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Top 10 Key Elements of an Effective Export Management and Compliance Program (EMCP)

The Office of Exporter Services’ Export Management and Compliance Division has identified 10 key elements of an effective EMCP. These elements are:

  1. Management Commitment & a Corporate Culture of Compliance
  1. Competent and Responsible Personnel at Sufficient Levels Within the Corporation
  1. Compliance Awareness & Training Program
  1. Written Operating Compliance Guidelines
  1. Cradle To Grave License Management
  1. Compliance Safeguards Throughout the Supply Chain
  1. Record Keeping [EAR Part 762]
  1. Continuous Risk Assessment & Audit Program
  1. Policies and Procedures For Corrective Action
  1. Internal/External Notification & Voluntary Self Disclosure Procedures

See BIS’s seminar schedule for EMCP training seminars offered to assist in developing or enhancing your organization’s EMCP.

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