FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2002-29 Carol Stacey Named Chief Accountant of the Division of Corporation Finance Washington, DC, February 27, 2002 - The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced the selection of Carol A. Stacey as chief accountant of the Division of Corporation Finance. Stacey will be the principal advisor to Alan Beller, director of the Division, on accounting and auditing matters and will work closely with Robert Herdman, the Commission's chief accountant in revising and modernizing our accounting and financial disclosure system. Beller said, "I am extremely pleased that Carol will be the chief accountant in the Division of Corporation Finance. Throughout her career, she has shown outstanding technical skills and sound judgment and I am delighted to have her as my advisor on accounting issues. She is exceptionally qualified to take the lead in modernizing our disclosure system." Herdman, the Commission's chief accountant added, "I am pleased that I will have the opportunity to work closely with Carol in implementing Chairman Pitt's regulatory reform initiatives and modernization of the financial disclosure requirements. We will work together to ensure consistency of the staff's voice on accounting matters." Stacey joined the Division of Corporation Finance in 1996. She received a Master's degree in accounting from Virginia Polytechnic and State University and a B.S. in accounting from Bentley College in Waltham, MA. She has been a certified public accountant since 1987. # # #