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Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center

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    Outdoor Activities
Explore your backyard Visiting Nature
What kind of tree is in your backyard?
Does it bear edible fruit?
Nature Scavenger Hunt Individual or team fun
Make a list of nature things that your family or friends can collect.
Make teams, if you have numerous people and items to collect on your list.
It'll surely be an adventure
Bird Calls Look and listen to the birds in your neighborhood.
Learn to identify the distinct individual sounds of one bird to another
Check your local library and see if they have bird book and audio cassettes that you can borrow.
Wow your friends by being able to identify a bird before it comes into view
Mystery Guessing Bag Test your sense of touch !
Collect nature items from your backyard and put them in a brown paper bag.
Let your friends touch the items and guess what they are without looking
Take turn collecting the items and making a guessing bag for each other
Do not use things that will prick, stick, sting or hurt someone!
Remember, if you would not want to touch it, don't put it in the bag.
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Page Last Modified: Friday, February 16, 2007