Sent on August 21, 2007 SAMHSA Health Information Network eNetwork Archives

SAMHSA eNetwork

Tools You Can Use

The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) announces the availability of a new brochure, Drugs, Alcohol and HIV/AIDS: A Consumer Guide for African Americans.

This brochure is for substance abuse treatment counselors to use with or distribute to African American clients who may be involved in risky behaviors associated with HIV/AIDS.

Order your free copy now!

A version of the brochure above is also available for general audiences.
Drugs, Alcohol and HIV/AIDS - A Consumer Guide-for general audiences (PHD1126)

Visit to find additional products (print and online) developed under CSAT's Knowledge Application Program (KAP).

Act Now
Order today! Contact SAMHSA's Health Information Network:
1-800-487-4889 (TDD)

Check out the following sites for more information:

Tip for Using Materials

Distribute brochures during World AIDS Day events on December 1, 2007.