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STEP 2: Assess Performance

Understanding current and past energy use is how many organizations identify opportunities to improve energy performance and gain financial benefits.

Assessing performance is the periodic process of evaluating energy use for all major facilities and functions in the organization and establishing a baseline for measuring future results of efficiency efforts.

Key aspects include:

Data Collection and Management


Gather and track data — Collect energy use information and document data over time.

Baselining and Benchmarking


Establish baselines — Determine the starting point from which to measure progress.


Benchmark — Compare the energy performance of your facilities to each other, peers and competitors, and over time to prioritize which facilities to focus on for improvements.

Analysis and Evaluation


Analyze — Understand your energy use patterns and trends.


Technical assessments and audits — Evaluate the operating performance of facility systems and equipment to determine improvement potential.

Assessing your energy performance helps you to:

  • Categorize current energy use by fuel type, operating division, facility, product line, etc.
  • Identify high performing facilities for recognition and replicable practices.
  • Prioritize poor performing facilities for immediate improvement.
  • Understand the contribution of energy expenditures to operating costs.
  • Develop a historical perspective and context for future actions and decisions.
  • Establish reference points for measuring and rewarding good performance.