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Project Summary

Tangier Island, Shoreline Protection and Aquatic Restoration Studies

Mid-Atlantic Regional Map

1. Project Identification

Name Tangier Island, Shoreline Protection and Aquatic Restoration Studies
Region Mid-Atlantic
State Virginia
Location Pocomoc Sound, Accomack County
Date of this update December, l998

2. Problem(s) addressed (check one or more)

Loss of Habitat: Extensive shoreline erosion and associated increase in suspended solids has led to a rapid loss of submerged aquatic vegetation in offshore areas in the last several years.
Habitat Restoration/Protection  
 Wetlands X
 River systems
 Offshore areas
Assisting Species at Risk
Pollution Mitigation
 Non-Point Source Pollution
Other (describe)  

3. Project Description (100 words or less. Please include qualitative information, e.g. acres of habitat restored, miles of steam reopened to migration, and legislative authorization, e.g. WRDA, ISTEA, CWA/NEP, CZMA, etc.)

The Island is losing shoreline and acreage at an extremely rapid rate due to the low elevation, loss of nearshore vegetation and reef structure. Rapid erosion rates generate increased suspended solids in nearshore waters leading to losses of Submerged Aquatic Vascular (SAVs) plants. The studies will address potential shoreline protection/restoration projects to help protect the rapidly eroding island from additional losses. Where possible, the projects will utilize trapping of suspended sediment behind breakwaters or jetties and beneficial use of dredged material etc. to reduce sediment loads and promote increased habitat suitability for SAV habitats. Potential options may include habitat restoration projects (both water and land), and possible hardened shoreline structures or offshore breakwaters. These options would consist of shoreline projects within the scale and domain of the Corps' Continuing Authorities Program, and a fourth site with the potential for possible inter-tidal oyster bar or reef, with an SAV planting behind it (conceptual at this point, but an idea the team should find interesting).

4. Goals/Benefits (quantify where possible using measures of success list)

Ideally this project will fit into a currently conceptual plan for a complete NOAA Tangier/Pocomoke Sound Sustainable Healthy Coasts Initiative that will address all issues including habitat protection/ restoration, sustainable fisheries, preservation of the islands unique cultural and historical significance, long-term economic viability and sustainability of the island's economy and workforce, and ultimately preservation of the island itself.

Was a cost-benefit study conducted for this project? yes/no If yes, provide a summary of findings.

5. Partners (include each participant's responsibilities - funding, permitting, etc.)

6. Funding/Contributions (organization and amount)

7. Legislative authorities used by each participant

Possible authorities include Section 103 of the River and Harbor Act of 1962, as amended (Shoreline Protection), Section 206 of WRDA 96 (Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration), and Section 510, PL 104-303 Chesapeake Bay Environmental Restoration and Protection Program.

8. Value added by Coastal America Partnership including Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) goals achieved through this collaboration (500 words or less)

Immediate benefits would be from practical experience gained by CA partners in similar undertakings in the East Coast. The project would further benefit from the extensive coordination that the other partners would bring from other regional restoration efforts (Smith Island, Saxis Island, Poplar Island). This coordination would gain valuable insight into efforts of these programs that may have direct bearing on reducing costs or increasing overall efficiency and success. The coordination would also assist in the overall project review and help to extend this type of restoration to other areas of the Chesapeake Bay outside the jurisdiction of the Island of Tangier.

9. Project Status

Initiation date No Dates Available
Completion date  
Current stage  

10. Contacts

11. Any additional information/comments

The local sponsors strongly support these studies. Congressman Bateman has been extremely strong in advocating projects for the Island of Tangier and has previously been successful in obtaining appropriations for such projects. Since this initiative is new, there have been only a few routine verbal communications with the Congressman's staff regarding the status of the potential project, and no official communication has been received from the Congressman. The District Engineer and two of his senior staff briefed the Congressman in March 1998. A Tangier Sound Shoreline Erosion/Habitat restoration project linking the efforts proposed for nearby Smith Island and Saxis Island would complement efforts to restore extensive wetlands and seagrass habitats in this low island complex. This area contains the highest concentration of Submerged Aquatic Vascular (SAV) Habitat in the Chesapeake Bay. These habitats are essential as blue crab and sea trout nurseries.

This page was last updated on Saturday, 24-Jun-2000 11:48:47 EDT
Coastal America * Coastal America Regions
Coastal America Reporters Building 300 7th Street, SW Suite 680 Washington, DC 20250
(202) 401-9928 * (202) 401-9821 (FAX)
comments to lawrencea@fas.usda.gov