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picture of computer and phone VoIP

Internet Voice, also known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make telephone calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line.

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Wireless LNP is a wireless consumer's ability to change service providers within the same local area and still keep the same phone number.

travel picture Telephone
Travel Tips

One thing you may not think about is the best way to keep in  touch with friends and family while away. Consumers have many calling options available while on vacation.

Word | Acrobat

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While technology has great potential to teach the nation's children, it also has the power to shape their lives and opinions.The FCC has an array of information to help parents deal with, decipher, and monitor the communications that their children can access.

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The FCC has adopted limits for safe exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy. These limits are given in terms of a unit referred to as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).

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The FCC has specific responsibilities pursuant to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and other related statutes to evaluate the impact of its actions on the quality of the human environment.

accessibility symbols Section 504 Accessibility Handbook

The Section 504 Handbook is a collection of guidelines, information, and procedures to ensure that the Commission is accessible to individuals with disabilities. The content of the handbook is designed to assist Commission personnel in their efforts to provide such accessibility.

picture of upset man on phone Controlling Wireless Spam

The Commission has adopted rules to protect consumers and businesses from unwanted electronic mail messages on wireless devices such as mobile phones.  

Download Registered Domain Names

Domain Name Data Entry for Wireless Providers Only

tree bending in hurricane Hurricane Emergency Information

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has created these pages to provide crucial emergency information for consumers, communications industries, and state and local governments in the areas affected by a hurricane.

moving mouse - broadband high speed internet Broadband: High Speed Internet

Broadband provides access to the highest quality Internet services—streaming media, VoIP (Internet phone), gaming, and interactive services.


last reviewed/updated on 09/04/08 

For comments or questions pertaining to CGB web pages, please e-mail rgoldbla@fcc.gov

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