e Numbers may not add to total due to missing data or rounding.

f Percent with usual source of care, excluding missing values.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; NHOPI: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care