US Coast Guard Racing StripeSES Flag

Mr. Jeffery G. Lantz

Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards
US Coast Guard

 Download PDF Download  Mr. Jeffery G. Lantz Jeff Lantz is Director, Commercial Regulations and Standards for the Coast Guard’s Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security and Stewardship. His responsibilities include the development of U.S. national maritime safety and environmental protection regulations and policies and overseeing U.S. initiatives in the development of international maritime safety, security and environmental protection standards. Mr. Lantz also oversees the Coast Guard’s program of verifying U.S. flag vessels comply with national and international safety, security and environmental protection engineering regulations and policies.

Mr. Lantz has represented the U.S. at International Maritime Organization (IMO) at the Maritime Safety Committee on numerous issues including maritime security, human element and passenger vessel safety. He also has served as head of delegation for numerous delegations including the Maritime Safety Committee and the Maine Environment Protection Committee.

He retired from active duty with the Coast Guard at the rank of Captain in 2001 after numerous assignments in marine safety, including Chief of the Office of Design and Engineering Standards and Commanding Officer of the Marine Safety Center . He graduated from the Coast Guard Academy in 1974 and the University of Michigan in 1978, where he obtained advanced degrees in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and in Mechanical Engineering.

Last Modified 7/30/2008