American Samoa Small Business Development Center
American Samoa Community College
American Samoa
Community College
US Small Business Administration
Association of Small Business Development Centers
Our Location

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Vision Statement
The American Samoa Small Business Development Center is committed to providing quality training and counseling that enables entrepreneurs and the business community to be successful builders and leaders in the Territory’s future.

The Center will cultivate the process of life-long learning by exploiting world class training materials and technology as tools that enhance human potential. We will empower clients and instructors to collaborate in the self-directed process of learning. Their work together will promote excellence and enrich our lives.
Mission Statement

To enhance economic growth and assist individuals in American Samoa by developing entrepreneurial skills among small businesses and the broader community through counseling, training, research, advocacy and other resources and activities.

Business in Am. Samoa

© 2008 American Samoa Small Business Development Center

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.  The American Samoa Small Business Development Center was created as result of an American Samoa Community College (ASCC) and U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Partnership.  Neither SBA funding nor that from ASCC is an endorsement of any products, opinions or services.  SBA and ASCC Programs are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.