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Project Summary

Sedge Islands Protection

Regional Map

1. Project ID  
  • Name
Sedge Islands Protection
  • Region
Mid Atlantic Region
  • State
New Jersey
  • Location
Barneget Inlet, Ocean City
  • Date of this update
Habitat Restoration/Protection  
 Wetlands  X
 River systems  X
 Beaches/Dunes X
 Offshore areas
Assisting Species at Risk
Pollution Mitigation
 Non-Point Source Pollution
Other (describe)  

3. Project description (100 words or less)

The recommended plan and proposed modification propose the conservation of Little Bay by protection of approximately 1,028 acres of wetlands and intertidal and sub-tidal zones through a structural alternative. The project that will be constructed is the placement of sand-filled geotextile containers across the flood-tidal delta at the North Channel. This dune would be connected to the existing dunes on either side of the breach by two return dunes. The total length of dunes would be approximately 2,550 feet. Constructing the dune in this manner would take advantage of the volume of sand in the existing flood-tidal delta and attenuate tidal currents in the vicinity of the North Channel.

4. Goals/Benefits (quantify where possible using measures of success list) Was a cost-benefit study conducted for this project? yes/no If yes, provide a summary of findings.

The benefits will accrue from the protection of the valuable waterfowl fisheries habitat. The protection of Sedge Islands will support the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, by the conservation of the valuable habitat for the Federally designated or candidate species. The proposed project will protect the approximately 1,028 acres of existing tidal marsh, shallow water, beach and dune habitats that are currently threatened. The project will create 19 acres of beach and dune and 14 acres of protected shallow water habitat by year 30 of the project life. The numbers of colonial and beach nesting birds using the area are expected to increase with the accretion of additional beach and dune. Beach and dune habitat suitable for nesting is increasingly scarce and dredged material areas are frequently utilized as nesting habitat by these species. The restoration project is expected to positively affect the identified Federally listed species as well as state protected species by preserving existing habitat and creating additional habitat for nesting and foraging. The project will serve to restore quiescent conditions favorable to the existing SAV beds in Sedge Islands and Little Bay, and protect existing beds from potential damage resulting from further changes in the hydrologic regime.

5. Partners (include each participant's responsibilities - funding, permitting, etc.)

Federal Lead: EPA

Non Federal: State government NJDEP
Local government
Private industry
Public interest groups
Educational Facility

6. Funding/Contributions (organization and amount)

	  Cash	Federal
			Non Federal 	State government
					Local government
					Private industry
					Public interest groups


	  In-Kind Services (hours, equipment, or other forms of assistance and estimated dollar 	 value)

	  Volunteers (number of people and hours, and estimated dollar value)

7. Legislative authorities used by each participant

8. Value added by Coastal America Partnership including Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) goals achieved through this collaboration (500 words or less)

9. Project Status


  • Project Manager
  • Others

11. Any additional information/comments