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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Biking in Albuquerque

In and around the City there are trails, bike routes, and paths that provide the rider with both scenic and practical alternatives to motorized travel. Biking is fun, good exercise, and clean transportation.

Consider commuting by bicycle to work. The City has one of the most extensive bike way systems in the country. Watch Mayor Chavez's public service announcement about bicycling to work. (.wmv file, 101K)

Download a copy of the new 2007 Albuquerque Bike Map. (.pdf)
Side one HERE (.pdf 13MB)

Side two HERE (.pdf 2MB)

Email here to have a hard copy of the new CABQ Bike Map mailed to you. Please include your postal mailing address.

There are 2 City committees that deal with bicycle issues: Greater Abq Bicycling Advisory Committee (GABAC) and the Greater Abq Recreational Trails Committee (GARTC).

Bicycle Planning

Read the Comprehensive on-street bicycle plan. (.pdf)
Technical Appendices (.pdf)


Rules of the Road:

  • Before riding out of a driveway into the street, stop and look left, right, and left again for traffic.
  • Ride on the right-hand side of the street in the same direction as the flow of automobile traffic.
  • When riding with others, ride single file. Stop at all stop signs and look left, right, and left again for traffic.
  • Use reflectors and bicycle lights (required for night riding).
  • Know the law! Read the ordinances leaving, click for disclaimer that pertain to bicycles (see Traffic Code).

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