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Legislative Committee

rainbow line graphic
Committee Members:

Beatrice J. S. Lapisto-Kirtley, Chair - Los Angeles County, Eastern Region Representative
Jane W. Carney, Vice Chair - Senate Rules Committee Representative
Michael D. Antonovich - Los Angeles County Representative
Dr. William A. Burke - Speaker of the Assembly Appointee
Dr. S. Roy Wilson - Riverside County Representative

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Legislative Committee Calendar

2002 Legislative Committee 2003 Legislative Committee
Month Agenda Month Agenda

January 18

Document graphic

January 17

Document graphic
February 8 Document graphic February 14 Document graphic
March 8 Document graphic March 14 Document graphic
April 12 Document graphic April 11 Document graphic
May 10 Document graphic May  9 Document graphic
June 14 Document graphic June 13 Document graphic
July 19 Document graphic July 18 Document graphic
August 9 Document graphic August 8 Document graphic
September 20 Document graphic September 12 Document graphic
October 11 Document graphic October 10 Document graphic
November 8 Document graphic November 14 Document graphic
December 13 Document graphic December 12 Document graphic

Question About An Agenda Item?


  • The Name of the appropriate staff person to call for additional information or to resolve concerns is listed for each agenda item.
  • In preparation for the meeting, you are encouraged to obtain whatever clarifying information may be needed to allow the Committee to move expeditiously in its deliberations.


This page updated: January 04, 2006