Climate Dynamics Group Projects 

Precipitable Water for January


  • SciDAC2 CCSM Consortium Project(2007-2012): A Scalable and Extensible Earth System Model PI: John Drake(ORNL) and Phil Jones(LANL). Sponsored by DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Climate Change Research Divsion under the Climate Change Prediction Program, Anjuli Bamzai, DOE program manager
  • SciDAC2 Scalability Project (SAP)_: An SAP associated with the SciDAC2 Science Application in Climate. PI: Pat Worley. Sponsored by DOE OASCR/MICS Office.
  • SciDAC2 Performance Research Project: Performance Evaluation Research Center. Co-I: Pat Worley. Sponsored by DOE OASCR/MICS Office.
  • Carbon Data Assimilation Project: PI: Steve Pawson (GMAO/NASA-Goddard), co-I: David Erickson. Sponsored by NASA
  • The Mesoamerica Project: Monitoring and modeling the climate of Central America. Sponsored by NASA and US AID.
  • Link to Forrest Hoffman's climate pages: Hosting the Carbon Land Model Intercomparison Project (C-LAMP), the Atmospheric Radiation and Measurment Project (ARM) and several U.S.D.A. Forest Service projects.

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