—— Newsflash: First beam delivered to MICE Hall (March 29-30, 2008) ——
— General Information —
Historical document on goals and preliminary design (A. Blondel)
Overview of the experiment and aspirational schedule
Executive Board, Technical Board and working group contacts
Collaborator list   Collaboration Board   Governance   Job openings
MICE-Notes   Technical Reference Document
MICE at RAL, RAL proposal and review process
— Upcoming Meetings —
MICE Video Conference (September 18, 2008)
MICO Meeting (September 22, 2008 - RAL)
MICE Analysis Phone Conference (September 23, 2008)
MICE Collaboration Meeting (October 19-22, 2008 - RAL)
-- More --
— Recent Meetings —
MICE Analysis Workshop (September 4, 2008 - RAL)
MICE Software Workshop (July 28-August 1, 2008 - Fermilab)
MICE Software School (July 14-18, 2008 - RAL)
MANX Collaboration Meeting (July 14-15, 2008 - Fermilab)
NuFact08 (June 30-July 5, 2008 - Valencia)
EPAC08 (June 23-27, 2008 - Genoa)
-- More --
— Communication —
Weekly news digest
Meeting Calendar
Speakers Bureau
Mailing Lists
Video and Phone Conferences
Collaboration Meetings
— Working Groups —
MICO (Installation, Commissioning, Operations)
Beam Dynamics — Beamline Engineering and Optics
Rf information and background issues
DetectorsTracker Module
Engineering IntegrationDesign & Safety WG
Absorber/Focus Coil Safety and AFC Module
— Links —
MuCool collaboration and test area for cooling R&D at Fermilab
European Neutrino Group and muon storage ring page at CERN
Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration page at BNL
UK Neutrino Factory and MICE-UK pages at RAL
Japanese Neutrino Factory page at KEK


Yağmur Torun XHTML1.0 September 15, 2008