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Take the Next Step on Earth Day with ENERGY STAR

A variety of peopleBeginning on Earth Day, April 22, 2008, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will ask consumers to do even more than change a light to fight global warming when it launches the year-long "Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR" campaign. Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR builds on the success of the ENERGY STAR Change a Light, Change the World campaign, which inspired more than a million Americans to make simple energy-efficient changes in their homes. Now EPA is asking Americans to join the fight against global warming by pledging to try new actions at home and work, and then share their stories to inspire others.

Pledge to Save Everyday

The ENERGY STAR pledge builds on the success of the ENERGY STAR Change a Light pledge by challenging every American to "do more" where they live, work, play, worship, or educate their children. This year, people can pledge to make energy-saving improvements throughout their homes.

Americans looking to make a difference, save energy, and fight global warming can change a light, enable sleep settings on their computers, install a programmable thermostat, purchase an ENERGY STAR qualified product, and much more. If every American household took part in this new ENERGY STAR pledge, we would save more than $18 billion in annual energy costs, and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of more than 18 million cars. Every product or practice changed is a step in the right direction.

Both individuals and organizations can play a role by setting their own pledge goals and inviting others in their communities to join the movement. Individuals can use the pledge to see how simple actions can make a big difference in reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming. Organizations can join as pledge drivers by encouraging employees and others to take the pledge and track their results. This demonstrates the difference their participation is making to preserve our nation's energy resources and fight global warming.

Learn more about becoming a pledge driver. Join the growing movement by encouraging others to take the pledge. Pledge drivers can check their progress online throughout the year.

Tell Us How You Save

Americans are already taking steps every day to become more energy efficient and fight global warming, and they are sharing their stories with EPA. Paul and Maude Rittman of North Florida built a wood stove located in the central part of their house to maximize heat for the entire home, and use central air conditioning only from 2p.m. to 7p.m. on very hot days. Their next step is replacing all the light bulbs in their house to CFLs-a Father's Day present for Paul.

EPA encourages Americans to join Paul and Maude in the fight against global warming by sharing their experiences. By viewing stories from real people about how they've changed their homes and behaviors to more energy-efficient practices, Americans can get ideas on simple actions to protect the environment. Visit www.energystar.gov/changetheworld to see all the steps other Americans have taken to help fight global warming and then share your own story!



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