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Frito-Lay Inc.:

Step 4 - Create Action Plan

Partner Profile

Frito-Lay is a division of PepsiCo and manufactures many food products including the Lays, Fritos, and Doritos Brands.  PepsiCo divisions include Pepsi-Cola, Quaker Foods, Gatorade and Tropicana.  Frito-Lay has been an ENERGY STAR partner since 2003, and is headquartered in Plano, TX.  Frito-Lay operates 33 manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and owns the 6th largest truck fleet in the U.S. 

Industrial Partner Since 1998

Awards & Recognition

  • Partner of the Year 2006

« See all Frito-Lay Inc. In Practice Stories

Frito-Lay Inc.

Contact Information:
Frito-Lay Inc.
7701 Legacy Drive
Plano, TX 75024-4099

In Practice

4: Create Action Plan

See this Guideline Step

Setting targets to ensure goals are met

Corporate energy goals can only be met if each facility does their part to meet the goal, but many companies struggle to set facility-level goals.  In Frito-Lay's energy program, each facility must create its own action plan, called a "playbook."  Playbooks must be designed to deliver 150% of the facility's energy target, thereby accounting for potential delays or projects that do not deliver sufficient energy savings.  Playbooks are further refined with support from regional energy captains and Frito-Lay's energy department.  Each item in the playbook states the project's potential for savings, financial value, project leader, completion period, as well as necessary support or funding.  An audit of each action item is conducted upon its implementation to verify the delivery of estimated conservation and savings.  When projects require capital investments the energy director works with the facility and corporate financing departments to ensure adequate funding.  This management tactic keeps Frito-Lay on track to meet their long-term goal of reducing fuel use by 30% and improving electricity efficiency by 25%.

4.2: Determine Roles and Resources

While many energy projects guarantee substantial, long-term savings, their payback potential is usually assessed using timelines that are more appropriate for other types of investments.  As a result, energy projects often do not get the funding that they need to get off the ground.  Frito-Lay's energy manager works closely with senior financial management as part of the company's energy policy and has been able to demonstrate that most energy projects have less risk and higher success rates than other types of projects.  As a result, senior management has lowered the hurdle rates for energy projects and increased the acceptable simple payback for energy projects.    

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