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Gbadebo A. Oladosu

Energy Analysis Group
Environmental Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6036
Phone:  (865)576-2485
Fax:  (865)576-3989


Ph.D., Energy and Environmental Economics, Pennsylvania State University, USA, 2000 Dissertation: "A Non-Market Computable General Equilibrium Model for Economic Analysis of Climate Change in the Susquehanna River Basin."

B.Sc., Agricultural Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, 1989.

Professional Interests  [ Top ]

My research interests are in the application of economic principles and quantitative methods to the analysis of resource and environmental issues. The principal topical areas are highlighted below:

  • Climate change impacts and mitigation: Evaluation of the socioeconomic aspects of climate variability and change, and the policies, technologies and programs designed to mitigate global warming. An innovative area of this research topic is the design of tools to analyze the impacts and policy aspects of climate change in a unified frawework to enable a cost-benefit analysis of climate change.
  • Energy use and supply: Analysis of energy markets, such as cost effectiveness analysis of different energy supply configurations, explanation of the determinants of energy demand and price, and evaluation of energy policy alternatives. An additional aspect of this research area is the environmental implications of different energy demand and supply scenarios.
  • Welfare analysis of resource and environmental policies and programs: Evaluation of the welfare impacts of policies aimed at addressing resource and environmental issues, such as energy security, air quality, and water quality among others. Since the ultimate objective of any policy or program is to improve society’s welfare, this research area is aimed at providing insights into the effectiveness, efficiency and equity implications of policy and program options in the decision-making process.
  • Promotion of environmental friendly technologies: Forecasting future energy and environmental scenarios under various technological possibilities, and evaluating the conditions (policies, programs, etc) necessary for adoption of environmental friendly technologies.

Curriculum Vitae   [ Top ]

November 2006

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