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Financial Institution Employee's Guide to Deposit Insurance

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Examples of Insurance Coverage of Groups of Accounts
Deposit Insurance Coverage Resources
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Deposit Insurance Coverage Resources

The informational resources on deposit insurance coverage are described below. These resources can be found on the FDIC's web site at www.fdic.gov/deposit/deposits.

FDIC Videos:

  • FDIC's Overview on Deposit Insurance Coverage
    This video provides a basic overview of how FDIC deposit insurance works. It focuses on the most common account ownership categories used by individuals and families. In addition to viewing the video on FDIC's web site, it is available to bankers on VHS, DVD, and CD-ROM. The video is available in English and Spanish with closed captioning for the hearing impaired.

  • FDIC's Seminar on Deposit Insurance Coverage
    This seminar video is a comprehensive presentation on deposit insurance coverage, explaining in detail the rules and requirements for all account ownership categories, with illustrated examples. In addition to viewing the video on the FDIC's web site, it is available to bankers on VHS, DVD, and CD-ROM. All versions have an option to view the transcript in English or Spanish.

  • Seminar on Deposit Insurance Resources for Bankers
    This seminar demonstrates how an insured-bank can use the FDIC's many deposit insurance tools and resources to help employees explain FDIC insurance coverage to depositors. It presents the insurance coverage for self-directed retirement accounts, employee benefit plan accounts and accounts held by living trusts. This seminar is in English and only available on the FDIC web site.

Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator

  • EDIE-Online Version is a user friendly internet application that can help bank customers learn about deposit insurance and calculate insurance coverage of their accounts. Two formats are offered:

    1. The "Walk Me Through" format is a step-by-step approach that helps users estimate their coverage by entering information about their accounts at an FDIC-insured institution.

    2. The "Calculator" format is an all-inclusive approach that allows users to enter all necessary information on one screen.

    After entering all data, EDIE will generate a printable report clearly showing the amount of insurance coverage for the user's accounts. EDIE-Online Version is available only through the FDIC's web site at www2.fdic.gov/edie/. Financial institutions can place a link to EDIE-Online Version on their internet or intranet to make it easily available to their employees.

  • EDIE-Banker Version allows financial institution personnel to estimate insurance coverage of customer's accounts quickly and easily. EDIE-Banker Version can be used to calculate the insurance coverage of single, retirement, joint, living trust/ITF/POD and business/organization accounts.

    EDIE-Banker Version is not available online. Bankers can download EDIE-Banker Version from the FDIC website or order a CD-ROM using an online order form. The CD-ROM version may be copied onto a PC hard drive or loaded onto an institution's Intranet or Network. EDIE-Banker Version, on CD-ROM, does not require an internet connection.

Inventory of Deposit Insurance Guidance (IDIG)

IDIG is an electronic job aid for bank employees that compiles — in one location — an inventory of FDIC guidance on deposit insurance coverage. IDIG can search its database for deposit insurance information categorized by topic. It has links to all FDIC deposit insurance publications and other resources. IDIG also has a detailed list of questions and answers and an "A to Z" glossary of terms. This resource tool is available on CD-ROM.

FDIC Deposit Insurance Brochures and Guides

  • Insuring Your Deposits explains the basic and most common ownership categories of insurance coverage, including individual accounts, self-directed retirement accounts, joint accounts and revocable trust accounts. Most depositors will find that this guide meets their need for information about deposit insurance coverage.

  • Your Insured Deposits explains all of the deposit insurance categories (including living trust accounts). It is especially useful for large depositors, those with unusual deposit insurance requirements, and bankers who are assisting depositors with deposit insurance questions.

  • Financial Institution Employee's Guide to Deposit Insurance is the most comprehensive reference the FDIC provides on the rules for deposit insurance coverage. This guide has a detailed discussion on each account ownership category and provides numerous examples of deposit insurance coverage for different deposit account situations with differing levels of complexity.

Last Updated 03/06/2007 supervision@fdic.gov

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