Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section
United States Department of Justice

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Appendix G

Intellectual Property Contact List

1. Federal Law Enforcement Contacts
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)
Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice
1301 New York Avenue NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20530
tel: 202-514-1026
Fax: 202-514-6113
Prosecution of, and guidance, support, resources, and materials for prosecuting domestic and international criminal intellectual property offenses; development of intellectual property enforcement policy; and support and oversight of the federal prosecution of intellectual property crimes.
National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 3.5A
Washington, DC 20229
tel: 202-344-2410
Fax: 202-344-1920
Joint center to coordinate interagency efforts on criminal intellectual property enforcement by ICE and the FBI.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Cyber Crime Fraud Unit
Leslie Bryant - Chief
J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20535
tel: 202-324-5613
Fax: 202-324-9197
Responsible for all IPR and Internet fraud investigations; support and oversight of the FBI's IPR enforcement program.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)
1300 Pennsylvania Avene NW
Washington, DC 20229 U.S. Postal Inspection Service
Mail Fraud Group
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 3411
Washington, DC 20260
tel: 202-268-4267
Fax: 202-268-7316
Support and oversight of Postal Inspection Service's mail fraud enforcement nationwide, including investigation of intellectual property crimes committed by use of the mails.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Office of Criminal Investigations
7500 Standish Place, Suite 250N
Rockville, MD 20855
tel: 301-294-4030
Fax: 301-594-1971
Support and oversight of FDA's enforcement of violations of laws related to mislabeled foods, drugs, and cosmetics.
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814
tel: 301-504-7923; 800-638-2772
Fax: 301-504-0124
Dennis Blasius
Special Assistant to the Deputy Director
Office of Compliance and Field Operations
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
2331 Silvernail Road #24
Pewaukee, WI 53072
tel: 262-650-1216
Fax: 262-650-1217
cell: 414-899-8802
Has jurisdiction over approximately 15,000 types of consumer products, including coffee makers, electrical cords, toys, baby seats and cribs. Investigates leads into possible hazardous products; develops voluntary standards with industry, issues and enforces mandatory standards; and bans products if no feasible standard will adequately protect the public.
National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
1 Huntington Way
Fairmont, WV 26554
tel: 800-251-3221; 304-363-4312; complaint center: 800-251-7581
Fax: 304-363-9065
Partnership between NW3C and FBI. Allows victims to report fraud over the Internet; alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations; offers law enforcement and regulatory agencies a central repository for complaints related to Internet fraud.
2. Federal International Contacts
U.S. Department of Justice State Department Information on Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties

U.S. Trade Representative's List of Nations that Fail to Provide Adequate IP Protection
Annual Special 301 Report

3. Trademark Organization Contacts
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Director of the USPTO
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
Tel.: 800-786-9199

Provides information on obtaining certified copies of trademark registration. To obtain a copy of a certified trademark registration:
International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC)
Niles Montan
1725 K Street NW, Suite 411
Washington, DC 20006
Tel.: 202-223-6667
Fax: 202-223-6668
Represents trademark industries affected by counterfeiting.
International Trademark Association (INTA)
Saisal Daudpota
External Relations Coordinator, Anti-Counterfeiting
655 Third Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10017-5617
Tel.: 212-642-1739
Fax: 212-768-7796
Represents trademark owners in all industries.
4. Copyright Organization Contacts
Library of Congress Copyright Office
Certifications & Documents
LM 402
101 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20559
Tel.: 202-707-6787
Retains files of registered copyrights and unpublished works; provides information on obtaining copies of copyright registrations.
The Independent Film & Television Alliance (I.F.T.A.)
Susan Cleary
Vice President & General Counsel
10850 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90024-4321
Tel.: 310-446-1000
Fax: 310-446-1600
Represents the independent motion picture and television industry.
Association of American Publishers (AAP)
Patricia L. Judd
Executive Director
International Copyright Enforcement and Trade Policy
50 F Street NW, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20001
Tel.: 202-220-4541
Fax: 202-347-3690
Represents publishers of reference works; scientific medical, technical, professional, and scholarly books and journals; and classroom instructional and testing materials in print and electronic formats.
Business Software Alliance (BSA)
John Wolfe
Director Internet Enforcement
1150 18th Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Tel.: 202-872-5500; 202-872-5122
Fax: 202-872-5501
Represents major software and e-commerce developers. Assists in identifying and locating victims, identifying and valuing infringing products, and technical assistance with copyright and copyright protection technologies; assists in obtaining copyright registration certificates.
Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
Chun T. Wright
Senior Anti-Piracy Counsel
575 7th Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20004
Tel.: 202-223-2400 ext. 108
Fax: 202-223-2401
New York office
Tel.: 917-522-3250
Represents companies that publish video and computer games for video consoles, personal computers and the Internet. Assists in identifying and locating victims, identifying and valuing infringing products, and technical assistance with copyright and copyright protection technologies; assists in obtaining copyright registration certificates.
International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA)
Steve Metalitz
Senior Vice President
1747 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 825
Washington, DC 20006-4637
Tel.: 202-833-4198
Fax: 202-872-0546
Coalition of seven U.S. associations working to improve international copyright protection and enforcement.
International Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI)
Eric Garduno
Executive Director
1100 H Street NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
Tel.: 202-544-6610
Fax: 202-478-1955
Organization dedicated to improving intellectual property systems around the world.
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
Mr. Dana Robert Colarulli
Government Relations and Legislative Counsel
1255 23rd Street NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20037
Tel.: 202-466-2396
Fax: 202-466-2893
Represents owners of intellectual property.
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
Mike Robinson
Director of U.S. Anti-Piracy
15503 Ventura Boulevard
Encino, CA 91436
Tel.: 818-995-6600
Fax: 818-382-1795
Bill Shannon
Deputy Director U.S. Anti-Piracy
Tel.: 718-518-8800 ext. 108
Cell: 917-731-5783
Represents the film and entertainment industry. Assists in identifying and locating victims, identifying and valuing infringing products, and technical assistance with copyright and copyright protection technologies; assists in obtaining copyright registration certificates.
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
Jonathan Whitehead
Senior Vice President, Online Copyright Protection
Anti-Piracy Unit
1330 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036
Tel.: 202-857-9602
Fax: 202-775-7253
Represents the United States recording industry. Assists in identifying and locating victims, identifying and valuing infringing products, and technical assistance with copyright and copyright protection technologies; assists in obtaining copyright registration certificates.
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)
Jeremy Banks
Vice President of Internet Anti-Piracy
IFPI Secretariat
54 Regent Street
United Kingdom
Tel.: 011-44-207-878-6804
Represents the worldwide recording industry's international organizations, legal strategies, litigation, and public relations. Co-ordinates international strategies in anti-piracy enforcement, technology, and lobbying of governments. IFPI and RIAA work closely together. RIAA recommends contacting it before contacting the IFPI.
Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)
1090 Vermont Avenue NW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-4095
Tel.: 202-289-7442
Fax: 202-289-7097
Keith Kupferschmid
Vice President, Intellectual Property Policy & Enforcement
Tel.: 202-789-4442
Jason Allen
Manager, Internet Anti-Piracy
Tel.: 202-789-4477
SIIA represents software companies and publishers of magazines, books, newspapers, databases and other digital publications. SIIA's mission is to protect, promote, and inform the software and content industry. Assists in identifying and locating victims, identifying and valuing infringing products, and technical assistance with copyright and copyright protection technologies; assists in obtaining copyright registration certificates.