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Project Summary

Atlantic White Cedar Ecosystem Restoration

Regional Map

1. Project Identification

Name Atlantic White Cedar Ecosystem Restoration
Region Southeast
State North Carolina
Location Dare County, NC
Date of this update  

2. Problem(s) addressed (check one or more)

Habitat Restoration/Protection  
 River systems
 Offshore areas
Assisting Species at Risk
Pollution Mitigation
 Non-Point Source Pollution
Other (describe)  

3. Project Description (100 words or less. Please include qualitative information, e.g. acres of habitat restored, miles of steam reopened to migration, and legislative authorization, e.g. WRDA, ISTEA, CWA/NEP, CZMA, etc.)

Atlantic White Cedar habitat in Dare County, and Dare County Air Force Range, following logging operations which began in the 1800s and continued until 1989, has not been able to reestablish itself. This project evaluates the ecological factors in known cedar habitats that are critical to successful natural reforestation. Using this knowledge, the project is developing test plots areas where critical ecological conditions are introduced or modified. A variety of methods of introducing cedar (e.g. cones, seeds, seedlings) will be evaluated. Ultimately the project will produce guidelines for preparing and restocking traditional cedar ecosystems. 3,000 acres of Atlantice white cedar forest habitat will actually be restored using these guidelines. Preliminary surveys are complete, and test plots are being developed.

Partners with the Air Force are: the FWS, the US Forest Service (USFS), the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources (NCDFR) and North Carolina State University (NCSU). The FWS provided endangered species and habitat management guidance on the project, under the Endangered Species Act, and is working with the USFS, NCDFR and the NCSU to provide joint guidance on potential restoration methodologies. Additionally, the NCSU will develop, guide and document the project=s research efforts in collaboration with the FWS and the NCDFR.

4. Goals/Benefits (quantify where possible using measures of success list)

100 acres have been hand planted with Atlantic whited cedar seedlings

Was a cost-benefit study conducted for this project? yes/no If yes, provide a summary of findings.


5. Partners (include each participant's responsibilities - funding, permitting, etc.)

6. Funding/Contributions (organization and amount)

7. Legislative authorities used by each participant


8. Value added by Coastal America Partnership including Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) goals achieved through this collaboration (500 words or less)

  1. Would the project have been undertaken by a single agency?


  2. IF YES: How was the project different as a Coastal America Partnership Project than it would have been as a single agency project? (e.g. size and scope, funding, time frame, etc.)

9. Project Status

Initiation date 1992
Completion date 1998
Current stage Underway

10. Contacts

11. Any additional information/comments

As a result of this project and exceptional interest in the Atlantic white cedar species, a workshop was held during August 1995. More than 24 current research and demonstration projects were presented to approximately 80 participants representing the eastern seaboard from Georgia to New Jersey. Also, the Atlantic White Cedar Alliance was formed to promote wide-ranging interests including conservation, preservation, restoration, management, and utilization of this species and the ecological communities in which it occurs.

This page was last updated on Saturday, 24-Jun-2000 11:48:49 EDT
Coastal America * Coastal America Regions
Coastal America Reporters Building 300 7th Street, SW Suite 680 Washington, DC 20250
(202) 401-9928 * (202) 401-9821 (FAX)
comments to lawrencea@fas.usda.gov