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GOA Rockfish Pilot Program

While the Council is formulating a comprehensive rationalization program for all groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska to address similar problems in other fisheries, a short-term solution is needed to stabilize the community of Kodiak. Kodiak has experienced multiple processing plant closures, its residential work force is at risk due to shorter and shorter processing seasons and the community fish tax revenues continue to decrease as fish prices and port landings decrease. Congress recognized these problems and directed the Secretary in consultation with the Council, to implement a pilot rockfish program. all aspects of the economic portfolio of the fishery needs to recognized for the fishery to be rationalized. All the historical players – harvesters (both catcher vessels and catcher processors) and processors need to be recognized in a meaningful way. The demonstration program is designed as a short-term two-year program for immediate economic relief until comprehensive GOA rationalization can be implemented.

Rockfish Pilot Program
Rockfish Pilot Program CP July standown exemptions 6/08
Rockfish Pilot Program Review 6/08
GOA Rockfish pilot program motion. 6/08
CGOA rockfish post delivery transfers 6/07
Council Motion on GOA Rockfish 6/05
GOA Rockfish Pilot Program Elements and Options 6/05, Rockfish Analysis
Central GOA Rockfish Pilot Program Motion 4/05, Rockfish Discussion Paper 3/05
Rockfish Pilot Program February Council motion Clean version, Strikeout version 2/05
Rockfish Motion 12/04

Entire Rockfish program with 12/04 additions/changes
GOA Rockfish Council motion and changes 10/04
GOA Rockfish Discussion paper 10/04
Rockfish Motion 6/04, Entire Rockfish program with June 04 additions/changes
 April 04 motion, list of vessels,


605 West 4th, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2252 • Phone: (907)271-2809 • Fax: (907) 271-2817
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