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Ginnie Mae Ongoing Assignment of Unique Loan IDs File Layout - June 2008 forward

Ginnie Mae's Unique Loan IDs are being published to issuers for application of those IDs to their systems as announced in APM 08-02. These files are organized by issuer ID and are available as follows:

  • One-Time Assignment of Unique Loan IDs - A one-time set of active loans reported to Ginnie Mae as of April 2008 reporting. This downloadable file is available in e-Access.
  • Ongoing Assignment of Unique Loan IDs - Beginning in May 2008 (and for every month thereafter), Ginnie Mae will publish these files on a daily and monthly basis. Both daily and monthly files will be available in e-Notification.
    • bullet Daily - Upon pool settlement/certification, Unique Loan ID files for those pools will be available
      at the end of the day that they settle/are certified.

      bullet Monthly - This is a file containing all of the Unique Loan IDs for a given month. This will be
      posted to e-Notification at the close of business on the last business day of the month.

Unique Loan ID file layouts for the One-Time and Ongoing Assignment are listed below:

Please Click Here for instructions for accessing the Ongoing Unique Loan ID files assigned during the month of May 2008.


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